Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 219 The wonderful dog bites the dog

Chapter 219 The wonderful dog bites the dog (1)
Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue ride bicycles for fun, Leng Minjia is good, use this to laugh at them, really think they don't have cars and horses?Feng Qianyun's current family property is something that Leng Minjia couldn't earn even if she worked all her life.

"Thank you for your concern, I'm sorry, we still have something to do, so I won't accompany you." Feng Qianyun didn't have time to talk about such unfruitful topics with Leng Minjia.

I don't know what Leng Minjia is so proud of. The road in front of the temple is so narrow. Now that the car is driving in, it will be troublesome when driving out, and they will be blocked in a while.

Pulling Han Mojue to find a place to park their bicycles.

Leng Minjia looked at the backs of Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue, stomped her feet, and thought fiercely, what is she doing with this stinky girl, why don't she take her so seriously?What happened last time, because she was too busy with work recently, she never had a chance to seek revenge on her and that stinky hooligan named Ouyang Zhimin. This time she came to her door herself!
"Minjia, what's the matter, did you see someone you know?" Leng Minjia's father, Leng Wangyang, came over. He seemed to have seen Leng Minjia talking to someone just now.

"No." Leng Minjia denied, "By the way, Dad, you and Mom can go first, I feel a little uncomfortable, I want to go to the bathroom, and I'll see you later."

"Is your stomach uncomfortable?" Hearing Leng Minjia said that he was not feeling well, Leng Wangyang was very nervous, "Then do you want to see a doctor?"

"No need, it may be because I just had a cold drink and I feel a little uncomfortable, so I don't need to go to the hospital." Leng Minjia was just an excuse, she wanted to chase Feng Qianyun and the others.

"Really? Then your mother and I will wait for you at the Daxiong Palace. Remember to come here. I will ask the master in the temple to tell your fortune later." Leng Wangyang told Leng Minjia.

"I see, don't worry Dad, you go quickly, you will have to queue up later, there are quite a lot of people today!"

"Oh, well, then your mother and I will go there first." Leng Wangyang told his daughter repeatedly before entering the gate of the temple with his wife.

Seeing her father walking away, Leng Minjia's eyes were full of coldness, hum, Feng Qianyun, she wants her to look good!
She saw Feng Qianyun and another man bypassing the temple and walking towards the back of the temple just now. She seemed to have seen it when she came here before, but the back is still in a deserted state and there are no people there.

She knew that she couldn't beat Feng Qianyun by Yingpin, so she wanted to follow up to see if there was any chance to make a move.There was another very important reason why she couldn't let Feng Qianyun live, because Feng Qianyun knew that she was not the one who really subdued Ma Yecheng, which was a thorn and a stain to her, and she did not allow her to exist.

Thinking of this, Leng Minjia chased in the direction where Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue had left just now.

The back of the temple is relatively deserted, because a warning sign was erected on the way here, telling Wanan Pagoda that it is a dangerous building because it has been in disrepair for a long time. Most people will not run here. If the tower falls down, it will hit people of.

As soon as Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue came over, they heard two people talking through the shade of a tree, "I've brought you everything you want, why do you want me?"

This Meng Qianrou!

The woman has been discharged from the hospital and the red spots on her face have subsided.

And the man opposite Meng Qianrou was no stranger to Feng Qianyun. He was John, Meng Shihao's top subordinate.

Now that Meng Shihao has been arrested, John's life is going to be hard.

"Your father was arrested by the police, and in the end he shook me out. He wanted to kill me!" John yelled at Meng Qianrou, don't sweat the way he was obedient to Meng Shihao before, but now At this time, he turned his face and refused to recognize anyone. He threatened Meng Qianjudo, "It's okay if you don't meet my conditions. After you wait for me to be arrested by the police, I will confess you too, and let you try to be arrested by the police." The feeling of chasing and running, your father loves you, and confessed me, the person who worked for him, to reduce his own crime, but he protected your daughter well, without mentioning a word, why? Don't believe it Just try, anyway, I'm already a desperado, if you mess with me, I'll drag you to die with me!"

Meng Qianrou was so angry that she jumped. John was right. Although the things she committed were not as serious as his, but the big and small things added together were enough for her to drink a pot. She was still so young and beautiful, and she still There is a bright future waiting for her, she can't just be ruined by this kind of thing!
"What else do you want, food, drink, clothes, I can bring them to you, you don't want me to bring you women, don't you forget that you are running for your life now? Have fun!" Meng Qianrou felt that John's conditions were becoming more and more excessive. He sometimes called her in the middle of the night to ask her what to eat, and she would get up to buy it for him even if she didn't sleep in the middle of the night. Do you think you are the young master?

Now he actually proposed to ask for a woman!
What kind of place does he think this is, even if he finds a chicken, he can't guarantee that the other party's mouth is tight enough, what should he do if he tells his whereabouts?
Meng Qianrou was too lazy to care about John's life, because she was afraid that he would confess to her after being caught by the police.

"There are no other women, don't you still have you!" John has always thought that Meng Qianrou is quite attractive, but she was the boss's daughter before, and he has always been respectful to her because of her status. No such scruples anymore!
While speaking, John stretched out his hand to touch Meng Qianrou.

"You're impatient!" Meng Qianrou slapped An Lushan's claws that John extended towards her with one hand.

"Why are you pretending to be noble? Do you think you're still that young lady? You've already let Sand Wolf do it, so don't pretend. I, John, can't compare to Sand Wolf in martial arts, but when it comes to this aspect... I can do the same. You serve comfortably!"

During this period of time, John was stuffed in this shitty place, and what he suffocated was not only anger, but also lust.

The conversation between the two of them fell into the ears of Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue verbatim.

I didn't expect John to escape to this kind of place after Meng Shihao was arrested. He was pretty smart, but his luck didn't seem to be very good, and he happened to meet Feng Qianyun.

Han Mojue and Feng Qianyun looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

"Han Meiren, there is a fly behind."

Leng Minjia thought that no one would notice if she followed Feng Qianyun from a distance. She didn't know that Feng Qianyun had discovered her early in the morning.

There are both policemen and thieves here, and it is lively.

Feng Qianyun rolled her eyes for a moment, then patted the shoulders of Han Mojue, a good social young man with red seedlings beside her, and cast a wink at him, "Han Meiren, talk for a while The police officer behind caught up and met the wanted criminal in front, should they pinch each other, or should they fight each other?"

(End of this chapter)

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