Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 226 The Crap's Blind Date Banquet

Chapter 226 The Crap's Blind Date Banquet (3)
"Dad, Mom, Grandpa..." Said Cao Cao, and Cao Cao arrived.

Yan Sihang pushed the door open and came in, called the elders as soon as he entered, and then saw Feng Qianyun.

"Why are you here?" The alarm bell in Yan Sihang's heart immediately rang.

It's normal for him to think so, he just posted a battle post with Feng Qianyun yesterday, and now she appeared in front of their family, it's hard not to think badly.

"Could you be their outstanding son?" Feng Qianyun thought, this is probably a blind date that couldn't be worse.

Seeing this, the three elders of the Yan family wondered, "What's the matter, Sihang, you know the little genius doctor?"

It would be great if they knew each other. She was worried that she didn't know how to introduce the two of them, and she couldn't introduce them like a normal blind date.

"Mom, is she the little genius doctor you told me who cured grandpa's heart disease?" Yan Sihang was also puzzled, this joke was a little too big.

"That's right, she is the little genius doctor who cured your grandfather. By the way, Sihang, how did you know the little genius doctor?" Yan's mother hurriedly asked, very curious about it.

"Dad, Mom, are you sure you haven't been deceived by her?" How could a young lady who was in the underworld have amazing medical skills?
"There is absolutely nothing wrong. First, Mr. Youlu assured us, and then we stayed outside the door during the treatment. It can be said that we have witnessed the amazing changes of your grandfather before and after her treatment." The elder Yan's parents said to Feng Qian Yun's medical skills are unquestionable.

"Come out!" Yan Sihang looked at Feng Qianyun with a straight face, as if Feng Qianyun owed him a large sum of money.

Feng Qianyun followed Yan Sihang out of the room, leaving behind the three elders of the Yan family who were at a loss.

Yan Sihang and Feng Qianyun came to the corridor, he stopped, then turned around, put his hands in his pockets, and interrogated Feng Qianyun as if asking a prisoner, "Say, you sneaked into my family's side and defrauded my family's money." Newcomer, what is your purpose?"

Yan Sihang thought, it seemed that he had underestimated her, but she never thought that her arms were so long that she had already gained the trust of his family!Damn it!

"I said, if you have persecution delusions, please treat them as soon as possible. I don't have time to accompany you in delusional acting. When I met your parents, I didn't even know who you were. You must have not come to M City, can I foresee things in the future?" What kind of logic is he doing?Feng Qianyun really convinced him.

"You have reminded me that I will be transferred to M City is a secret, how did you get this opportunity, did you arrange a ghost inside the police force?" Yan Sihang said according to Feng Qianyun speculate further.

Feng Qianyun raised her head and raised her middle finger in her heart, "I don't think there is any need for you to seek medical treatment. Your paranoia of persecution is already terminally ill and there is no cure."

After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she planned to leave. If she continued, she was afraid that he would think that she was born to destroy him!
Seeing that Feng Qianyun was about to leave, Yan Sihang refused to let her go.He grabbed Feng Qianyun's hand, "You can't go."

"I said dear Chief, why can't I leave? If there is evidence that I am guilty, or that I have conspired against your family, then bring it out and arrest me, otherwise, you have no right Detain me!" He is amazing, if it weren't for the fact that he is pretty good-looking, the first thing she wants to beat up now is his face, so that he can't even recognize himself Come.

Yan Sihang couldn't find any words to refute, so he had to let go of Feng Qianyun's hand, watching the prisoner he identified, the person he identified as a danger to his family escape from his hands.

After Feng Qianyun left, Yan Sihang returned to the box alone.

When the three elders of the Yan family saw that only Yan Sihang came back and Feng Qianyun did not come back with him, they were very puzzled.

"Sihang, where is the little genius doctor, why didn't she come back with you, did she go to the bathroom?" Yan's mother hurriedly asked Yan Sihang.

Yan Sihang found a seat and sat down, "Grandpa, Dad, Mom, tell me, how did you know her?"

Yan Sihang had to figure out the ins and outs of the whole thing.

Seeing this, Yan Hanyang became even more perplexed, "Sihang, what's the matter? If you are not satisfied with the scene arranged by your parents." But she has a good temper, is quite mature, and she is also very beautiful, and most importantly, she is very capable, and she is worthy of you."

God, still blind date!Yan Sihang rubbed his temples.

"Stop asking so many questions, and answer my questions first."

Now that Yan Sihang has said so, Yan Hanyang will first tell Yan Sihang the process from knowing Feng Qianyun to completely believing Feng Qianyun and even admiring Feng Qianyun.

"Are you saying that there is old Mr. Lu as a guarantee for her, that she has excellent medical skills? And Dean Ruan also believes in her?" Two key figures are mentioned here, Lu Dafeng and Ruan Hongqiang. With a certain understanding, no matter how I think about it, I don't think the two of them will be liars, especially Lu Dafeng, who is famous for his integrity in the medical field.

"Yeah, so we believed that she asked her to treat your grandfather's illness, otherwise, she was just a little girl in her early ten years, and she had never heard of it before, so how dare we ask your grandfather to treat her?" She is treating illnesses. We speculated later that she might be the descendant of a hidden family, and this is the first time we have seen such exquisite medical skills!" Yan Hanyang thought he was well-informed, But for Feng Qianyun's medical skills, it was the first time in his life.

Now Han Mojue was even more puzzled, did Long Yutian's younger sister have good friendship with two celebrities in the medical field?Moreover, this young lady of the underworld is likely to have medical skills handed down from generation to generation.

Looking at the information in his hands, the Long family has never had anything to do with medical skills. The only one that has anything to do with medical skills is the poisonous Wu family who is closely related to the Long family, but the Wu family only plays poison and does not cure diseases.can also be excluded.

It seems that there are some things that he still needs to investigate further. At least for now, what is certain is that Long Yutian's sister is not simple, and may even be more difficult to deal with than himself!

Feng Qianyun has returned to the days of constantly training her body.

It can be said that Feng Xueyi watched Feng Qianyun grow day by day, she was different, her growth rate was so amazing that Feng Xueyi had to change the course she had originally booked.

"Starting today, the content I want to teach you will change. In the past few days, you have been exercising the most basic parts to enhance your body's strength, endurance, sensitivity and coordination. Although I don't know why Your physical strength is higher than that of ordinary people from the beginning, but you have already met the requirements for the next stage of learning content." Feng Xueyi recognized Feng Qianyun's basic skills.

(End of this chapter)

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