Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 221 The wonderful dog bites the dog

Chapter 221 The wonderful dog bites the dog (3)
She went to get the gun very slowly, in order to buy time and see if things could turn around.

After thinking about it, Leng Minjia decided to kill everyone and kill everyone. It doesn't matter if they die, the main thing is that she can't have any accidents, and she doesn't want to have any damage to her body or reputation!
This will be the best way, as long as they are all dead, and no one knows what happened here today, in the end, she just needs to push the death of others to John, and then she will be with John There was a violent struggle in which she was unable to kill John.

Even if the colleagues in the police station don't believe her, they should believe her father!
With her father as her backing, she doesn't have to worry about other speculations from her colleagues in the police station.

Then everything will be perfect.

Leng Minjia slowly took the gun, bent over slowly, and put the pistol on the ground. She didn't intend to really put the gun down, but wanted to shoot when Feng Qianyun and the others were not paying attention.

"Brother, haven't you finished filming yet? Why did you upload it to the Internet so quickly?" Feng Qianyun said loudly.

"Oh, I'm live broadcasting! I didn't expect the signal here to be so good, so I connected to the Internet for a live broadcast. I told you girl that I need to buy a smart phone with a lot of functions. Your old antique phone has long been You can change it!" Han Mojue said equally loudly.

Leng Minjia managed to plan such a perfect plan in her heart, but before it could be realized, Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue directly cut off her idea.

She thought that Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue wouldn't be able to see what she wanted to do with her obvious eyes and movements?

Maybe John, who was in contact with Leng Minjia for the first time, couldn't think of it, because he had preconceived notions in his heart, thinking that Leng Minjia would not abandon the hostages because he would be disregarding life and death, and would not hurt bystanders, but Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue Know what Leng Minjia is like!
Leng Minjia scolded Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue to death in her heart, these two bastards actually engaged in a live broadcast!Then she has no way to shoot!

Originally, she planned to kill them and then delete everything on their mobile phones and destroy all evidence, but now that it has been broadcast live, how can she destroy it?As soon as she shoots here, it's broadcast there.

If eyes could kill, Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue would have been riddled with holes by Leng Minjia's eyes.

John saw that Leng Minjia's gun had been put on the ground for a long time, and he was very impatient.

"I'll count to one, two, three, if you don't let go, I'll kill her!" John said while retracting his hand holding the utility knife, drawing a bloodstain on Meng Qianrou's neck.

Meng Qianrou's neck was cut with a utility knife, and she scolded John all over her heart. She thought he was just playing, but in the end she really cut it, this stinky man!
Meng Qianrou suddenly had an idea, if John died directly this time, then she wouldn't have to be threatened by him, and she wouldn't have to worry about him confessing to her after he was caught.



Leng Minjia had no choice at all.


After John finished speaking, Leng Minjia put down the gun in his hand.

John breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that Leng Minjia wouldn't let him go, and he would be in trouble at that time.

"Now, put both hands up and put them behind your head." To be on the safe side, John asked Leng Minjia to raise his hands again.

Leng Minjia has no choice but to follow suit.

In fact, even if Leng Minjia did what John said, she might not be able to keep the reputation she wanted to keep. Everyone saw that she was so useless when facing gangsters. Who would think that she is a role model for the police?
Seeing that Leng Minjia had done so, John dragged Meng Qianrou closer to her, intending to stab Leng Minjia first, not to kill her, but to ensure that she had no ability to resist, otherwise he would not feel at ease.

John came to Leng Minjia, thinking it was all right, the knife that was originally on Meng Qianrou's neck was intended to stab Leng Minjia a few times.

Meng Qianrou was always looking for an opportunity, so as soon as John's hand left her neck, she squatted down to grab Leng Minjia's gun that was on the ground.

John didn't think that Meng Qianrou would bite him back at this time, so he didn't pay much attention to Meng Qianrou, and the restraint on her was just a show. The bloodstain on Meng Qianrou's neck just now It was just to stimulate Leng Minjia and force Leng Minjia to take action.

John stabbed Leng Minjia, and at the same time the gunshot sounded, Meng Qianrou shot John.

But after all, Meng Qianrou was shooting for the first time, her hands would shake, and the recoil when shooting made her grip unstable. Her shot missed and missed John's vitals.

"You bitch, you want to kill me?"

John was shot in the abdomen, but he didn't die, at least he didn't die immediately. He pulled out the utility knife that had been inserted into Leng Minjia's body, and stabbed Meng Qianrou who was squatting on the ground before getting up. Rou's back pierced into her lung lobe, stabbing her left lung lobe.

Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue looked at each other in dismay, this scene is a bit too cruel, right?

It was right for dogs to bite dogs, but they were not as cruel as the three of them. They each had their own thoughts, and as a result, all three of them were seriously injured.

Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue haven't done anything yet!

"Little daughter-in-law, you led me to the wrong place. Today I saw the dark side of society. It's over. My pure heart has been seriously polluted!"

Han Mojue pressed the button to listen to the video. In fact, he never uploaded it to the Internet from the beginning to the end. It is true that the video was recorded.

Such a wonderful dog-eat-dog scene can't be better preserved!
Han Mojue didn't intend to put this video on the Internet. It's too dark. If children see it, it will teach them badly. Even if the children don't see it, it's not good for cats and dogs to see it , we are still pure.

Among the three people, Leng Minjia was the least injured. She was stabbed in a rather biased position, on her left shoulder, because there was Meng Qianrou standing in front of John when he attacked her. His range of activities was limited, and he didn't intend to kill Leng Minjia directly, he just wanted Leng Minjia to lose his combat effectiveness.

"Congratulations to Officer Leng for catching the criminal John. The next time I see the cover of "Police Flower" magazine, it will be Officer Leng! Judging by your current physical condition, Officer, you should still have the strength to call your colleagues to pick you up .” Feng Qianyun is evil at home.

"By the way, because the network signal was not very good just now, we failed to upload that film. If Officer Leng needs it at any time, he can come and ask us for it at any time. We have to go to incense today, and we will arrange it later. If there is a long line, I will not accompany you."

(End of this chapter)

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