Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 227 Want Medicine Cauldron?Trade your fiancé for me

Chapter 227 Want Medicine Cauldron?Trade your fiancé for me (1)
Feng Qianyun listened carefully to Feng Xueyi's words.

"Starting today, you should learn to hold weapons. Here are two weapons suitable for girls. They were given to me by the leader for you to choose." Feng Xueyi doesn't have such good things.

Long Yutian?

He still did a serious thing after he was in heat.

Thank him later, as long as he is no longer in heat with her!

Feng Qianyun picked up the first one, an object mounted on a stick, which was very short, about ten centimeters long, just thick enough for Feng Qianyun to hold in one hand.In terms of texture, it is metallic and silvery white. It may be some kind of alloy. Judging from the weight, it should not be aluminum alloy but a heavier alloy with stronger hardness.

"What is this?" If it is a weapon, it is so short that there is no way to use it.

"You spin it around."

According to what Feng Xueyi said, Feng Qianyun twirled the short stick in her hand.

Both ends of the short stick were stretched out, and the small short stick just now turned into a very long steel stick in the blink of an eye, longer than Feng Qianyun's.

"It was forged by a master machine maker in the gang. It was custom-made for you by the previous gang leader. It should be suitable for your current body shape." Feng Xueyi explained.

Feng Qianyun played with the long stick in her hand, and found that, as Feng Xueyi said, the size was just right, and it was very suitable for her.

Feng Qianyun was very satisfied with the weapon in her hand.

Moreover, it can be shortened to make it easier for her to carry. She can't go out with a long steel rod, or she might be treated as a pervert.

Feng Qianyun looked at the second weapon again.

"What is this?" It looks like a yo-yo.

"As you can see, it's a yo-yo, but it's not an ordinary yo-yo, it's also made by that master," Feng Xueyi said as he tore off the string of the yo-yo, letting Feng Qianyun See, "This is no ordinary steel wire, enough to kill."

Feng Qianyun could tell that the steel wire was very sharp, or in other words, it wasn't a steel wire at all, and it was very thin, not to mention strangling people, it should directly cut people's skin.

"Have you chosen?"

Feng Qianyun nodded, instead of taking the special yo-yo, she took the stretchable steel rod.

Both weapons are very convenient to carry, but Feng Qianyun chose the first one, because the second one is too sharp, it will bleed at every turn, and it will kill people if you are not careful, Feng Qianyun will not to kill.

"Okay, then from today I will teach you how to use this weapon in your hand freely."

Feng Xueyi originally focused on practicing external kung fu, and internal kung fu was just practiced by the way.

He is proficient in a lot of outsider kung fu, including swords, guns, swords, axes, axes, hooks and forks to a certain extent.

"But before learning this, there is one more place I want to take you. This is also a skill you must learn. You will start learning these two at the same time."

After Feng Xueyi finished speaking, he led Feng Qianyun to another room. The Long family mansion is so big, but the living area of ​​the Long family is very small. It turned out that most of the places were used to build training grounds, meeting rooms and the like. out of place.

After Feng Qianyun followed Feng Xueyi in, the row of guns first appeared in front of her.

Looking at all kinds of guns, Feng Qianyun knew what another thing she had to learn. As a member of a gangster, how could she not know how to shoot a gun.

"This is another item you need to learn, shooting. There are many types of guns, and you will come into contact with them slowly, and you will need to understand the performance of each gun and ammunition. Of course, at the beginning, you should use a pistol first."

Speaking of which, Feng Xueyi took a pistol to Feng Qianyun, "This is a 224 9mm pistol with an effective range of 50 meters and a [-]mm caliber."

Generally speaking, you don't use such a gun when you go to a shooting club. This gun is relatively new.

Feng Qianyun took a pistol and felt it. It was the first time in her life to hold a real gun. It is necessary to feel it. Feng Qianyun has only held an air gun before. If you want to say that the biggest difference between an air gun and this kind of gun is the lethality superior.

Feng Xueyi put on headphones and sunglasses to demonstrate to Feng Qianyun.

Out of ten bullets, only one shot missed the red heart. This technique is really unrealistic.

After Feng Xueyi finished shooting, Changfeng Qianyun tried to use a real gun for the first time in his life.

Feng Xueyi was about to seriously ask Feng Qianyun to take the correct posture, when he saw Feng Qianyun was already standing there with a gun in his hand, ready to test the gun.

"Have you practiced before?" Feng Xueyi asked, it's not impossible, Long Yutian has held a gun since he was eight years old, although he didn't have a teacher's guidance, he still looks decent.

Feng Qianyun shook her head, "I've played air guns before, and it's roughly the same. I'm a little surprised about some of the performance and feeling."

"If this is the case, you should try it first. If you try it for the first time, your ears will feel a little uncomfortable, but it will be better if you think it is a pistol. Hold your hand tightly, otherwise the rebound force of the bullet will be weak when it is fired. Make your hands shift."

Feng Xueyi was talking, Feng Qianyun had already fired.

Sure enough, there was still a gap between real guns and air guns. Feng Qianyun missed the target with one shot, and only three shots hit the red heart.

Feng Xueyi looked at Feng Qianyun's results, "For the first time, the results are not bad." Feng Xueyi was not comforting Feng Qianyun, the current shooting distance is 40 meters, which is very good for beginners. That being said, it would be nice to hit the target.

Feng Qianyun looked at it, and it was the first time in her life that she dedicated it like this.

Feng Qianyun has been attending classes with Feng Xueyi for several days, and she even found a black silk belt for herself, and tied her new weapon to her thigh, so that she can take it out whenever she wants to use it.

But the biggest trouble she encountered was probably Wu Xiaohan.

That night she declared war on her and said she wanted to challenge her. She thought she was a child at heart, and she would be fine in two or three days. Who would have thought that her perseverance was much stronger than she imagined, and she came to give Feng Qianyun every day Poison.

As a result, Feng Qianyun's meals, drinking water, utensils, and even the glasses and earphones she used when practicing shooting became dangerous goods.

Feng Xueyi, who had been with Feng Qianyun all day long, suffered an accident. Feng Qianyun was fine, and she could easily resolve most of the poison, even if it took an hour of trouble, it would basically pass away, but Feng Xueyi was different, once he was poisoned, he would need Feng Qianyun to treat him.

No, Feng Xueyi just went to choose a gun for Feng Qianyun, and was poisoned by Wu Xiaohan.

Miss Wu has really achieved a state of pervasiveness.

To be honest, Feng Qianyun was secretly happy, because in this way, besides learning martial arts, she could also practice using poison. It's just that poor Feng Xueyi came to be her guinea pig every day, testing medicine. .

(End of this chapter)

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