Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 237 The Father Is Unknown

Chapter 237 The Father Is Unknown (2)
"Brother Yutian, are you jealous or jealous or jealous?" Feng Qianyun smiled at Long Yutian, and she was brilliant, what's the matter, are you not allowed to shine for a while?

"Hehe..." Long Yutian's smile is really not very good-looking, the more he smiles, the more treacherous he becomes, "When will cats and mice fall in love, I'll wait to see your ending!"

Is this the so-called grape sour?

Long Yutian guessed correctly, Feng Qianyun was indeed "nourished" a little bit, but the object was not Yan Sihang but Lie Que who Long Yutian had met once but didn't see his face clearly.

"You can tell at a glance that there is no childhood. You don't know that the greatest happiness between a cat and a mouse is that they are constantly chasing and fighting. After chasing for many years, the cat and mouse are still alive."

Feng Qianyun thought, judging from the training she is receiving now, Long Yutian's childhood is probably very worrying.

It was really guessed by Feng Qianyun. When Feng Qianyun talked about cats and mice, many question marks popped up in Long Yutian's head, but Long Yutian remained silent and didn't intend to say that he knew , or don't know, .

"Master, brother Yutian has never watched cartoons before!" Wu Xiaohan broke the news and sold Long Yutian outright.

"No childhood." Feng Qianyun sent Long Yutian three words, really no childhood.

"Master, don't talk about brother Yutian like that, he is so mature!" For Wu Xiaohan who is infatuated with Long Yutian, everything about Long Yutian is impeccable.

"Mature? Looking like 28 years old is called maturity? Is that called premature aging, okay? Mature should be like me, with a cute appearance like a loli, but a mature heart." When Feng Qianyun said this, her face was full. None are red.

"Cough cough cough..." Wu Xiaohan almost choked on the water, "Master, although what you said is very close to the truth, you are not humble at all when you say it yourself."

"Since the facts have to be told, I am an honest and good boy who grew up in the new era. It is not in my character to hide and cover up." Feng Qianyun really doesn't know what modesty is.

As a result, Wu Xiaohan was in a mess.

Feng Qianyun is not busy now, and Feng Xueyi's class has entered the final stage, so she will go back to Shengrong Private High School during the day, and receive Feng Xueyi's training after school.

After many days, Feng Qianyun went to school again, and Tang Ze accompanied her.

"Tang Ze, look at your rosy face, it seems that you are doing well recently!" Feng Qianyun looked at Tang Ze's small face, and knew that he was in a good mood recently. This kid feels more and more like a fool.

Tang Ze scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed, "Well... Yubai's parents promised me to date Yubai."

"Really? I think if you don't agree, they might pack up and send their daughter here!" For the sake of Lu Dafeng, the Wang family's parents still hope that Tang Ze can join their Wang family?
"Hmm... Miss, if Yubai really becomes Lu Lao's apprentice in the future, then you should be our grandparents, then Yubai and I..."

"Wait a minute..." Feng Qianyun had no choice but to stop, Grandmother Master?How did this name come about? "You want to say thank you to me, I gladly accept it. As for your phrase "Master Grandmother", where did it come from? You didn't see that I am in full bloom now, it is eight or nine o'clock in the morning the sun?"

"But you are Lu Lao's master, if Yu Bai becomes Lu Lao's apprentice, you are Yu Bai's master..."

"I'm beginning to regret doing this..." I have grown older for no reason!Her grandchildren have not had time to do it yet, and this has caught up with that of her ancestors.

Tang Ze was a little embarrassed, "Then what should we call you..."

"You can call me whatever you want. You can call me Feng Qianyun, you can call me Yunyun, even if you call me Miss Feng, it is better than that of Grandmother Master." Feng Qianyun thought, if Tang Ze and Wang Yu were born in vain After a child comes out, why doesn't that child call her mother-in-law?
"Okay, Miss Feng." Tang Ze's face was full of happiness because the matter with Wang Yubai was resolved.

Feng Qianyun and Tang Ze entered the school, and many people cast strange glances at Feng Qianyun, seeming to be probing and sizing up.

Shang Xiaoye saw Feng Qianyun come to school again, and wanted to kill her!
"Yunyun, you are finally back to school again!" Shang Xiaoye gave Feng Qianyun a bear hug as soon as she came up.

"Well, I'm back. Did anything special happen during my absence?" Feng Qianyun thought that she had been absent for almost a month, and she didn't know how everyone was doing.

"There's nothing special about it. It's true that Class [-] has become much deserted. Our class grass and class flower are gone, and you, a small class flower, are also not here. Can you not be deserted?" Class grass was referring to Yuchi Xiu, Banhua was talking about Meng Qianrou.

What happened to Yu Chixiu was indeed an accident. Who would have thought that he would decide to leave so suddenly, he didn't even finish high school, and dropped out of school directly, but according to Yu Chixiong's connections, it should be possible for him to get graduate certificate.

For Meng Qianrou, it will be difficult to go back to school in the future, she is about to face the danger of being imprisoned.

"I thought Sister Xiaoye was so 'busy' recently that she didn't even have time to think about me!" Feng Qianyun deliberately teased Shang Xiaoye, paying attention to Shang Xiaoye's expression when she was talking, she saw a trace of girlishness on her face. If you are shy, you know there is something going on!

"I'm not very 'busy'. It's natural that I'm nervous about studying in the third year of high school, but I'm not so 'busy'!" The more Shang Xiaoye tried to hide it, the more her eyes and expression betrayed her.

"Really?" Feng Qianyun is not so easy to fool, forget it, let's not expose her, "I thought Sister Xiaoye is a person who attaches great importance to learning, so I must wish to spend 48 hours a day in front of books all day The notes and exercise papers have no time to think about me! It turns out that Sister Xiaoye is not as bookish as I thought..."

"I'm not a nerd at all!" Shang Xiaoye was even more embarrassed by Feng Qianyun's words. It's really inappropriate for her to still think about that kind of thing at such a nervous moment in her third year of high school. I should have known it earlier. Promise to make up lessons for that bastard Ouyang Zhimin!

Feng Qianyun smiled secretly, and couldn't tease her anymore, otherwise Xiaoye would definitely run away blushing.

While talking, Feng Qianyun and Shang Xiaoye had already entered the classroom of Class [-] and [-], but Tang Ze didn't go in. He went to the school's playground. This was Feng Qianyun's confession. When playing basketball, don't stand there like a stake to spoil the scenery.

(End of this chapter)

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