Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 234: The Chief

Chapter 234: The Chief (3)
"Little daughter-in-law, let's ignore her, let's talk about serious business, do you really like Yan Sihang?" So does the younger daughter-in-law like that type of man?What's so good, not as beautiful as him, oh not handsome!His body looks a little bit stronger than his. That's because he is a soldier. It's normal for his body to look a little stronger. If he exercises a little bit, he can be so firm!

"Han Mojue, with which eye do you see that I like Yan Sihang?" Feng Qianyun was also speechless to this one.

"But just now I clearly saw you teasing him, and I hooked his chin with my finger, and smiled at him with an ambiguous face!" Han Mojue accused.

"That was just for fun."

"I don't see you playing with others."


The conversation between Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue fell into Wu Xiaohan's ears, and her brain immediately received the message that Feng Qianyun has someone else she likes!
That's good, then I won't rob brother Yutian from her again, and then the troubles that bother her won't exist!
She is actually very distressed. She really wants to learn from Feng Qianyun, but she is afraid that Feng Qianyun will take away her favorite brother Yutian. If Feng Qianyun has someone else she likes, then for her It would be great!

Thinking of this, Wu Xiaohan had a plan in mind...

"Master, I have a gift for you!" Wu Xiaohan said mysteriously, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that he had done something shameful.

"Stop, first, I'm not your master, and second, I don't want your gift either." No matter how you think about it, Wu Xiaohan's gift is not something good.

"Don't do this, master, I have spent a lot of effort to get this gift for you. You must accept it, and it will be my gift to apprentice!" The gift is very secure.

With that said, Wu Xiaohan ran out without waiting for Feng Qianyun to respond, and then came in with a sack on his shoulder.

Let’s just say it’s not a good thing, such a big sack is definitely not a good thing!
Feng Qianyun is very sure.

Wu Xiaohan put the sack on the ground, then opened the rope on the top of the sack, and showed Feng Qianyun what was in the sack.

Seeing the things in the sack, Feng Qianyun almost lost her breath.

What was contained in the sack was a person, and this person was none other than Yan Sihang.

Feng Qianyun put her hand on her forehead, "Are you going to tie him up?"

Wu Xiaohan nodded very proudly, "Yes, it took me a lot of effort. Fortunately, my drug addiction is very strong. Master, do you know that this man is even more powerful than I imagined? He actually reacted immediately Miyan came over and caught me out."

Wu Xiaohan recalled the process of capturing Yan Sihang, as if he was very proud, "However, he was still a little stupid, he said he wanted to arrest me, and finally let me deceive him!"

Wu Xiaohan thought that the process of her arresting Yan Sihang was thrilling. At first she wanted to use drugs to stun him, but he didn't expect him to find out and arrest her instead, but he didn't expect someone to His hands were poisoned, and when he gave her a gap to take off the gloves, that was when he was poisoned.

Also, how can ordinary people have poison in their own hands? Shouldn’t they be poisoned by the poison in their own hands?
People from the Wu family with poisonous hands are an exception, that hand is a poisonous hand, because Yan Sihang didn't know this, so Yan Sihang followed Wu Xiaohan's way.

"Why are you going to arrest him?" Feng Qianyun thought, Wu Xiaohan just arrived not long ago, and Yan Sihang has only been here for a few days, when did the two of them become enemies?
Wu Xiaohan actually caught Yan Sihang as a gift for her!
She seems to be in need of a man, do you need her to help her get one?
"For the sake of you, master, I heard that the pretty and outrageous boy who was with you all the time said that you like him." Wu Xiaohan ran to find Feng Qianyun that day, and took Han Mojue's joke seriously. .

Feng Qianyun wants to cry but has no tears.

"Master, you don't have to be shy. It's normal for a man to have sex with a woman, and I also think this 'Xiao Hang Hang' looks really good. When I carried him back just now, I found that he is very strong. Wow, on the bed The kung fu must be fierce, master, you are really good at picking!"

Wu Xiaohan would not say that she had a little thought in tying Yan Sihang to Feng Qianyun, that is, she wanted Feng Qianyun to fall in love with a man other than Long Yutian more than anyone else, and now she wanted Feng Qianyun to be her master , and didn't want Feng Qianyun to rob her fiancé, the best way was to find another man for Feng Qianyun.

Wu Xiaohan felt that she had already done what she had to do, and now she should leave space and time to Feng Qianyun and Yan Sihang, who hadn't woken up yet, so she ran out of Feng Qianyun's room very "tactfully", still very well-behaved Closed the door of the room.

She laughed and ran downstairs, imagining the possible situations in the room over and over in her mind.

Long Yutian, who was sitting on the sofa, saw Wu Xiaohan mysteriously carrying things to Feng Qianyun's room, then ran down with a wicked smile, thinking that she was doing something bad again.

"Didn't you say that you want to become a teacher and stop challenging her?" Long Yutian asked.He knew that Wu Xiaohan was still a child at heart, and he said that he would challenge Feng Qianyun for a while, and he wanted to ask her to be his master for a while.

"I didn't challenge the master, I went to give her a gift." When mentioning the gift she gave Feng Qianyun, Wu Xiaohan was very happy.

"Gifts?" Long Yutian frowned slightly. He was deeply poisoned by Wu Xiaohan's gifts. When he was a child, before he left the Wu family, there were many examples where she gave him those poisonous insects and snakes as gifts. At least, and when he celebrated his birthday, she put a bunch of scorpions in his birthday cake, saying it was a great tonic. There were no surprises, but there were quite a few shocks.

So Long Yutian deeply doubted what kind of shock Wu Xiaohan's gift for Feng Qianyun would be.

"Yes, I spent a lot of effort to get it, I think the master must be very happy!" Wu Xiaohan was very confident in the gift he prepared for Feng Qianyun.

I have to say that Long Yutian is the truth.

Feng Qianyun looked at Yan Sihang who was still in a coma on the ground, and she was teasing him just now, but now Wu Xiaohan actually tied him into her room. How many Yellow Rivers are not enough for her to wash away her suspicions.

She really wasn't so horny and thirsty that she needed a man and sent someone to faint and tie him up.

Feng Qianyun thought about it, forget it, let's wake him up first.

(End of this chapter)

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