Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 238 The Father Is Unknown

Chapter 238 The Father Is Unknown (3)
Seeing that Feng Qianyun finally ended her "holiday" and reappeared, Yang Anqi, the class monitor, naturally came to ask Feng Qianyun a few words, "Yunyun, how is your body? I heard from the teacher that you are going to have a major operation." , was the operation successful?"

Feng Qianyun's leave was asked by Yu Chixiong for her before, because she had to ask for a relatively long leave, so Yu Chixiong simply asked Feng Qianyun for sick leave.

"Well, I'm ready!" The corners of Feng Qianyun's mouth twitched slightly, and he didn't know what kind of sick leave Grandpa Yuchi said she had asked for, what kind of surgery she said she had done, just don't be too deceitful.

"That's good!" Looking at Feng Qianyun's appearance, Yang Anqi also felt that she didn't look sick, and her energy and spirit were extremely good. "By the way, you signed up for the sports meeting before, do you want me to cancel it for you? You can find another classmate to replace it."

Although Yang Anqi felt that it would be a pity that a good Miaomiao like Feng Qianyun didn't play and lose a No.1 in their class, but the rewards can't be compared with the body after all, Feng Qianyun's physical condition is more important.

Yang Anqi almost forgot about it if she didn't mention Feng Qianyun, "It's okay, I don't care anymore."

Hearing Feng Qianyun said it was okay, Yang Anqi was worried and asked a few more words, "Is it really okay? Don't force it. We should focus on participating in this kind of sports competition."

"It's okay." She's not sick, so what can happen!
"Well, then I won't arrange a replacement. If you have any questions, you can come to me at any time, especially for the study. You haven't come to class for a month, and you have missed a lot of courses." Yang Anqi I also didn't forget to ask about Feng Qianyun's study situation.

The fact that Feng Qianyun was escorted to Z University was not made public, so it was reasonable for Yang Anqi, the class monitor, to be concerned about Feng Qianyun who hadn't come to class for a month.

"Well, okay, I will borrow the notes from Shang Xiaoye, thank you monitor." Feng Qianyun borrowed Shang Xiaoye's help.

"Oh, Shang Xiaoye already has someone to tutor, I'm afraid she won't be busy!"

"Really? Who is she tutoring, monitor Xiaoye?" Feng Qianyun asked on purpose after hearing Yang Anqi's words. ?

"Yunyun, let me tell you, you would never have guessed who she was tutoring. It turned out to be the number one villain in our school, Ouyang Zhimin! When I first saw Ouyang Zhimin coming to find Shang Xiaoye, I really thought I was sleepwalking! "Anqi Yang felt that the world was too crazy at that time!
Feng Qianyun smiled secretly, there really were Ouyang Zhimin and Shang Xiaoye, how long did it take for everyone to know, couldn't it be that Ouyang Zhimin did it on purpose?

After Feng Qianyun attended two classes, the class teacher came over and told her that the master of teaching wanted to visit her.

Isn't the dean Xie Fanghua? She should have something to do with her, but it can't be a bad thing. Feng Qianyun has another reason to skip class.

Feng Qianyun got up and left the classroom, passing by the door of Class [-], she checked to see if Xue Yunran was there.

It was found that Xue Yunran was really there, probably because he was free recently, and the sports meeting was about to be held, so he, the nominal student council president, had to show up for a while.

It's good for Feng Qianyun to see Xue Yunran here, because he is surrounded by a bunch of classmates, both men and women, who surrounded him. I knew he was very popular, but I didn't expect it to be so popular , but also men and women take it all...

Xue Yunran's own learning tasks are gone. As a good student who has been ranked first in the school all year round, he has a good temper. Other students come to ask him for advice. The president will have more opportunities to get in touch with adults.

Xue Yunran was talking about a topic with a classmate, when he felt someone looking at him from outside the window, after looking at him, he found that it was Feng Qianyun, so he hurriedly got up, "Excuse me, I'll go out for a while."

Xue Yunran abandoned all the classmates and went straight to the outside of the classroom, striding away with long legs.

"Yunyun, did you come to see me? Why didn't you call me?" Xue Yunran saw Feng Qianyun with a smile as gentle as the spring sun on his face, and knelt on one knee so that Feng Qianyun didn't have to look up To see him.

Get down on one knee!

Students from Class [-], Grade [-], came out one after another, didn't they, Xue Yunran knelt down on one knee to that girl!
Boys don't just kneel when they say they kneel, they either propose marriage, or whoever has nothing to do with a girl kneels down on one knee.

Everyone's eyeballs are about to fall out. Isn't this girl the bully girl I mentioned earlier?The one who made the evil young man Ouyang Zhimin bow down!
Why did they get involved with their chairman again?

"I'm going to the teaching office, passing by the gate of Class Nine, I just stopped by to see if you're there." Feng Qianyun said.

"You go to the teaching office, what's the matter?" Generally speaking, students will not be called to the teaching office. The most common situation when they go to the teaching office is actually to lecture, so Xue Yunran is worried that something is wrong with Feng Qianyun.

"It's okay. It's probably because I haven't come to class for a long time. I need to report the situation to the dean." Feng Qianyun didn't know what Xie Fanghua wanted her to do.

"Then I'll go with you, I just have something to go to the teaching office." Xue Yunran actually has nothing to go to the teaching office, just thinking that if the teaching director is troublesome for Feng Qianyun, he can help Feng Qianyun talk say.

The relationship between Xue Yunran and the teachers in the school is still very good.

"But, what should they do?" Feng Qianyun pointed to those classmates who had tried their best to cover up, but were still watching the two of them in the classroom. Xue Yunran was tutoring them just now, so she just left okay?
"It's okay, I'll just tell them." Xue Yunran felt that Feng Qianyun's affairs were more important.

"Well, that's fine." Brother Yunran's requests were always difficult to refuse.

So Xue Yunran went back to the classroom and said a few words to his classmates, and went to the teaching office with Feng Qianyun.

Everyone in Class [-], Grade [-] looked at Feng Qianyun and Xue Yunran's backs as they went away, "Tell me, what is the relationship between our president and that little villain?"

"I don't know, isn't she a bad student? I heard that Ouyang Zhimin called her the boss before!"

"No way, our president is walking with a bad girl, don't tell us they are in a relationship, I will collapse!"

"I just collapsed, okay? I didn't see that girl is many years younger than us, and she hasn't developed yet. How can she be worthy of our versatile and almost omnipotent president!"

"That's right, anyway, I disagree with 1 out of [-]!"

(End of this chapter)

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