Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 228 Want Medicine Cauldron?Trade your fiancé for me

Chapter 228 Want Medicine Cauldron?Trade your fiancé for me (2)
Wu Xiaohan's hands can produce all kinds of poisons. To Feng Qianyun, it is like a treasure trove of poisons. After Feng Qianyun has studied all of Wu Xiaohan's poisons, it is estimated that her antidote storehouse is A certain degree of completeness can be achieved.

Maybe she can publish a book and become an expert.

It would be fine if Miss Wu administered some less serious poisons, Feng Qianyun could quickly concoct the antidote, or just give Feng Xueyi a few injections, inject some Tiangang vitality and it would be over. For the more troublesome poison, Feng Qianyun will have to study it for a while.

The worst thing is that some of the poisons that Wu Xiaohan administered did not give Feng Qianyun time to study the antidote, and they were fatal. Feng Qianyun had to seal Feng Xueyi's acupuncture points first, and put him in a state of suspended animation. Stop all his life activities and buy time to develop an antidote for him.

Feng Xueyi's originally expressionless face became even smellier and more gloomy.

He is not a good teacher, he is giving Feng Qianyun a lesson with his life.

Feng Xueyi has avoided contact with Feng Qianyun as much as possible, let her take her own things, if she can not touch, Feng Xueyi even let Feng Qianyun hold the doorknob.

But she was still tricked, because since Wu Xiaohan used water to wash her poisonous hand, she also poured the poisonous water into the air humidifier, and as a result, the whole room was covered with poison, and she could be poisoned even by sniffing the air.

To make matters worse, she administered seven poisons at once.

After Feng Qianyun and Feng Xueyi were poisoned, Wu Xiaohan ran over with her hands on her hips, "Hmph, let me see how you make the antidote this time, our Wu family's poison is the most powerful! I must prove it to you Look, prove it to Brother Yutian."

Feng Qianyun was really defeated by Wu Xiaohan's rich imagination, obviously she was sexually harassed by Long Yutian, why did it become her to seduce Long Yutian!
Forget it, for the sake of Wu Xiaohan's continuous status and the materials she provided for her study, she should bear this trumped-up charge.

Because poisons are mixed together, it becomes more difficult. One plus one is greater than two. Mixing seven poisons together is not simply multiplying the poison by seven. The poison will interact with each other. Antidotes have also become more difficult to formulate, and the antidote for one poison may become an aid for another.

And Wu Xiaohan is not an idiot, she knows how to combine different poisons and how to make poisons more complicated.

Wu Xiaohan's criterion for preparing poison for Feng Qianyun is not lethality, but the complexity of the poison, that is, the difficulty of making the corresponding antidote.

"By the way, let me tell you by the way, I have tried the seven kinds of poisons on mice this time, and the mice can last for about half an hour. If it is an adult man like Feng Xueyi who is in good health, he can last longer. From 10 minutes to 15 minutes, it's time to hurry up, after the time is over, he will say goodbye to this world!" Wu Xiaohan very generously told Feng Qianyun her remaining time.

It's really terrible, this time is too tricky, Feng Qianyun felt that the compounding of ordinary medicines might not be effective, so she decided to use elixirs, for ordinary poisons, Feng Qianyun would directly prepare them, and would not use elixirs .

Pills are much more complicated than simply combining medicines, and the effect of the alchemy process may be exponential.

Fortunately, Feng Qianyun carried her medicinal cauldron with her. As for the medicinal materials, she had them in the place where she trained, because today is not the first time Wu Xiaohan has administered medicine, and Feng Qianyun has become used to doing such things. For the convenience of her training, the place is full of medicinal materials.

Both Chinese herbal medicines and some basic western medicines are available.

When Feng Qianyun took out her medicine cauldron, Wu Xiaohan's expression changed.

"You, you, how did you have this thing!?"

Feng Qianyun looked up, Wu Xiaohan seemed to recognize her medicine cauldron, this medicine cauldron was bought by Long Yutian for her at the last auction, it was stolen from the ancient tomb by the tomb robber, everyone including the tomb robber himself I don't even know the name of this medicine cauldron.

"You know it?" It wouldn't have been so surprising otherwise.

Wu Xiaohan looked at the medicine cauldron, and there was something called "longing" in her eyes.

Wu Xiaohan nodded, "Can you sell it to me? If you sell it to me, I won't trouble you in the future. Of course, I will pay you a lot of money."

Feng Qianyun shook her head, "I don't plan to sell it, I'm not short of money for the time being." Feng Qianyun really likes this medicine cauldron, after using it for so long, it's all because of emotion, not to mention it's really good Yes, she used it to make so many elixirs with good results.

"Think about it, I can pay a very high price!" Wu Xiaohan doesn't care about money now, she only cares about the medicine cauldron in Feng Qianyun's hand.

"You want this thing so much, it seems that you know its value very well."

Wu Xiaohan nodded, "Don't tell me you don't know what it is! It's horrible, it fell into the hands of such an ignorant guy like you!" Wu Xiaohan was extremely indignant because of this.

Feng Qianyun shrugged, she really didn't know this medicine cauldron, she just had a vague feeling that it was very good.

"This thing is a certainty among the three tripods of Xuanyin, and it's called Moon Killing." Wu Xiaohan looked at the Moon Killing statue eagerly, really wanting it, really wanting it.

"Is there anything special about it? Also, what are the three Xuanyin tripods, that is to say, there are other two tripods besides it?" Feng Qianyun followed Wu Xiaohan's words and asked.

Wu Xiaohan is really going to be pissed off by Feng Qianyun, this guy really doesn't know anything, it's so hateful!Damn it! "Our Wu family has been looking for the whereabouts of the Xuanyin Sanding Ding for many years, but there has been no clue, because our Wu family's family tree has records about the Xuanyin Sanding Ding, and the records say that the three medicine tripods are relatively ancient. A magic weapon, once owned by a senior of our Wu family, used it to refine many poisons handed down from generation to generation."

Feng Qianyun is ashamed, although it is said that the medicine cauldron can make alchemy, antidote, and poison is also possible, but why is the poison handed down by the Wu family... They are afraid that the world will not be poisonous...

"Listen to you, this medicine cauldron named Killing Moon should be pretty good." Otherwise, it wouldn't have been engraved on the family tree by the ancestors of the murderous Wu family.

"Nonsense, who do you think our Wu family is? Of course our Wu family doesn't like ordinary things!" Wu Xiaohan has only one thought now, and that is to get Yue Yue from Feng Qianyun.

"Well, thank you for telling me this information." Otherwise, she didn't know that the medicine cauldron in her hand would be one of the three tripods of Xuanyin, and it was indeed very useful.

"You sell me the medicine cauldron! I'm here to buy it from you sincerely! As long as you offer the conditions, I will definitely be able to satisfy you!" Wu Xiaohan was determined to win.

(End of this chapter)

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