Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 222 The wonderful dog bites the dog

Chapter 222 The wonderful dog bites the dog (4)
Hearing Feng Qianyun say that the video was not uploaded at all, Leng Minjia's lungs were about to explode. If she knew that they did not conduct a live broadcast, she would have implemented the plan she had in mind, would she still be injured?
Feng Qianyun, that stinky girl, that bitch!
Leng Min is good-tempered, but there is nothing she can do against Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue. She has no evidence to arrest them, but they have a lot of things to do with her!

Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue ignored Leng Minjia's eyes that wanted to tear them into pieces, and went back to the temple in front of them.

Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue left the back mountain, and then went to worship the Bodhisattva as expected.

"Little daughter-in-law, do you want to ask for a lottery?" Han Mojue saw that the lottery place in the temple was very popular, so he encouraged Feng Qianyun to try it too.

Ho Ho, beg for marriage for the little daughter-in-law, and see which unlucky ghost will marry the little daughter-in-law in the future.

"Ask for a visa? What do I ask for? Studies? Career? Or marriage?" For studies, it seems that she doesn't need to worry about her college entrance examination anymore. For marriage, it's too early for her. You have the heart of a young girl who can rippling. As for can ask about it.

"Actually, there are still many things to ask for, so it's okay to give it a try, right?" Han Mojue encouraged Feng Qianyun to ask for a lottery.

"For your sake, Han Meiren, I'll ask for it once." It's just a lottery, it doesn't have much impact, and it doesn't cost money.

Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue went to line up together, because there were many pilgrims today, and the line was very long.

After queuing for a while, it was Feng Qianyun's turn.

Feng Qianyun was about to reach out to get the stick, when the monk paused and stared at Feng Qianyun.

Being stared at so straightly, Feng Qianyun couldn't help but be confused.

"Little benefactor, my Chan Master Huiwu has an invitation. I wonder if little benefactor can come to the inner hall to have a talk." The monk said to Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue looked at each other, because Feng Qianyun had never seen this monk, and of course he had never seen the Zen Master Huiwu that this monk was talking about.

Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue were wondering when they heard the people next to them talking.

"Master, is Zen Master Huiwu there? I want to meet him, can you make arrangements for me?"

"Master, I also want to see Zen Master Huiwu. As long as I can see him, it doesn't matter how much sesame oil you donate."

"Master, help me arrange it."

"Help me, help me..."

There was a sudden commotion among the crowd. It seemed that Zen Master Huiwu was not an easy character.

"I'm sorry, benefactors, Zen Master Huiwu only sees people who are destined." The monk said apologetically to everyone.

"Then why can she?" Everyone was dissatisfied, why this little girl could but they couldn't.

They all looked at Feng Qianyun as an animal in the zoo, and this question was also what Feng Qianyun wanted to ask.

If you want to know the reason, you should go to see the Huiwu Chan Master and you will have a clue.

"Master, where is that Zen Master Huiwu, please take me there." Feng Qianyun decided to meet this Zen Master Huiwu who said she was a predestined relationship.

"Little benefactor, please follow me." The monk led the way for Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue followed.

The monk led Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue into a corner in the northwest of the temple, where there was an old-looking courtyard.

At the gate of the courtyard, the monk stopped, "Little benefactor, I can only send you here, Zen Master Huiwu is inside."

Han Mojue looked into the courtyard. The courtyard was cleaned very well. There were a few plum blossom trees scattered in the courtyard. It is not the season for plum blossoms to bloom, but the plum blossoms in this courtyard are blooming very well. , Intuition tells Han Mojue that this "Zen Master Huiwu" is not simple.

"Little daughter-in-law, I will go in with you."

"I'm sorry, male benefactor, you can't go in, Zen Master Huiwu only saw the little benefactor." The monk said.

"What is this Zen master Po Huiwu? If we don't see it, we won't see it. Let's go, little daughter-in-law!" Han Mojue was annoyed when he heard this, and besides, how could he feel relieved when he was asked to let his little daughter-in-law in alone?
"Mo Jue, wait for me outside for a while, I will go in alone." Feng Qianyun decided to meet this "Zen Master Huiwu".

So regardless of Han Mojue's obstruction, Feng Qianyun stepped into the gate of the courtyard.

The construction history of Fahua Temple is only a hundred years old, but this courtyard looks much older, not as if it is only a hundred years old.

The door of the room was very old, Feng Qianyun walked to the door, and before reaching out to push the door, the door opened by itself.

It's really not that simple.

Feng Qianyun walked in.

The room is not big, as soon as you enter the door, you can see a small wooden table similar to a tatami mat, and on the other side of the small wooden table is a white gauze curtain, and you can vaguely see a figure on the other side of the gauze curtain.

Entering this room, Feng Qianyun has a feeling of going back in time to a very distant past, and there is a strong atmosphere of the times lingering in the room.

It should be Zen Master Huiwu.

Feng Qianyun could detect his existence, but not his strength.

"Little benefactor, please sit down."

An old and hoarse man's voice came from inside the gauze curtain.

Feng Qianyun was not too polite, and sat down on one side of the small wooden table. The floor was covered with a mat, and Feng Qianyun sat directly on the mat.

"I think Zen Master Huiwu should tell me why I am the predestined person chosen by Zen Master."

"It's because of a bead. I told Wu Hui that if someone's appearance makes that bead glow strangely, then bring that person to see me."

"My appearance made that bead emit a different light, so the monk just now, that is, Wu Hui in your mouth, decided that I was the predestined person you said, and brought me to see you?" Then the question arises. on that bead.


"What's so special about that bead?"

"Let's talk about what's special about you first, so you'll know why that bead glows when you get close."

"Okay, I'm all ears." She really wanted to hear what Zen Master Huiwu had to say.

"Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are the five elements that produce and restrain each other. It is common sense that any two of them cannot coexist in the same living body. But you are an exception."

Feng Qianyun knows that due to the difference in human physique, there will be some differences in their own attributes. This difference is no different for ordinary martial arts practitioners, but it has a greater impact on magic weapons, just like ghosts. It is an offensive magic weapon of water attribute, water benefits it, but fire does not benefit it.

(End of this chapter)

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