Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 231 Want Medicine Cauldron?Trade your fiancé for me

Chapter 231 Want Medicine Cauldron?Trade your fiancé for me (5)
Han Mojue walked out of the bar door, keenly aware that someone was staring at him.

Han Mojue smiled wickedly, then continued to stride forward as if he hadn't noticed.

Han Mojue moved, and the person staring at him moved too. Han Mojue thought about it in his heart, he didn't know who was staring at him, was it his father?Impossible, if he wants to come to him, he won't wait until now, he has been away from home for so long!
Or the person you offended recently, the Jin family?Jin Zhongye ran away, and he didn't know where he went, that bastard Xia Wufeng?No, that bastard wouldn't play stalking in such a wretched way, he was so confident, he must have come straight up.

Han Mojue walked for a while and found that the other party didn't want to follow him, but just wanted to find a place to talk to him, so he showed up on his own initiative.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Han Mojue didn't expect it to be Yan Sihang.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to follow me like a dog, tsk tsk, why, as a public servant of the people, you are very idle, don't forget that you are living with our taxpayers' money!"

Yan Sihang didn't come to follow Han Mojue today, but to ask Han Mojue something.

"Are you familiar with Feng Qianyun, the eldest lady of the Black Dragon Gang?" Last time Yan Sihang saw Han Mojue and Feng Qianyun together when he was at a hot pot restaurant.

Later, according to the information, it was found that he and Feng Qianyun were very close, and the relationship between the two was very close.

"Why? Making friends is a crime?" Han Mojue knew that Yan Sihang was here after Feng Qianyun, so he had some hostility towards him. Why did he stare at his little wife? Enduring!

"It's not a crime to make friends, but it's a crime if you make friends with some dubious friends and do some murder and arson with her."

dubious?It seems to be a thousand rhymes.

It's not like they murdered and set fire together, but they did a bad thing several times.

"I said, how on earth do you judge a person? You've only known my little wife for a few days, and you're calling her nonsense." Han Mojue thought Yan Sihang was ridiculous because he checked Seeing that the little daughter-in-law has the identity of the eldest lady of the Black Dragon Gang, do you think she is a criminal?

"It's true that I've just met her in person, but it doesn't mean I don't know her well enough." Yan Sihang didn't think there was anything wrong with his judgment of Feng Qianyun, "I came to you today to hope that you can provide useful information for our police. Do you know why Feng Qianyun's surname is Feng instead of Long, and who did she learn her medical skills from?"

"Heh!" Han Mojue gave Yan Sihang an absolutely ironic smile, "I said, didn't you say that you know my little daughter-in-law very well? What's the matter, you actually came to ask me, since you know enough , Why did you come to ask me these questions! If you have the ability, you can check it yourself, I'm sorry, I don't like you, and I don't want to answer your questions. "

Because the little daughter-in-law is not Long Yutian's younger sister at all, and of course her surname is not Long, but people who don't know like to guess wildly, thinking that the little daughter-in-law was sent to some mysterious person for adoption before.

As for why the little daughter-in-law has medical skills, to be honest, he doesn't know.

Han Mojue's attitude was very uncooperative, this man named Yan Sihang actually said that his little wife was wrong, why did he give him a good look?
Han Mojue spread his hands, expressing his unwillingness to cooperate.Then turned around and continued to stride forward.

Yan Sihang felt that Han Mojue must know something, so he didn't want to just let Han Mojue go.

Han Mojue turned around, can't he go?
So Han Mojue stepped forward, suddenly gave Yan Sihang a big bear hug, held him tight, and suddenly yelled loudly.

"Indecent, indecent!"

Yan Sihang was suddenly hugged by Han Mojue and couldn't react. He wanted to push Han Mojue away, but found that he couldn't. This beautiful man seems... not as simple as he looks on the surface.Yan Sihang is sure that Han Mojue must be a master!
Han Mojue not only hugged Yan Sihang, but also grabbed Yan Sihang's hand and pulled his clothes.

Yan Sihang was left speechless by Han Mojue, he is a man, why is he calling out insults?
Han Mojue seemed to feel that this was not enough, he grabbed Yan Sihang's hand and put it on his chest, even though it was flat and open.


Han Mojue shouted even louder.

"Hey, what are you doing, you're a man!" Yan Sihang's face was as ugly as it was, if the other party was a girl, he could still say that this is a cunning woman, but Han Mojue is a man!Although he is an unbelievably beautiful man.

This is not a remote and uninhabited place. Although there are not many pedestrians coming and going, it is not completely empty.

Pedestrians passing by cast strange glances at Yan Sihang and Han Mojue.

Under such eyes, Han Mojue calmly staged the scene of being molested, while Yan Sihang had to feel embarrassed by it.

Han Mojue gave Yan Sihang an evil smile, "Handsome, if you follow me again, I'm going to sue you for molesting!"

Yan Sihang was completely speechless towards Han Mojue, this is inevitable, and a bit too rascal, right?Even if he wants to sue him for molestation, can he please find a woman?Why don't he play by himself?
"Hey, come on, handsome guy, do you want to kiss me?" Han Mojue's smile made Yan Sihang's skin crawl.

Faced with scoundrels, Yan Sihang, who grew up under the red banner, was completely helpless.

Only then did Han Mojue let go, smiled with satisfaction, tugged at his slightly messy collar, and cast a wink at Yan Sihang, "If there's nothing else, I'll be leaving first! Bye, dear Xiaohanghang!"

Another layer of goosebumps.

"Help me ask Feng Qianyun out, I have something to talk to her about." Although Yan Sihang got goosebumps all over by Han Mojue, he still had to say what he had to say.

"What are you doing, do you want to arrest my little wife? Am I stupid enough to help you do this?"

"I heard that she was the one who reminded Song Yuanshan about the ghost in the police station last time."

"So what?" The little daughter-in-law reminded them, they didn't know how to be grateful, and even came to trouble her!
"I want to know if she knows more things." Yan Sihang said clearly.

"Are you serious?" Han Mojue didn't look like Yan Sihang was lying, but Yan Sihang's heart was unpredictable. Who could guarantee that he didn't want him to help him ask out his little wife, and then lay in ambush so that he could catch her What?
"You don't need to look at me like this. We are dealing with evidence. If there is evidence to arrest her, I don't need to stand here now."

(End of this chapter)

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