Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 224 The Crap's Blind Date Banquet

Chapter 224 The Crap's Blind Date Banquet (1)
"Then why did Mr. Yan say he knew me?"

"Because I'm a cat and you're a mouse."

"I don't quite understand what Mr. Yan means."

"You are Long Yutian's younger sister, the eldest lady of the Black Dragon Gang." Yan Sihang was targeting the Black Dragon Gang, and Feng Qianyun was regarded by him as the eldest lady of the Black Dragon Gang, so he included Feng Qianyun in his list of things to capture. within the ranks of prey.

"I didn't expect Mr. Yan to be so clear about the situation in M ​​city just after arriving in M ​​city today."

"I don't dare to fall, but I always like to investigate the opponents I will face in the future, so that I can have more chances of winning."

"Does Mr. Yan have a good chance of winning, but I don't know whether Mr. Yan is in charge of the serious crime team or the anti-gangster team?"

"As expected of Long Yutian's younger sister, she is as cunning as him. If she commits a felony, she will be put under the supervision of the Serious Crime Squad. I don't think you don't know, miss."

" that's how it is. I'm sorry. I'm still young and I can't read well, so I really don't understand what you're talking about." Feng Qianyun's face was written all over "Innocent" two characters.

"Then I will let you gradually understand, and I hope that the eldest lady will be careful in doing things and being a prudent person from today. If I catch some evidence of your Black Dragon Gang's crimes or you, the eldest lady of the Black Dragon Gang, committing crimes, I will personally arrest you, miss, and although the law will give a lighter sentence to minors, it does not mean that you can completely escape the punishment of the criminal law, and you must be mentally prepared, miss."

"Then I will wait for Mr. Yan to bring me to justice at any time." Feng Qianyun still smiled like a flower.

"Then I won't bother you for dinner, miss, let's take a step first." After Yan Sihang finished speaking, he strode out of the door of the box.

"Wow, who is this, with such a big tone, does he think he can really catch Boss Yunyun?" Ouyang Zhimin said unconvinced.

Shang Xiaoye glared at Ouyang Zhimin, "What is it? Yunyun is not the eldest lady of the Black Dragon Gang at all. She is just temporarily helping Long Yutian with a matter. That guy simply got the situation wrong, okay?"

Han Mojue lamented for Feng Qianyun, "Little daughter-in-law, that man just now seemed difficult to deal with, why don't you hurry up and separate yourself from Long Yutian, please ask that kind of man, otherwise that Yan can't deal with it." I will haunt you every day."

"Follow him if he wants to, and investigate if he wants to investigate." Feng Qianyun shrugged indifferently.

"By the way, Boss Yunyun, how do you think he knew we were here?" Ouyang Zhimin suddenly felt like he was being watched.

"Why are you so worried? If you are worried, Yunyun is worried! If you want to be monitored, it is because Yunyun is monitored, okay?" Shang Xiaoye gave Ouyang Zhimin another look.

"Probably he met Ouyang Zhimin when I went to pick up the car behind the temple with Ouyang Zhimin. He couldn't leave at that time, so he asked others to follow us here. After he finished his work, he came here in person." Han Mojue analyzed road.

Feng Qianyun nodded to agree with Han Mojue's statement, "So he will monitor me closely from now on. The so-called new official has three fires when he takes office. As soon as he comes to M city to report, he intends to shovel the black dragon gang, which is a big worry in M ​​city. Yes. He wanted to be a cat, but he forgot that the relationship between a cat and a mouse has never been simple. The cat can catch the mouse, and the mouse can play with the cat in turn. Tom and Jerry, there are cartoons!"

Feng Qianyun's mobile phone rang at this time, it was Yan Hanyang calling, since Feng Qianyun cured his father Yan Songbai last time, he transferred the consultation money to Feng Qianyun's account two days later I haven't contacted him again, and I don't know why I suddenly called Feng Qianyun today.

"Hey, is this a little genius doctor?" Yan Hanyang directly called Feng Qianyun a little genius doctor.

"Is there anything you can do, Mr. Yan?" Feng Qianyun suddenly thought that she had just sent away a "Mr. Yan" when she called Yan Hanyang Mr. Yan.

"Oh, it's like this, my father and my wife will leave M City in two days and go home. Before leaving, my father insisted on treating you to a meal, the little miracle doctor, and thank you face to face." Yan Hanyang also I agree to invite Feng Qianyun to sit down and have a meal. After all, he is a miracle doctor. Who can guarantee that he will not get sick or get hurt in his whole life?Who doesn't want to live if he can survive, and it will never be a bad thing to have another genius doctor friend.

"No need, I received a consultation fee for Mr. Yan's medical treatment. To put it bluntly, it's a deal. I'm just doing what I should do." Feng Qianyun refused.

"Don't, don't say that. Money is something outside of the body, and the most important thing is to survive. There is nothing more important than my father's life, so no matter what, I ask the little genius doctor to agree to come and talk to us." Have a meal together!" Yan Hanyang invited Feng Qianyun with a very strong attitude, "Also, my son has just come to M City and will stay in M ​​City for a while, so I can just introduce you two to each other. In the future, I will have someone to take care of me in M ​​City."

Great hospitality is hard to come by, Feng Qianyun thinks about this family spending a lot of money, why not just meet and see, maybe there will be next business, "Okay."

"Then I wonder if you are free tomorrow, little genius doctor?"

"What time is tomorrow?" Feng Qianyun hadn't trained for two days in a row, and she didn't want to stop for a third day, as resting for too long would affect her training effect.

"Tomorrow night, my son may not have much time during the day, what do you think of the little genius doctor?" Yan Hanyang thought for a while, and he could only set the time at night, but he still had to ask Feng Qianyun for his opinion.

"I have time tomorrow night, so let's make an appointment at night." In this way, Feng Qianyun can continue training during the day without "truancy".

"Okay, then make an appointment at the Regent Hotel. I'll book a seat now. Where does the little genius doctor live? Do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?" Yan Hanyang was really thoughtful.

"No need, I'll just come here by myself." Feng Qianyun rejected Yan Hanyang's kindness.

"Oh, that's good, then it's settled, we'll see you tomorrow." Yan Hanyang was very happy and succeeded in making an appointment with Feng Qianyun, and happily hung up the phone.

Feng Qianyun and the others came out of the shop after eating the hot pot, and Yan Sihang and his colleagues who happened to be in the box next to them also came out.

When Yan Sihang saw Feng Qianyun, it was like a cheetah seeing its prey, with a bit of a malicious smile and a bit of determination to catch the prey.

When they arrived at the parking lot, their cars were still parked very close together.

Yan Sihang bid farewell to his colleagues and was about to get in the car when he saw sharply that the tires of his car had been punctured.

In this way, the car cannot be driven.

(End of this chapter)

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