Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 211 Ice Death

Chapter 211: Baili Bing’s Death (3)
Relying on the fact that he was the successor of the Golden Lotus Holy Land, Baili Bing was extremely arrogant and vicious, trying to take Feng Qianyun's life in vain.

Indeed, every move of Bailibing is ingenious, this is the strength of the ancient holy land, Bailibing has only learned the art for four or five years in the golden lotus holy land, and has achieved such an achievement.

"Die Yu, smile autumn wind."

This time, Feng Qianyun was more proficient in using this trick than before.

The move was completed in one go, like a gust of wind sweeping across, Baili Bing was hit on the chest suddenly, the strength of the peak Xuanjie hit her chest, forcing her to take several steps back, leaning against the edge of the roof to stand Steady, spit out a mouthful of blood.

"You, who are you?" Baili Bing couldn't believe that he just lost to an unknown junior, and he couldn't believe that this little bitch Feng Qianyun could win her.

"Who am I? Don't you know my name yet? Remember it, my name is Feng Qianyun." Feng Qianyun thought, she couldn't let Baili Bing not even lose to anyone. You know, then she will die with regret.

Baili Bing was unwilling to admit his failure, even though he was seriously injured, "You bitch, despicable and shameless, actually cheating!"

Where did Feng Qianyun cheat?The move she made aboveboard was just that the move she just made was unexpectedly powerful, making her, the successor of the Golden Lotus Holy Land, powerless to parry. Could it be that if she wins, she is strong, and if she loses, the other party is mean and shameless?

On Guigui's side, Guigui first played hide-and-seek with that person for a while, annoyed the other person, and caused the other person to make a killing move on him.

After using backlash, Guigui returned to Feng Qianyun's ear.

At this moment, Han Mojue's side was also resolved, he came to Feng Qianyun's side, "Little wife, stop talking nonsense with this woman, just break her sky cap!" Han Mojue's children's shoes were violent again, " By the way, little daughter-in-law, what was the trick you used just now, it feels great!"

"I don't have your picture of one hand in seconds!"

"No, no, no, how can I be more handsome than my little wife! My little wife is the most handsome!"

"Don't be modest, Han Damei, trust me, you look the best!"

"Hey, don't call me beautiful, I'm handsome!"

Those who should be dealt with have been dealt with, Han Mojue and Feng Qianyun said happily.

At this moment, Xia Wufeng appeared.

Han Mojue and Feng Qianyun couldn't help but feel the thorny eyes.

When the two turned their heads, they saw Xia Wufeng's eyes were extremely sharp, not aimed at Feng Qianyun or Bailibing, but at Han Mojue, it was not difficult to see from his eyes that he was not happy.

Xia Wufeng's emotions are not written on his face, but in his eyes.

"Little wife, who is he?" Han Mojue didn't know Xia Wufeng, but he felt the danger instinctively.

The strength of this person does not seem to be simple.

"Mo Jue, be careful, he is very dangerous." Feng Qianyun is aware of Xia Wufeng's strength, and also knows Xia Wufeng's danger.

Seeing Feng Qianyun looking at him with very vigilant eyes, Xia Wufeng smiled mockingly, "I'm here to deal with disobedient people."

In other words, Xia Wufeng would show up to deal with Baili Bing, who didn't do what he wanted.

"Prince..." Seeing Xia Wufeng, Bai Libing was filled with indescribable excitement, joy and... fear.

God knows how much she wanted to see Xia Wufeng, but at the same time, she was afraid of seeing Xia Wufeng.

Heh... It is said that lovesickness is bitter, when she was lying under Jin Zhongye's body, she fantasized countless times that the man on her body who did whatever he wanted to her was Xia Wufeng.

Xia Wufeng glanced at Baili Bing, then walked in front of her.

Seeing Xia Wufeng who was getting closer and closer to him, Bai Libing felt an unprecedented excitement in his heart. This was the first time that she was so close to him!
It was also the first time that he had looked at her for so long.

Xia Wufeng stopped in front of Bailibing.

Baili Bing excitedly ignored her injury and wanted to reach out to touch the man she had been secretly in love with for many years.

She had never met him...he had always been so out of reach for her!

Baili Bing stretched out her hand tremblingly, her hand touched Xia Wufeng's arm for the first time in her life.

Baili Bing smiled, happily.

However, her smile didn't spread in time, and the pain made Baili Bing terrified.

"Prince, you, you want me to die?" Baili Bing was still thinking that Xia Wufeng would have a little affection for her and would not kill her, but at this moment, she realized that she was wrong, he was going to kill her, Because she was disobedient, he wanted her to die!

Feng Qianyun looked at this scene, she would not sympathize with Baili Bing, but it is not difficult to see from it, what kind of heartless person Xia Wufeng is, once he wants to destroy, even if the other party has been with him for several years, he will be devoted to him So what if he tried his best, he didn't bat an eyelid when he executed her.

Baili Bing's eyes were wide open, she knew that death was coming towards her, at this moment, she smiled instead.

"Xia Wufeng, dying at your hands, I'm very satisfied, I'm really satisfied..." This was the first time Bailibing called Xia Wufeng's face face to face, and it was also the last time.

Seeing Bailibing die in Xia Wufeng's hands, Han Mojue became more vigilant towards Xia Wufeng.

Han Mojue stepped forward, stood in front of Feng Qianyun, and protected Feng Qianyun, "Little wife, you go first, I'll deal with him."

"Mo Jue, he's not easy to deal with, I'll be with you." Feng Qianyun would never let go of her companion to face danger alone.

"I said little daughter-in-law, I'm a man, can you save me some face? I want to be handsome, so you give me a chance!" At this time, Han Mojue was still smiling.

There are many opportunities to be handsome, this time is not a good time to be handsome!

Xia Wufeng sneered and said, "Do you two have a good relationship, both of you are reluctant to die for each other, or simply die together, so that you two can be fulfilled?"

Xia Wufeng's aura rose sharply, and Han Mojue felt his strength, which was also at the elementary level of the underworld.

"Heh, you are a beginner of the Ming class, and I am also a junior of the Ming class. You may not be able to beat me, right? Why are you so scary, who are you bluffing!" Han Mojue didn't think so in his heart, the other party seemed not so simple, Otherwise, the little daughter-in-law wouldn't say he was dangerous.

"Mo Jue, when he was still at the beginning of the Xuan class, he could kill a master at the peak of the Xuan class!" Feng Qianyun held Han Mojue to prevent him from messing around.

(End of this chapter)

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