Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 232: The Chief

Chapter 232: The Chief (1)
Yan Sihang is not a shameless person, and he would not do such despicable things.

Han Mojue pinched his chin and thought for a while, "I can help you tell my daughter-in-law what you said to me today, but I don't know if my lovely daughter-in-law will come."

Han Mojue thought, the little daughter-in-law should have this sense of judgment and won't be easily fooled by others, so he better pass on Yan Sihang's words to her.

Han Mojue called Feng Qianyun, "Hey, little daughter-in-law, that person surnamed Yan wants to ask you to meet, and have a good talk, saying that you reminded Song Yuanshan about the inner ghost last time, he Wondering if you know more about it."

"Let him answer the phone." Feng Qianyun didn't know what Yan Sihang, who was clamoring to bring her to justice a few days ago, was singing again today.

Han Mojue handed the phone to Yan Sihang, motioning him to listen to the call.

Yan Sihang took the phone from Han Mojue, "I'm Yan Sihang."

"What's the matter, you changed your mind so quickly, you don't want to arrest me?"

Hearing Feng Qianyun's provocative voice on the phone, Yan Sihang's teeth felt a little itchy. To be honest, their police officers came to ask a little girl involved in gangsters for help, and it would make people laugh out loud.

But his unhappiness still failed to overcome his curiosity about Feng Qianyun and his eagerness to find out the truth, "As long as you don't let me get the evidence of your crime!"

"Ahem, you want to know about the last arsenal incident, right? Yes, I don't have time during the day, but I'm free at night." Feng Qianyun readily agreed. She still has to train during the day for the next two days. It was fine at night, Lie Que never appeared again, and he didn't know where he went, his whereabouts were always secretive, Feng Qianyun felt that it was not surprising that he disappeared suddenly.

"In order to prevent you from suspecting that I am setting a trap for you to jump, it is up to you to decide the place and time."

"As for the location, it's in my Han Meiren's bar. If the downstairs is too noisy, there is an upstairs room. It will be quieter there. As for the time, let's say nine o'clock in the evening. I think you must be very busy recently. Who It's too hot to ask someone to take office as a new official!" In the latter sentence, Feng Qianyun was obviously teasing Yan Sihang.

"Okay, I'll be there on time." After finishing speaking, Yan Sihang returned the phone to Han Mojue.

Han Mojue took the phone, "I said, little daughter-in-law, you must have fallen in love with Xiao Hanghang, and you agreed to him so readily. This is not in line with your character!"

Han Mojue knew Feng Qianyun well. She never traded at a loss. Faced with this kind of situation, she should open her mouth and blackmail Yan Sihang severely.

"I've always been a good talker!"

"Did you consider the feelings of me and countless other people you blackmailed when you said this?" Han Mojue recalled that he was blackmailed by Feng Qianyun for a full 100 million "innocence protection fee".

"People always have a kind side. You have to believe that I am really kind. Although the man surnamed Yan is very good-looking, has a good family, and has a successful career at a young age, but don't worry, I will be here In my heart, the Korean Americans in my family should be better."

The reason why Feng Qianyun agreed to Yan Sihang's matter so readily was because it was a good thing for Feng Qianyun to make these matters of the Jin family known to the public. Jin Zhongye is still alive, so maybe she will come back to trouble her one day .

"Little daughter-in-law, what you said is too unreliable." The ghost believed what she said, although he was indeed a little bit more handsome and a little bit more powerful than this Yan guy.

I asked Yan Sihang to meet at the bar, the place was full of feasting, noisy and noisy, the flickering lights and the light refracted by the wine glasses and bottles made people dazzled.

"I didn't expect you would really come." Yan Sihang breathed a sigh of relief, if she didn't come, he seemed to have nothing to do with her.

"It should be that I didn't expect you to ask me to meet. Why, what information do you want to know from me?"

Feng Qianyun knew what kind of use value she should have for Yan Sihang, otherwise, how could she come to her so condescendingly as him?
"Captain Song suggested to me that you might help us."

For Yan Sihang, it took a lot of determination to come to Feng Qianyun for help. In fact, he didn't completely trust Feng Qianyun in his heart, and he even had bad intentions, because in this way he could By getting close to Feng Qianyun, you can better get clues about Feng Qianyun.

Cats like to play with mice under their noses, watching the mice jumping in their palms, but they can't jump out of their palms, this is the fun of cats playing with mice.

Feng Qianyun spurned Yan Sihang in her heart, did she owe him anything in her previous life, did she have to help if she could?

But there was one thing they got right. She knew the answer he was looking for.

"If I help you find you the answer you want, can you promise me your body?" Feng Qianyun's expression was sour, that way, both ruffian and lewd.

If Han Mojue heard the conversation between Feng Qianyun and Yan Sihang, Han Mojue must give Feng Qianyun a good reprimand, little pervert!
Yan Sihang subconsciously backed away for a long distance, and the good young man with red seedlings was molested one after another, and the embarrassment and embarrassment were fully displayed on his face.

"Shameless!" Yan Sihang stared at Feng Qianyun viciously, only thinking that Feng Qianyun was too shameless. It's no wonder that she, an underage girl, said such words. She grew up in such an environment. The dubious people!
"Yo, are you shy? Why do I remember that some people came to me to send me a battle post two days ago, saying that they wanted to catch my mouse. A shy kitten can't catch a cunning mouse, it will only do the opposite I was molested by a mouse. How about this, don’t want to give me a promise, if I can help you, you can sleep with me all night, anyway, you are a man, you will not suffer anyway. "

The more Feng Qianyun laughed, the more evil she became. Last time Yan Sihang came to find fault with Feng Qianyun, but now she knew that she would be retaliated by Feng Qianyun.

How can a little girl talk about sleeping with a man?
"You are so shameless, I really don't know what kind of education you have received since you were a child!" Yan Sihang felt that Feng Qianyun was really a little too hateful.

"Can I interpret your current appearance as shyness? Don't tell me that you are a lot older, and you are still an innocent little virgin?"

Feng Qianyun thinks that the beauty of their family is so pure, and this Yan Sihang is older than the beauty of their family, so she can't be so pure, right?

(End of this chapter)

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