Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 217 Aww, take charge

Chapter 217 Aww, take charge (4)

"Yilin, I fixed the air conditioner in your room for you. It will be ready for use when the weather is hot in two days." Lu Guoxing's voice suddenly came from the phone.

Before Feng Yilin had time to cover the microphone, Feng Qianyun heard her voice.

"Mom, Uncle Lu called your name just now!" Feng Qianyun remembered that Lu Dafeng said that his son was very precious to her mother. It seems that there is something wrong there!

"Yunyun, don't talk nonsense! You are a big kid, I won't talk to you anymore!" Feng Yilin hurriedly hung up the phone.

Lu Guoxing was a little embarrassed, he didn't know what to say, "Sorry, I didn't know you were calling Yunyun."

"It's okay, that, thank you for fixing the air conditioner."

"It should be, I'm going to do something." Lu Guoxing walked away after finishing speaking, not daring to say anything more to Feng Yilin.

I really don’t know why Lu Guoxing stayed in Lu Dafeng’s shop to help out. He seemed to be able to repair everything, and since Feng Yilin knew Lu Guoxing, everything that broke was repaired by Lu Guoxing. What’s wrong with the neighbors? If things don't work, they always turn to Lu Guoxing, a free repairman.

Even if there is a virus in the computer, he can fix it. I really don't understand what he used to do.

Professional technicians are not as powerful as him.

After Feng Qianyun hung up the phone call from her mother, she thought, just tonight, there happened to be a child whose heart was hurt that she hadn't inquired about his situation, so she happened to call him out.

So Feng Qianyun sent Han Mojue a text message.

"Han Meiren, I'm going to worship the Bodhisattva tomorrow, can you accompany me?"

Han Mojue replied within 2 minutes after sending the text message.

"not good."

Feng Qianyun looked at the two words on the screen, and knew that Han Mojue was still awkward, maybe she should blame her medicine.

"Beauty, just follow me, I can't do without you!"

This time Han Mojue replied even faster, "Hypocrisy."

"Han Meiren, do you dare to say a few more words?"

So Han Mojue replied with a three-character text message, "I dare."

"My old lady orders you to go to Fahua Temple with my old lady tomorrow. If you dare not show up, my old lady will make you ecstasy!"

For a long time, there was no movement on the phone. It took about 10 minutes before I received a reply from Han Mojue. This time it was even shorter, with only one word: Oh.

Feng Qianyun looked at Han Mojue's extremely wordless reply, "Han Meiren, text messages are charged by the number of messages, not by the number of words! By the way, I want to buy a car at night, can you accompany me? If you can't do it, I'll ask Xiaoye to accompany me."

About 10 minutes later, Han Mojue replied to the text message, "I will accompany you. I know more about this than Xiaoye. I will pick you up tomorrow morning. I will buy a car first and then go to the temple."

This time the number of words has finally made a breakthrough.

So, at seven o'clock, Han Mojue drove to Long's house, and Feng Qianyun got into his car.

"Is it okay for you to buy a car? Although your driving skills are good, but you are too old to pass the driver's license." Han Mojue asked while driving.

"Don't worry, there's no problem." Feng Qianyun replied confidently.

Since Feng Qianyun said that there is no problem, then it should be no problem, and Han Mojue didn't ask any more questions.

Han Mojue thought that Feng Qianyun was going to buy a gasoline-burning car, but it turned out not to be.

Feng Qianyun asked Han Mojue to drive to a bicycle shop!
There are all kinds of bicycles of different brands in the store.

What she wants to buy is not a car but a bicycle. The traffic law stipulates that one must be 13 years old to ride a bicycle on the road, and Feng Qianyun's age just meets this condition.

"Excuse me, who wants to buy a car?" The shopkeeper saw Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue coming in and asked the two people. One is an adult man and the other is an underage girl. Naturally, there is a big gap between the two people's bikes.

"it's me."

Seeing that Feng Qianyun wanted to buy it, the shopkeeper wanted to take her to see some bikes suitable for little girls, but Feng Qianyun went over to the mountain bike instead.

Self-study bikes can be roughly divided into ordinary bikes, mountain bikes, downhill bikes and road bikes.

Ordinary bicycles are cars that can be seen everywhere on the streets and alleys. They feel comfortable to ride and cost several hundred yuan; mountain bikes can feel the effect when running on bumpy roads, and the bikes are much lighter than ordinary bicycles. They are made of aluminum alloy and have front shock absorption. The price ranges from tens of thousands to tens of thousands; the downhill mountain bike is used for going down the mountain, with front and rear shock absorption, the frame is much stronger than the mountain bike, the tires are wider than the mountain bike, and the weight is much heavier than the ordinary bike. Wan is very ordinary; road bikes run fast on flat roads, have thinner tires than ordinary bicycles, and have less resistance.

"Little friend, you are young, and you are more suitable for riding ordinary bicycles. This kind of mountain bike and downhill bike are not suitable for you." There are only a lot of them. If it is suitable, they may recommend them to buy the former, but he thinks that Feng Qianyun is really young, and she is a girl. Generally, girls like that kind of cute and beautiful style.

"It doesn't matter, I want to buy this kind of one." Feng Qianyun prefers mountain bikes and downhill bikes for speed.

"But I'm afraid you won't be able to reach the pedals when you sit on it." The shopkeeper still dissuaded Feng Qianyun, no matter how much you like it, it's useless if you can't ride it!

"This is my problem. You don't have to worry about it, store. You'd better recommend me which one has better performance!" Feng Qianyun knew that what the store said was reasonable, but she didn't care much.

At this time, Han Mojue had already wandered around the store, he took a fancy to a blue and white model, the model was very cool, he pointed to this car and said to Feng Qianyun, "Yunyun, would you like this one? "

Feng Qianyun looked at it and thought it was pretty good, but she didn't know how it would be in practice.

"Okay! Brother Mo Jue will do what he says." Han Mo Jue chose, of course, a good choice.

"The boss wants this one, can I take it now?" Han Mojue took out his bank card to pay.

The shopkeeper suddenly felt that this business was really good and it was a little too much. Didn't they ask in detail?

"I'll do it myself." Feng Qianyun also has a bank card. This card was only processed when she first came because Yu Chixiong paid her wages by punching the card. Now there are more than 1000 million in it. The money for Yan Songbai's medical treatment was also remitted into this card.

Feng Qianyun has now been promoted to a standard little rich woman.

Han Mojue pressed Feng Qianyun's hand holding the bank card, smiled at her and said, "I'm giving you a gift, don't you intend to save face?"

(End of this chapter)

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