Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 218 Aww, take charge

Chapter 218 Aww, take charge (5)
Han Mojue said seriously.

"My Han Meiren, aren't you awkward?" Feng Qianyun smiled, thinking that he would be awkward for a while longer.

"That matter, I forgot everything else, just remember, you are responsible for me!" After Han Mojue finished speaking, he went to the cashier to check out with the boss.

After paying the bill, the bike is theirs.

Han Mojue didn't put the bicycle he just bought into the trunk, but took it out for a test ride.

"Little daughter-in-law, do you want to try different ways of going up the mountain?" Han Mojue was riding on the bike, making it clear that he wanted to go to the temple by bike.

"This car can only accommodate one person."

"Squeeze and squeeze to get half of it up." Han Mojue said, holding Feng Qianyun's little hand and pulling her up. Sitting is not enough, but standing on the raised part of the rear wheel is still possible.

Han Mojue was riding a bicycle and carrying Feng Qianyun to Fahua Temple.

"Han Meiren, have you had enough for breakfast? If you haven't eaten enough, I'm afraid you'll need to change someone halfway!" Feng Qianyun patted Han Mojue's shoulder in front of her to encourage him to work hard on his bicycle .

"Rely, are you doubting my ability?"

"Don't dare, I never dare to have the slightest doubt about my Han Meiren's ability!"

"Hmph, ghosts believe you!" Han Mojue didn't believe Feng Qianyun's words, not convincing at all, "By the way, why did you suddenly think of going to worship Manjusri Bodhisattva today? I thought such a thing You won't do it."

"I can't help it. You must follow the orders of my lord mother."

"By the way, I have known you for so long and haven't seen your mother yet. When will you take me to meet the parents?"

"Meet the parents? How to say it as if you are a man I raised outside."

"Isn't it? You are my little daughter-in-law! Besides, aren't you raising me now? I run around for you, and I point at you to make money so that I can eat! By the way, I almost forgot. Recently, a pharmaceutical factory is facing bankruptcy. Should we buy it directly? I checked. The equipment inside is very complete, and there are some senior employees. We can keep it, rather than starting from scratch. It’s much faster to buy.”

"Really? Then take some time to take me to have a look. If there is no problem, let's push it down." In fact, Feng Qianyun believed in Han Mojue's vision. Since Han Mojue said it was good, it must be good, she thought If you want to look again, you may go through the formalities directly. Fortunately, she has a lot of money now.

However, there will be many places to spend money in the future, and you must plan well.

"I made an appointment with the original boss of that factory. It's just this weekend. If you're free, let's do it that day." Han Mojue moved quickly, and contacted the other party as soon as he got the news. The better to sit down and have a meal together.

"As expected of my Korean beauty, she is very efficient in handling things, so good!"

"Hey, are you mistaken? I should be the one who said this to you, and I don't look at my age! Besides, I don't have any sincerity when I just say that I am good. I should take some practical actions to show it. That's right."

"No actual action, do you want banknotes?"

"Of course I want banknotes, that's a matter of course!"

"Ha ha……"

Han Mojue was riding a bicycle in front, and Feng Qianyun was standing behind him. This scene looked quite romantic from a distance.

After driving for about half an hour, it took Han Mojue and Feng Qianyun more than an hour to ride there.

When he was growing up, Han Mojue still complained, "My God, little wife, I can't tell you are thin and small, and you are quite heavy!"

"It's you who should be exercising, right? If you can't even take care of me, how will you take care of your girlfriend in the future!"

"For the first time in my life, I dedicated myself to driving people by bike. You don't thank me and you still hate it. Thick, it makes me feel so sad."

"For the first time in my life, I let someone ride a bicycle to take me and dedicate it to you. Don't you allow me to say a few words?" Feng Qianyun raised her eyebrows.

So Han Mojue was in a mess without wind.

The temple is very lively today, because there are many people who come to worship Bodhisattva like Feng Qianyun. At this time of year, many parents of students who take the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination come to worship Manjusri Bodhisattva. Today is the fourth day of the fourth lunar month, which is Manjushri Everyone rushed to burn incense and worship Buddha today.

There were a lot of people, and Han Mojue and Feng Qianyun had no place to park their bicycles when they arrived. Fortunately, they came here by bicycle. If they were driving, they would have had to stop and walk a long way ahead, because On the way they came, they saw that the cars had all stopped at the intersection of this road.

"I remember when Ouyang Zhimin and sister Xiaoye were kidnapped last time, they were tied to the back of the temple. There is a Wan'an Pagoda that has been in disrepair. The area around the pagoda is quite empty. Let's see if we can lock the bicycles there. !” Feng Qianyun suggested.

Han Mojue nodded in agreement, cars were parked all the way from the gate of the temple to the outside, and how to get out of these cars in a while is a problem.

So Han Mojue and Feng Qianyun pushed their bicycles and planned to bypass the temple and go to the back of the temple.

Leng Minjia followed her father to worship the Bodhisattva. Although Leng Minjia had stopped studying, her parents believed in Buddhism, and they would definitely come over whenever there was something to do in the temple.

Before Leng Minjia got out of the car, she saw Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue, and she recognized Feng Qianyun from a distance. Last time, Feng Qianyun, Han Mojue, and Ouyang Zhimin teamed up to punish her At that time, Leng Minjia didn't see Han Mojue appearing, Han Mojue only appeared after Leng Minjia passed out, so Leng Minjia didn't recognize Han Mojue.

But Feng Qianyun, she would never forget it in her life. If it wasn't for Feng Qianyun, she should be infinite as the hero who captured Ma Yecheng wisely. The person who replaced Song Yuanshan turned out to be a joke by Feng Qianyun and the others!
Leng Minjia hated Feng Qianyun to the core.

But Leng Minjia didn't think about it, if there was no Feng Qianyun, she would have been killed by Ma Yecheng long ago, and even Ma Yecheng was subdued by Feng Qianyun, how could she forget that she took the credit for Feng Qianyun?All he knew was that he resented Feng Qianyun for making her ashamed.

Leng Minjia saw that Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue came here on bicycles, so she walked over and deliberately mocked them, "It's such a long way from the city center to here, it's thanks to the two of you for riding up here, It's really hard work."

Feng Qianyun didn't notice Leng Minjia at first, in fact, she almost forgot about Leng Minjia, but when she saw her appear today, and when she came up, the first sentence she said was to mock her.

(End of this chapter)

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