Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 212 He is ruthless, but who sees his pain

Chapter 212 He is ruthless, but who sees his pain (1)
"Little daughter-in-law, what's the situation? The elementary level of the Xuan rank kills the peak of the Xuan rank?" Han Mojue was surprised. He was one level behind, and he still had trouble. If he was two levels behind, there was almost no suspense to talk about.

Feng Qianyun nodded, signaling to Han Mojue not to take it lightly just because Xia Wufeng's internal strength cultivation was the same as her own.

The Xia family is an ancient family of ancient martial arts. The Xia family's inherited abilities are not known to the world, but Feng Qianyun knows.

Xia Wufeng stretched out his right hand towards Feng Qianyun, "Yunyun, come over to my side, if you don't want him to have something to do."

From Xia Wufeng's appearance to now, except for the change in his eyes, his face has no expression, his golden hair is a little messy by the wind, he is like a black angel with black wings on his back.

Han Mojue resolutely protected Feng Qianyun behind her, not allowing Feng Qianyun to take half a step forward, "Little daughter-in-law, listen, if I can't protect you today, I'll just buy a bottle of dichlorvos and drink it later, so that I don't have to live The world is wasting food."

"Heh," Xia Wufeng sneered, "You two have a good relationship, even 'death' is going to be rushed."

Xia Wufeng's face is frosty, he is ruthless, but who can see the pain in his eyes.

The little girl who used to care about him the most now regards him as a snake, scorpion and beast, and is worried that he will hurt her and her friends. She has no trust in him, only fear.

Xia Wufeng didn't know why Feng Qianyun's attitude towards him had changed like this, he only knew that when he was about to leave Ouyang's house, she always avoided him.

"Xia Wufeng, you don't need to scare us, just do whatever you want, we may not have no chance of winning against one of you." Feng Qianyun will not let Han Mojue deal with Xia Wufeng alone, since he is a companion, If you want to fight, you have to go together.

Xia Wufeng looked at Feng Qianyun who was standing side by side with Han Mojue and wanted to be his enemy. If he killed the man beside her now, she would definitely regard him as an enemy.

And, with her temperament, she would definitely not let him go.

He came here today to deal with Baili Bing, and meeting Feng Qianyun was unexpected.

"Yunyun, now you have thorns all over my body, if you don't want to go with me today, I won't force you." Xia Wufeng didn't mean to take Feng Qianyun away today, but his reaction was Feng Qianyun was unexpected.

Feng Qianyun thought, would he be so easy to talk to?

With his tyrannical personality, would it be so easy to give up today?
Xia Wufeng didn't miss the suspicion in Feng Qianyun's eyes, "For now, I don't have any reason to kill you, but don't stay in Long's house anymore, otherwise we may fight at any time, and the person who kills you will surely it's me."

For Xia Wufeng, he will never let anyone stand in his way, even if that person is Feng Qianyun.

Then Xia Wufeng glanced at Han Mojue again.

First it was Lie Que, and today it was this man again, heh, there are many men who protect her by her side.

Xia Wufeng left, passing Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue, as he said, without making a move.

Xia Wufeng left Weilong Building and got into the car he was in when he came.

In the car, when the old ghost saw Xia Wufeng coming in, he said to him: "Prince, your father called just now and urged you to talk about..."

"That's enough, I don't want to hear this, next time you receive a call like this, you don't need to tell me." Xia Wufeng interrupted the old ghost before he finished listening, "After the two people upstairs come down, let people Clear the place, don't leave any traces, I don't want people from the Jin family to find out that what happened today is related to those two people."

"Understood, Prince, I will arrange it myself." The old ghost didn't understand why Xia Wufeng asked them to destroy the traces, why he wanted to protect those two people, but the old ghost was a sensible person, so he did what Xia Wufeng asked him to do. I won't ask too many questions.

Xia Wufeng left by car.

Feng Qianyun, Han Mojue, and Jin Zhongye were left on the rooftop. Jin Zhongye was knocked to the ground by Feng Qianyun just now. Although he lost consciousness, he still hadn't breathed out.

Except for Baili Bing who was killed by Xia Wufeng, the others still had breath.

"Little daughter-in-law, did that man really leave like this? There's no reason. You arrested the person he planted in the Black Dragon Gang. He should hate you very much. It's rare for him to have a chance today. How could it be so easy?" Just let you go?" Han Mojue watched Xia Wufeng leave, but still felt something was wrong.

Feng Qianyun rolled her eyes, and instead of answering Han Mojue's question, she asked him instead: "Han Mojue, why didn't you leave just now, do you know that would be dangerous!" Qian Yun really doesn't want to confront Xia Wufeng for the time being.

"Hey, are you talking nonsense? If it's not dangerous, why would I let you go? I'm a man. If there is any danger, I should take it. Do you want me to leave the danger to you, and then run away by myself? I Is he such a wicked person?" Han Mojue said naturally.

Behind his unruly expression is his seriousness and persistence, which are easily overlooked by those who first met him.

"Okay, okay, I know you are loyal, be good, I will find you some beautiful little sisters to reward you!" Feng Qianyun laughed in her heart, Han Mojue, this boy, has nothing to say about loyalty at critical times , and caring about her damnedly, it feels pretty sweet.

"Hmph, that's about the same." Han Mojue glanced at the other people on the rooftop, and asked Feng Qianyun, "Little daughter-in-law, what are these people going to do now?"

Feng Qianyun thought, this time he offended Jin Zhongye thoroughly, but he is the kind of person who must take revenge, so the result is actually the same, he does not intend to let him go, if he just let him go this time If it is done, there will probably be a lot of trouble.

When Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue didn't notice, Jin Zhongye had already regained consciousness. He quietly took out the golden lotus scroll from his body. He didn't expect it to be life-saving for him at this time.

Jin Zhongye was covered in blood now, so he didn't need to take blood specially. His fingers were stained with blood, and he drew across the golden lotus scroll.

Immediately, Jin Zhongye and the scroll disappeared on the rooftop.

"Damn!" Han Mojue cursed, and when he realized that Jin Zhongye was gone, "Little wife, the golden lotus scroll you mentioned is actually on Jin Zhongye's body!"

If he had known that the Golden Lotus scroll was not in Baili Bing's hands, but in Jin Zhongye's, Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue would have guarded against him early on, so they would not have given him such a chance to escape.

Han Mojue thought to himself, let Jin Zhongye run away, maybe he will come to trouble his little wife in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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