Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 235: The Chief

Chapter 235: The Chief (5)
It is not uncommon for her to be naked when seeing a doctor.

Immunity has already been exercised quite well.

Feng Qianyun's hand came to Yan Sihang's chest, and drew small circles in the air, "Xiaohanghang, if you let your former comrades-in-arms see what you look like now, how would they feel?"

Yan Sihang was so angry by Feng Qianyun that he was speechless.

"Come on, let's talk. If you don't talk, just let me talk, and the fun will be greatly reduced." Feng Qianyun found that she has a talent for being a female pervert, and she is really good at molesting people. Kind of.

"Get your dirty hands away." Yan Sihang roared in disgust.

"I won't." He said just take it away?
"Just do what you want, procrastinate, don't tell me you don't even know how to do it!" Yan Sihang had already given up resistance, forget it, just treat it as being bitten by a bug.

"Why are you in such a hurry, can't you bear it anymore?" Feng Qianyun smiled slyly and looked at certain parts of Yan Sihang's body.

"Shut up!" Yan Sihang said angrily.

Just when Yan Sihang thought Feng Qianyun would do something to him, Feng Qianyun pushed away and took her silver needle bag instead.

Yan Sihang thought that Feng Qianyun had used something as a prop again, "What else do you want?"

Feng Qianyun thought to herself, what else could she do, of course it was to detoxify him, could it be possible to really let him go on like this, then she was afraid that she would be counterattacked.

Feng Qianyun's silver needle pierced Yan Sihang's exposed chest, one needle after another.

Yan Sihang only felt that the heat that was rushing up and down in his body just now dissipated unknowingly, the fire that condensed in the lower abdomen was also extinguished at some point, and his desire and embarrassment gradually dissipated. .

He knew that the medicine in his body was cured.

"Why are you doing this? What is your intention?"

Yan Sihang looked at Feng Qianyun who was still doing acupuncture for him, and didn't understand why she did this. Wasn't it the love potion she gave him, so why did she help him unravel the nature of the medicine?
"Enough playing, so stop. You don't really think I want to eat you up, do you? Please, even if I have the heart, I don't have the ability."

She's only 13, although biologically she's "mature".

Moreover, she is not such a casual person. She has always believed that this kind of thing must be meaningful to cook with the person she likes. Anyone who comes up can kiss me. How is that different from animals?No, animals will also make some choices first.

Yan Sihang didn't believe that what Feng Qianyun did just now was just for one word: play.

Until Feng Qianyun untied Yan Sihang and let him regain his freedom, Yan Sihang still felt that Feng Qianyun must have another trick, and he would not let him go so easily.

"This is the Long family, I have to get someone to take you out." Otherwise, as soon as Yan Sihang walked out of her room, the Long family's alarm would definitely sound.

"What else do you want to do?" Yan Sihang only felt that he was deeply humiliated, Feng Qianyun, he probably would never forget this person in his life!
What the hell did she do? He started talking to her with this attitude from the first time he saw me.

Forget it, whatever he likes, if he scolds her non-stop next time, she won't play like this, don't think she won't do anything to him because he is a handsome guy.

"Stop playing, I'm tired, let's go." Feng Qianyun lay down on the bed, she was really tired, she trained during the day and tossed about at night, can she not be tired?He picked up the landline from the side and made a call to the monitoring room, "A strange man will come out of my room in a while, don't stop him."

After finishing speaking, Feng Qianyun hung up the phone.

Yan Sihang watched Feng Qianyun lying on the bed for a long time, damn it, even if he suspected that her words were wrong, he had to do what she said, because he didn't want to stay in this room anymore , I don't want to think about it for a second.

Get out and get out, anyway, it won't be worse than the current situation!
Yan Sihang left Feng Qianyun's room and found that, as Feng Qianyun said, this is really the Long family mansion. When Yan Sihang walked downstairs, he saw Long Yutian and Wu Xiaohan sitting in the living room.

The six eyes face each other, each with their own thoughts.

Seeing Yan Sihang, Wu Xiaohan yelled, "Why did you come out so soon? No way, you look very strong!"

Wu Xiaohan murmured in his heart, he really can't be judged by his appearance!
Long Yutian frowned, Yan Sihang, Long Yutian didn't know that there was such a number one person in M ​​City, there was no reason for those gangsters not to pay attention, but he seemed to be from Feng Qianyun just now out of the room.

The more he thought about it, the more Long Yutian frowned.

When Yan Sihang saw Long Yutian, it was a typical cat with anger when it saw a mouse. Why was it angry?Because he was angry with Feng Qianyun, it was pure anger.

Yan Sihang and Long Yutian looked at each other for a long time, there was lightning and flint formed at the intersection of their eyes, but neither of them spoke.

Finally, Yan Sihang turned around and walked out the gate.

As soon as Yan Sihang left, Wu Xiaohan started to mutter again, "No, even if it doesn't work, my medicine will lose its effect for no reason, and it's only been more than half an hour now, so it stands to reason that the effect of my medicine hasn't passed yet! "

Hearing Wu Xiaohan's words beside him, Long Yutian narrowed his eyes, and slightly retracted the hand holding the document, causing obvious wrinkles to appear on the document paper, "What did you just say?"

Wu Xiaohan was belatedly unaware of the dangerous aura revealed by the man beside her, "I heard that master likes the man just now, so she went to tie him up, just to be on the safe side, I specially gave him It doesn’t make sense that it would end so soon after taking the medicine.”

"You drugged him and sent him to Feng Qianyun's room?" Long Yutian put down the document in his hand, and didn't even notice that a corner of the document got into the water glass and got soaked. It was still a copy important document.

"Yes!" Wu Xiaohan nodded.

"Feng Qianyun likes him?" Long Yutian asked again.

Wu Xiaohan nodded again, "I followed what you told me today and went to WAITINGBAR to find the master. The beautiful man who was with the master told me that he said that the master liked him, so I went to tie him up. Just now He has been in the master's room, and the master has not seen him kicked out, so I think I must have done nothing wrong this time."

If the master didn't like it from the beginning, he would have kicked that man out soon, and he wouldn't have waited until almost an hour had passed before sending him out.

(End of this chapter)

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