Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 240 White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 240 White-eyed Wolf (2)
Wang Yubai's face was a little pale, she misinterpreted Lu Dafeng's meaning, she thought Lu Dafeng didn't want to see her, so she let her go home to rest without teaching her for a few days.

Speaking of teaching, in the past few days, other than asking her to identify the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials, he asked her to grasp the medicines. She knew these things early in the morning, and he didn't really want to teach her at all!
Wang Yubai knew that Lu Dafeng didn't want to accept her as an apprentice. When her parents brought her here when she was a child, she knew that he didn't like her. It was because of Feng Qianyun that he agreed to teach her. He has always disliked her. Not enough.

Wang Yubai automatically understands Lu Dafeng's good intentions that Lu Dafeng dislikes her.

She really got it wrong. It is not wrong for Lu Dafeng to think that she is not talented enough to be his apprentice, but since Lu Dafeng promised to teach, he will not dislike her, just like Ruan Hongqiang, although Lu Dafeng He didn't admit that he was his apprentice, but he tried his best to teach him.

Identifying medicinal materials and medicinal properties is the simplest and most basic thing, but it is very important, but Wang Yubai doesn't understand it, and blindly pursues advanced and exquisite medical skills.

"Well, I see, I'll come back next week." Wang Yubai felt unwilling, but it was an opportunity she finally had, and she didn't dare to contradict Lu Dafeng. It just so happened that she should go back and watch Look at Tang Ze.

Thinking of Tang Ze, Wang Yubai's mood improved a lot, because of Tang Ze's grievances, she could bear it.

In order to hurry up, Wang Yubai bought a high-speed rail ticket from City H to City M, and set foot on the road back to City M that night.

As soon as she got in the car, Wang Yubai wanted to put her suitcase on the upper shelf, but she was not strong enough, so she couldn't lift the suitcase after a long time. The suitcase was successfully placed on top.

"Thank you." After setting up the box, Wang Yubai turned to thank the man, and then recognized the man who helped her put the box away, "It's you? What a coincidence! I didn't expect to see you here!"

The man was also taken aback when he saw Wang Yubai, and smiled, "Sister, it's really you. When did you return to China, and why did you come back without telling the senior?"

Zhang Xuchen is a senior at Wang Yubai University. Wang Yubai has two years of seniority. He returned to China after graduation. As for what he will do after graduation, Wang Yubai does not know.

"I also just came back not long ago, senior, where are we going?" The terminal station of the high-speed rail is not M City, so Wang Yubai would ask this question.

"I came out to help my boss with some errands, and now I'm going back to City M, what about you? I remember you said that you studied in City M in high school, do you plan to go back to the old place after you come back this time?"

"Then we are on the same road, and I just want to go back to City M. For the time being, I will stay in City H for a while to learn from a teacher."

"Study with a teacher?" Zhang Xuchen was very interested in this, "Young girl's university is a medical department in a first-class university abroad. I'm curious what kind of teacher is worthy of your apprenticeship?"

Wang Yubai laughed at himself, "I'm afraid I'm not qualified to be his apprentice, he is Lu Dafeng, and the seniors should have heard of Lu Lao's words."

"Hasn't Mr. Lu already retired? Many people can't find him, and those who can find him are rejected by him, whether they invite him to join some group companies or invite him to do research. It can be seen that the younger sister It's really outstanding, Lu Lao is famous in the Chinese medicine circle for not accepting apprentices casually."

"I made you laugh, senior. Mr. Lu is willing to teach me for another reason." Wang Yubai had a lingering bitterness on his face.

"What's the matter? Tell the senior if you are unhappy. The senior is not an outsider. Even if I can't help you, I can still be your loyal listener. It would be much better to tell you something and have someone share it with you." " Zhang Xuchen knew Wang Yubai's level, and felt that it was strange that Lu Dafeng would accept her as an apprentice, but now hearing what Wang Yubai said, he was even more sure that there was something strange about it.

"It's because of a little girl. It's because of her face that Lu Dafeng agreed to accept me as an apprentice." This is not an honorable thing, and Wang Yubai was quite unwilling when he said this.

"Little girl? Who is it? She has such a great face." This little girl can make Lu Dafeng accept others as apprentices... really makes people wonder about her identity.

"I don't know very well, I only know her name is Feng Qianyun." Wang Yubai only knows that Feng Qianyun has a good relationship with Yuchi's family, and she and her only met once, that was the last time in the night market in a hurry meet.She didn't know the specific information about Feng Qianyun either.

A thousand rhymes?
Zhang Xuchen's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard the name, and his interest in this matter became obviously stronger, but Wang Yubai was only immersed in his own emotions, so he didn't notice it.

"Sister, you just said that the little girl's name is Feng Qianyun, right?"

Wang Yubai nodded, "Yes, why, does the senior know her?"

This name is not common, if the same name, it should be the same person.

"Uh... I don't know." Zhang Xuchen obviously lied, but Wang Yubai didn't see it, "By the way, my boss wants to sponsor several medical research projects, and you are also in China. He recommends you, I don't know if you are interested."

"A research project?" Wang Yubai was really interested. Those who do research hope to get sponsorship, so that not only the funding for research is guaranteed, but also the research results will have a greater chance to go to the market and become widely known.

"Yes, if you are interested, I can arrange for you to meet with my boss." Zhang Xuchen was quite enthusiastic about Wang Yubai, a junior.

"But, I'm just a newcomer, will your boss agree to let me take over such an important matter?" Wang Yubai thinks this is a good opportunity, not only to prove his strength, but also to make a decision as soon as possible. After a career, she told her parents that she could do it, so that she would no longer have to face Lu Dafeng full of bitterness.

"My boss is still very young, and he prefers to cultivate newcomers with potential. Trust me, there will be no problem!" Zhang Xuchen assured Wang Yubai.

With Zhang Xuchen's sure guarantee, Wang Yubai's confidence doubled.

"Okay, I'll be free during this time, seniors can contact me at any time, as long as your boss is free." Wang Yubai took out a post-it note and copied a number she used recently to Zhang Xuchen, "This is my phone number." The number here, the senior can call me at any time."

Zhang Xuchen took the post-it note, "Anytime? Can I invite you out for dinner?" Zhang Xuchen asked tentatively.

After chatting with Zhang Xuchen, Wang Yubai's originally suppressed mood suddenly became brighter, "Well, anyway, you are a busy person, and I am a idler." Apart from recognizing medicinal materials every day, I really don't know what I can learn thing!
(End of this chapter)

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