Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 239 White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 239 White-eyed Wolf (1)
"I'm really not reconciled. I've known the president for three years. He's always been polite, but he seems to be very kind to that little girl. His eyes are so gentle when he looks at her!"

"Shut up, you must be mistaken, the president must not be gentle with her, definitely not, you are delusional!"


Feng Qianyun knocked on the door of the teaching office.

"come in."

Xie Fanghua's voice came from inside.

Feng Qianyun opened the door of the teaching office, and entered the teaching office with Xue Yunran.

"Yunyun, you're here!" Seeing Feng Qianyun, Xie Fanghua's face was not the kind and serious expression he used to face students, but was kind and enthusiastic.

Xie Fanghua saw Xue Yunran who came with Feng Qianyun again, "Student Yunran, what do you have to do?"

"Aunt Ruan, he came here with me, he is afraid that I will be bullied by you!" Feng Qianyun joked with a smile.Xie Fanghua's husband is Ruan Hongqiang, so Feng Qianyun called her that.

As soon as Feng Qianyun said this, Xue Yunran was a little puzzled, this is not the tone of talking to the dean, this is clearly the tone of talking to a friend.

"Yo, you're in love, it's not bad, I believe you two, even if you fall in love, it won't affect your studies." Xie Fanghua is not so rigid, and both of them are students she likes, "One of you One is studying Western medicine, the other is studying Chinese medicine, and it just so happens that Chinese and Western medicine are well combined!"

Xue Yunran looked at Xie Fanghua and then at Feng Qianyun, it was even more foggy.

It was rare to see Xue Yunran look so confused, Xie Fanghua smiled, "What happened to student Yunran? Are you dissatisfied that I didn't bully your little girlfriend?"

The teaching director is naturally serious when he is with the students, but now for Xie Fanghua, Feng Qianyun is mostly a friend, so he is not serious and restrained, and he talks and laughs freely, and can joke around.

"Don't worry, I didn't call her here today to bully her. She is my half-savior, and I dare not harm her!" Curing her disease is equivalent to saving her half life. The savior is not an exaggeration at all.

Xue Yunran finally understood, he looked at Feng Qianyun beside him, "Okay, you little girl, you dare to lie to me, you're tired of life, don't you, you'll be served in a while!"

Feng Qianyun made a face at Xue Yunran.

In the eyes of Xie Fanghua, the interaction between the two of them became a petty gesture between lovers, "Oh, it's still a big torture, you little lovers treat my old woman like air!"

"Director Xie, you made a mistake. Yunyun and I are not boyfriend and girlfriend." Xue Yunran corrected Xie Fanghua. In his eyes, Feng Qianyun is like a younger sister. He likes to pamper her and love her. Thanks to her.

"That's right, Aunt Ruan, brother Yunran is not my boyfriend." Feng Qianyun also explained.

isn't it?Hearing that the two were explaining seriously, not as if they were lying to cover up, Xie Fanghua was disappointed for a while, "I think you two are quite a match." Think about it, one is a genius of Western medicine, and the other is a genius of Chinese medicine. If a baby is born, isn't it a combination of Chinese and Western?How nice!

It's a pity that this is just Xie Fanghua's wishful thinking.

"By the way, Aunt Ruan, why did you call me here?" Feng Qianyun didn't forget that she was called here for a serious business.

"Oh, by the way, there is a form for you to fill out." Xie Fanghua turned around and went to her drawer and took out an A4 paper form, "It's what I told you about the recommendation of Z University last time, you Fill out the form first, and in a few days I will arrange for you to meet with a professor of Z University, and then let him take you, although you don’t necessarily need someone to take you, but you always have to talk to a professor when you enter the university.”

Xie Fanghua was very thoughtful, and even helped Feng Qianyun to think about this point. It was not very important to have a professor with him when he first entered the university for undergraduate studies, but after finishing his undergraduate studies, he must have a professor. Bring it with you, otherwise others will not recognize you, and there is no way to get the project.

"Thank you, Aunt Ruan." Feng Qianyun took the form and began to fill in her information.

Xue Yunran was beside Feng Qianyun, watching Feng Qianyun fill out her personal information, and saw that she had written the words "unknown father" in the father column, Xue Yunran was shocked, he had never heard Feng Qianyun mention her family, but never thought that Feng Qianyun belonged to a single-parent family, and her father was unknown.

Of course Feng Qianyun's father is not really unknown, but she and her mother have been expelled from the Ouyang family, even if she is willing to write Ouyang Shiyin's name, the Ouyang family will not agree, let alone she does not want to write it.

If Feng Qianyun declares to the outside world what kind of relationship she has with the Ouyang family, she guarantees that she will be banned by the Ouyang family immediately, or they will be hunted down.

With her current strength, she still has no way to compete with the Ouyang family.

One day, she will bring her mother back to Ouyang's house. Although she seldom thinks of those things buried deep in her memory, it's not that she has completely forgotten them.

Before her rebirth, her mother passed away, so what happened to Ouyang's family was meaningless to her, but now, oh, just wait.

Feng Qianyun finished filling out the form and handed it to Xie Fanghua. Xie Fanghua glanced at the form and was taken aback by the words "unknown father", but she quickly covered it up by herself.

"Well, okay, I'll help you mail this thing to University Z, and I'll let you know if I have any news. It's still class time, you two go back to class first." Xie Fanghua took the form and turned to Feng Qianyun and Xue Yunran said.

"Well, that's good, Director Xie, let's go first." Xue Yunran and Feng Qianyun left the teaching office.

Xue Yunran sent Feng Qianyun back to Class [-], and he only went back to Class [-]. He sent Feng Qianyun to the door, so all the students in Class [-] saw Feng Qianyun appearing together, and the two said goodbye intimately appearance.

Immediately aroused jealous and puzzled gazes, these gazes were roughly the same as those from Class [-] just now, of course there were some special ones, such as Zhao Xinran's, she resented Feng Qianyun, she just took advantage of Feng Qianyun It's useless, even her proud brother has become Feng Qianyun's defeat, what else can she do?

Not to mention the students, even the teachers who were in class stopped their lectures and looked at Feng Qianyun and Xue Yunran, when did the two of them get together?Could it be puppy love?Xue Yunran is gentle and charming?What a joke!
"Girl of the Wang family, don't come here tomorrow, come back until next week, stay here with the old man all the time, you don't have time to get along with your boyfriend, it's hard to get this chance! "Lu Dafeng locked the store door, and said to Wang Yubai who had been by his side for the past two days.

(End of this chapter)

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