Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 223 The wonderful dog bites the dog

Chapter 223 The wonderful dog bites the dog (5)
In addition, there is an influence, I am afraid it is the supernatural physique.This kind of physique is only possessed by a very small number of people, and generally only appears in ancient families, and is passed down as a bloodline of inheritance.

"I'm an exception?"

"Your body possesses the power of gold and wood at the same time, that's what the bead told me just now." Feng Qianyun approached the bead placed outside where the lottery was placed, making the bead glow, with different attributes It will make the beads emit different lights. Feng Qianyun's special physique makes the beads emit more than one kind of light, "Jin Kemu, it stands to reason that these two attributes cannot exist at the same time."

Feng Qianyun knew that detection was a metallic ability, while healing was a wood attribute ability, so what this mysterious Zen Master Huiwu said had a certain degree of credibility.

As for the ability of the fire attribute, Feng Qianyun knew that Xia Wufeng's ability was of the fire attribute, and Feng Qianyun had never encountered the others so far.

After all, there are very few people with special abilities, and the possibility of encountering one is very small.

"That's not necessarily the case. I heard that the Tiangang Yuanqi of the Ouyang family has two abilities at the same time." This is not a secret, so Feng Qianyun took it out to refute Zen Master Huiwu's words.

"The little benefactor is wrong. The Tiangang vitality of the Ouyang family does have two abilities, but the two abilities have never appeared in the same person. People who inherit this ability can only have one of them." Hui Hui Zen Master Wu answered Feng Qianyun's question.

"So what, why is it destined to be with you if you have a special physique?" If you have a special physique, you will have a special physique. She likes to be a different person. Is there anything wrong with it?

"Having a supernatural physique is already extremely special. It is as rare as one of thousands of stars, and your supernatural physique still has two attributes, which is the rarest of the rare. As for me, the little benefactor is destined People, that's because the little benefactor and I will have many opportunities to meet in the future."

"Oh," Feng Qianyun smiled, "I don't know if there will be a chance to meet in the future, but I think there should be a chance to 'meet' today."

As Feng Qianyun said, she moved to tear the gauze curtain blocking her and Zen Master Huiwu.

When the gauze curtain fell to the ground, Feng Qianyun wanted to see the true face of the so-called "Zen Master Huiwu", but what appeared in front of Feng Qianyun was a pair of bones wearing a Zen master's robe.

"Little daughter-in-law, are you alright?" Han Mojue waited outside for a long time, finally seeing Feng Qianyun come out safely, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm fine, but I'm not sure if their Chan Master Huiwu is okay." Because Feng Qianyun saw that Zen Master Huiwu only had a pair of bones.

"Little benefactor, please rest assured, Zen Master Huiwu is safe and sound." The monk said again.

"Forget it. Whether he lives or dies is none of my business. I'm still more concerned about my stomach. Just now, it's all sleepwalking." Feng Qianyun pulled Han Mojue to retrieve their bike.

When I went to pick up the bicycle, the back was surrounded by a cordon, because I didn't want to disturb the pilgrims in the temple, so the movements here were relatively different.

Han Mojue talked to the police before picking up his bicycle and riding back to the city center.

"Little daughter-in-law, let's go eat hot pot!" Han Mojue suddenly suggested, "I remember that there is a good hot pot restaurant nearby, and it is still holding an event recently. Four people dining together can save one person's price."

"Well, call Ouyang Zhimin and Sister Xiaoye, and I won't have to pay my share of the money." Feng Qianyun immediately decided.

"Little daughter-in-law, do you want to be so picky?" Couldn't she be more modest and say that the AA system, four people share three people's share of the money?
Although he must pay the bill in the end, at least the process is different.

"Respecting the old and loving the young are the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation!" She is young, she is the flower of the motherland!

"Don't forget to respect the old, shouldn't you respect me, an 'old man'?"

"Okay, if your son can call me auntie, I will admit that you are old." What a simple condition!

"Forget it, this 'old man' is still wrong for me." Han Mojue raised his gun and surrendered.

"I remember that I will eat lobster sashimi and sashimi later."

"Are you planning to eat me poor?"

"There are plans for this."

"Yunyun, Mr. Han, when I came by taxi just now, I heard the radio saying that a bloody incident happened in Fahua Temple today. Did any accident happen when you went to Fahua Temple today?" Shang Xiaoye heard the broadcast I was thinking about Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue.

"Xiaoye, you can tell with your eyes that the two of them are okay. If they have something to do, they won't be here now, and they won't call us to ask us out for hot pot." Ouyang Zhimin had to remind Shang Xiaoye This silly girl, it seems that she is very smart when she is studying, why is she so lacking in brain when encountering such a thing?

Shang Xiaoye, who was told by Ouyang Zhimin, felt depressed for a while, "What are you doing, I didn't ask you!"

"Okay, you two don't quarrel as soon as you meet, okay, there's nothing wrong with the two of us." Han Mojue really has nothing to do with these two children.

"By the way, I also said on the radio that there is a special official in the police station. He seems to be called the head of something on TV. His surname seems to be Yan. He seems to be in charge of investigating the recent arsenal case in M ​​City. He just arrived today, something happened at Fahua Temple, I saw it on the TV at the door when I came in just now, he is a super handsome man!" For this reason, Shang Xiaoye stood at the door stupidly for a long time, It made Ouyang Zhimin sulk with her, so when he heard Shang Xiaoye speak just now, he refuted her aloud.

"I know handsome guys all day long, hum!" Ouyang Zhimin became even more unhappy.

"No, I just like looking at handsome guys!" Shang Xiaoye said angrily.

The two had just quarreled when there was a knock on the door of the box, and the waiter opened the door and came in, "Don't worry about who, a gentleman said he knows who and wants to say a few words to who."

After the waiter finished speaking, a young man in a suit walked in.

As soon as Shang Xiaoye saw the man, she yelled, "It's him, it's him, it's him... that man with the surname Yan who is the chief!"

Feng Qianyun and the others all looked at the man who came in. Obviously, they had never met before, and they didn't know how he found him.

Yan Sihang put his hands in his trouser pockets, walked in, and sat down on the empty seat on Feng Qianyun's right.

"Mr. Yan, have we met before?" Feng Qianyun asked with a smile. If she had, she had no reason not to remember.

"No." Yan Sihang replied simply.

(End of this chapter)

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