Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 220 The wonderful dog bites the dog

Chapter 220 The wonderful dog bites the dog (2)
Does this make a difference?
"It's better for a dog to bite a dog," Han Mojue concluded.

Fine, then let them dog eat dog.

Feng Qianyun reckoned that Leng Minjia had left almost as well, so she took the initiative to appear in front of Leng Minjia.

"Officer Leng, why are you here? Are you handling the case? I heard that you are investigating Meng Shihao's case, how are you doing now?" Feng Qianyun probably raised her voice so that John and Meng Qianrou who were arguing could relax listen clearly.

When John heard Feng Qianyun's "cold police officer", he couldn't care less about arguing with Meng Qianrou.

Why not Meng Qianrou, the police actually chased her here?Meng Qianrou tried her best to keep Zheng Jing, if she messed up her hands and feet at this time, she would lose everything.

It's fine if the police come, but why is this little bitch Feng Qianyun also here?

This little slut, every time she is around, nothing good will happen.

Meng Qianrou is really right in saying this, if Feng Qianyun is there, there must be no good things for Meng Qianrou.

Facing Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue who suddenly jumped in front of her, Leng Minjia was startled, but on the surface she was still Zheng Jing.

Originally, she was carrying a gun and wanted to follow her from a distance and shoot Feng Qianyun because she couldn't beat Feng Qianyun, but now Feng Qianyun jumped directly in front of her, and she wanted to keep her face Shooting is impossible.

"Why are you trying to scare me to death!" The plan in Leng Minjia's heart was destroyed, so her complexion couldn't look good, she scolded Feng Qianyun for being impolite, "Stinky girl, don't hinder the police from doing things if you have nothing to do, be careful of me Sue you for obstruction of justice!"

Leng Minjia's words were purely using her status as a policeman to overwhelm Qianyun, but the words fell into the ears of John and Meng Qianrou in a different way.

Leng Minjia was here on business, what else could he do in such a remote place, it was clearly to arrest criminals, and there happened to be a wanted criminal standing not far from Leng Minjia.

As the saying goes, if you are a thief, you will have a guilty conscience. What's more, John is still a thief who has been exposed and chased. Hearing such a sentence, why don't you scare yourself?
In a panic, John reached out and grabbed Meng Qianrou, holding her hostage, "Don't come here, if you come again, I'll kill her!"

Originally, Leng Minjia was only paying attention to Feng Qianyun, and she heard such a sentence before seeing John and Meng Qianrou.

After looking at John for a while, she remembered that the man was the wanted John!
Leng Minjia originally wanted to assassinate Feng Qianyun, but in the end, he didn't succeed in killing him, and even encountered such a thing!

Leng Minjia's first reaction when seeing the gangster was to run away, since there was no one else around, she couldn't afford to take such a risk.

I was planning to escape in my heart, when I heard the sound of "click, click" taking pictures.

I saw Han Mojue walking out from the bushes next to him with his mobile phone, "Tsk tsk, I said you need to buy a widescreen mobile phone. If the screen is not big enough, I can't take pictures of you all!"

Han Mojue is holding his super-large-screen mobile phone, which is using the camera function to capture what is happening. On one side is John holding Meng Qianrou hostage, and on the other side is the policeman Leng Minjia. The key elements of Han Mojue are all Nothing was missed.

Han Mojue thought the camera was too much fun, so he switched to camera mode and started recording the whole process.

"Well, you were the female police officer on the cover of "Police Flower" magazine last time, right? I heard that you subdued the provincial criminal Ma Yecheng last time. It is the pride of the realm. Heroine, don't worry, I will help you this time Record the whole process, and put it on the Internet at that time, so that everyone can admire your demeanor!"

Han Mojue is so evil this time, he knows that Leng Minjia has no such ability at all, and he knows that she took the credit for Feng Qianyun to be on the cover of "Jing Hua" magazine , and deliberately used such words to stimulate John.

Sure enough, John became even more anxious after hearing Han Mojue's words. He also remembered seeing Leng Minjia on TV programs and magazines. She subdued Ma Yecheng, so how difficult is it to subdue him?
John simply took out the utility knife he was carrying, clasped it around Meng Qianrou's neck, and shouted at Leng Minjia: "Don't come here! Don't notify the other police! Also, send your partner Put the gun down!"

Facing the situation in front of her, Leng Minjia is really dumb and eats coptis, and she can't tell if she is suffering. If she escapes, there is a video recording over there, and she will not be able to gain a foothold in society in the future. She can't handle it at all!
Han Mojue found a place with the best view, and there was a big rock, just enough to sit on it and take pictures leisurely, and called Feng Qianyun over, "Yunyun, come to my brother, when it's so dangerous The child should hide aside! Just leave it to the police auntie to do what is just for justice."

Feng Qianyun walked to Han Mojue's side and sat with him.

There are criminals on one side, and policemen on the other, and the two of them are first-class citizens, plus theatergoers!
"Little daughter-in-law Yunyun, tell me, who will win, the police or the criminals, and will the hostages be rescued?"

Before the action started over there, Han Mojue started discussing the result with Feng Qianyun here.

"Of course it's the police aunt! My brother is so stupid. The police aunt can easily take down provincial criminals. How can she be afraid of such a low-level wanted criminal!" I think it is a good flower of the motherland and a good pillar of the society in the future!
"But the gangster has a hostage in his hand, so the police aunt can't do anything casually!"

"That's right... Will the hostage die?"

"It's hard to say, if it is not handled properly, the hostages may be seriously injured or killed!"

"That's too tragic. The hostage sister is the belle of our school. It would be a pity if she was killed or injured, even if she was disfigured!"

Some kind of kung fu of these two people has been practiced to the highest level.

Compared to Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue's leisurely attitude, Leng Minjia is about to get angry. The other party is looking at her now, not letting her notify other people, and asking her to put down the gun. Without the gun, isn't she Must die?

John was also anxious, of course because he believed that Leng Minjia would really be a difficult policeman to deal with.

"If you don't let it go, I'll cut off her main artery!" Although the utility knife in John's hand is small, it is more than enough to cut off the main artery on a person's neck.

Does Leng Minjia have a choice?If she doesn't let go, there will be a picture of her disregarding the life and death of the hostages in the video over there.

Leng Minjia's gun was pinned to his waist, covered by his jacket.

(End of this chapter)

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