Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 213 He is ruthless, but who sees his pain

Chapter 213 He is ruthless, but who sees his pain (2)
"Forget it, Jin Zhongye is gone, even if they can't speak forever, it doesn't make much sense." Feng Qianyun thought, it would be good if they abolished their cultivation bases, so that at least they would no longer be able to speak for Jin. The family worked hard to get them.

After Xue Yunran was rescued by Han Mojue, he kept watching at a distance from the two of them. He didn't go there because he was afraid of danger, but because he was afraid that he would cause trouble for them.

Seeing that everyone who was supposed to leave had already left, Xue Yunran came over.

"Let's get out of here now, people will find out after a while." Feng Qianyun said.

Although Feng Qianyun didn't do anything illegal or criminal, if the police were involved, there would be inexplicable troubles.

Behind Jin Zhongye was the Jin family from the provincial capital. When they entered the police station, who could be sure that they wouldn't reverse right and wrong and accuse Feng Qianyun of a crime instead?

"Okay, then go to my bar first, it's closer to here, it just happens to be closed for a day today, and there's no one there." Han Mojue suggested.

Because Han Mojue had to go out and didn't have time to take care of it, he gave the shop assistant a day off.

Feng Qianyun agreed to Han Mojue's proposal, because although Xue Yunran escaped safely, he had many minor injuries, which should have been caused by Jin Zhongye and his people before.

Feng Qianyun, Han Mojue and Xue Yunran had just left the Weilong Building, when a fire broke out at the back of the Weilong Building, and the fire turned the Weilong Building into a sea of ​​flames.

The sea of ​​flames was man-made, the old ghost cleaned up the scene according to Xia Wufeng's order, and was afraid of leaving traces, so he simply burned down the Weilong Building to save trouble.

Fortunately, during this time period, all the people working in the building had already left, and the casualties were not serious.

When the fire brigade arrived, they extinguished the fire in the building. Because the fire was so large, a building was almost reduced to ashes when the fire was extinguished.

People accidentally found eight corpses from the ruins. It stands to reason that no one should be there today except the security guard on duty. It is said that other people in the property also went out for dinner.

Who are the other seven corpses? Because the surface of the corpses was burnt, the identities of some of the dead are currently unidentifiable, and no conclusion can be made until the forensic report is released.

Three of them were temporarily identified because they found something that could prove their identity.

Those people, although Feng Qianyun didn't kill them, they didn't escape after all.

When Song Yuanshan rushed to the scene, there was only a piece of ruins in front of him. It is not yet possible to determine whether the accident was man-made or accidental. This will not be known until the appraisal department's report comes out.So he's not here now to investigate the case.

Song Yuanshan came here only because one of the identified people who was burned to death happened to be a relevant person he had found out when he was in charge of the arsenal case before, and he hadn't had time to investigate anything from that person. is already dead.

"Captain Liu, what's the situation now?" The person Song Yuanshan asked was the chief of the fire brigade.

The other party shook his head, "The fire is extinguished, and it burned quite thoroughly. By the way, when our team members went to fetch water from a nearby fire hydrant, they accidentally discovered that the nearby closed-circuit televisions were broken."

This makes it more suspicious.

The person who broke the closed-circuit TV was Jin Zhongye. He wanted to kidnap Xue Yunran, and of course he didn't want others to find out the clues.

"Among the dead were people from the underworld, could it be a gangster vendetta?" The person Song Yuanshan tracked down was not from the white way, so he judged this way.

"This is not something that is within the scope of my ability. I have to rely on Captain Song to investigate." He is only in charge of firefighting.

"Recently, there have been frequent incidents in M ​​City, especially the arsenal. The higher-ups have specially dispatched someone to come over. I will not be the one who will be responsible at that time." Song Yuanshan felt a sense of relief. I don't want to be under such a lot of pressure anymore!
Feng Qianyun, Han Mojue and Xue Yunran returned to the bar, Feng Qianyun asked Han Mojue to take out the medicine box, and then she gave Xue Yunran the medicine.

Xue Yunran looked at Feng Qianyun who was seriously applying the medicine on him, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect Feng Shui to take turns. Not long ago, I gave you the medicine, but now you give me the medicine."

Feng Qianyun could only smile at this, everyone gets sick and injured, even the doctor himself can't avoid it, "Brother Yunran, why did you get caught by Jin Zhongye's people?"

"When I went to buy preserved egg and lean meat porridge for a patient who didn't have a good appetite at noon today, I was knocked out from behind. When I woke up, I saw those people just now." Xue Yunran had already called Xue Yisen is dead, I believe he disappeared suddenly, his father and other people in the hospital are very anxious.

A good person suddenly disappeared, and it is estimated that the police have been called.So Xue Yunran called Xue Yisen as soon as he left Weilong Building, and reported to him that he was safe.

"Yunyun, I'm sorry to let you take risks for me." Xue Yunran felt very sorry.

"Brother Yunran, what are you doing seeing me like this?" Feng Qianyun didn't think that Xue Yunran owed her, and if it wasn't for him, Xue Yunran wouldn't have been tied up by Jin Zhongye.

"No matter what, I still let you save me, Yunyun, why don't you give me a chance to thank you?" Xue Yunran said with a smile, "Actually, I have already made plans to agree with you."

"Then didn't I make a lot of money?" Feng Qianyun could hear that Xue Yunran was joking, of course she would not narcissistically think that Xue Yunran really planned to agree with her body.

"By the way, Yunyun, I heard that you haven't gone to class recently. Is it okay to study? The college entrance examination is coming soon." Although Xue Yunran doesn't go to class often now, the position of student council president is tantamount to resigning, but the next student council president Before being elected, he was nominally the president of the student council, so he would go back to school for some activities.

"It's nothing. I've already found a good home for myself." Feng Qianyun's current situation is similar to that of Xue Yunran, and they are all escorted, but Xue Yunran's affairs have been made public, everyone knows, Feng Qianyun's , it has not been clearly mentioned by others, and it is even more impossible for Feng Qianyun to tell people about this matter.

"A good destination? Oh, what kind of destination, you actually managed the matter secretly without telling me!" Xue Yunran feigned anger, "Did you also catch up with the wave of self-enrollment when the school just started? What school, I didn't see you in the list of early admitted students posted by the school before."

Shengrong Private High School is a key high school. Every year, some famous universities will have their own enrollment quota for the school to recommend. In addition to the school's recommended quota, many schools also have their own registration system.

(End of this chapter)

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