Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 241 White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 241 White-eyed Wolf (3)
"Well, my boss's surname is Xia, and he is currently in M ​​City. I will tell him about this as soon as I return to M City. Then when he is free, I will let him and you Let's meet, because he attaches more importance to this research project, so he will talk to him in person." Zhang Xuchen added.

"Well, I understand." Wang Yubai did not doubt that he was there, and his heart was full of anticipation for this matter.

The two chatted for a while on the high-speed rail, and within 10 minutes, they arrived in City M, where Wang Yubai and Zhang Xuchen bid farewell.

Seeing that Wang Yubai had gone far away, Zhang Xuchen had a sneer that was not easy to detect on his face, and then took out his mobile phone and made a call.

After the other party answered the call, Zhang Xuchen reported to the other party what happened just now, "Prince,..."

After listening to Zhang Xuchen's speech, Xia Wufeng said, "You can arrange it, I will meet your school girl."

"Well, okay, I know what to do, my lord, about the fact that you asked me to go to City H this time, I found very little information. Miss Qian Yun was with her mother in early February this year. When they settled down in City H, their previous information was erased, as if two people appeared out of thin air. Miss Qian Yun worked in a small pharmacy near where they lived not long after she arrived. Later, I went to City M for some reason." Zhang Xuchen's trip to City H was ordered by Xia Wufeng to investigate Feng Qianyun's previous affairs.

"Well, I know." For such a result, Xia Wufeng is not surprised. It is normal that the previous things cannot be found. With the strength of the Ouyang family, they are absolutely capable of eradicating the past events of Feng Yilin and Feng Qianyun's mother and daughter. net.

Xiao Biesheng was newly married, and after a few days of separation, Wang Yubai missed Tang Ze very much, thinking that Tang Ze didn't know about his return this time, so he could give him a surprise.

Wang Yubai called Tang Ze first.

"Ze, where are you now?"

"Yubai? Why are you calling me at this time?" This time should be the time when Wang Yubai was studying with Mr. Lu.

"Oh, I'm taking a break, you haven't told me where you are now?" Wang Yubai deliberately said that he called Tang Ze during the break because he wanted to surprise Tang Ze.

"I'm with Missy at school. Are you tired? If you are tired, you should take a rest." In fact, Tang Ze's work is much harder than Wang Yubai's, but to Tang Ze, it's all worth it .

"Oh, I'm not tired, how about you? Will it be tiring to be by her side?" Since she is the eldest lady, will it be more difficult to serve?Wang Yubai thought so.

"No, she's easy to get along with, she's not childish at all, and she's very capable. It's really hard to imagine that a little girl like her can have such great potential. I'm surprised!" Tang Zehefeng After getting along with Qian Yun, she really felt that she became more and more capable.

Wang Yubai's chest felt tight when he heard Tang Ze praise Feng Qianyun so much that there is nothing in the world. She is a woman and Tang Ze's girlfriend. Hearing Tang Ze praise how good other girls are, she is also Have patience.

"Is that Feng Qianyun really that good?" Wang Yubai was depressed, she had seen Feng Qianyun before, she was indeed pretty, but she was not just a little girl?It's not as good as they say!

"That's right, Yubai, you haven't gotten along with her so you don't know. When you have a chance, I should let you sit down and have a good chat with her. By the way, thank her for helping this time. Without her, we would not be able to get your parents now." approval."

"You are serving as her bodyguard now, and protecting her safety, haven't you already repaid her kindness?" The more Wang Yubai heard what Tang Ze said, the angrier he became.

Tang Ze also felt that Wang Yubai's tone was not good, "What's the matter, Yubai, are you too tired?" Because his body was tired, even his tone of voice became bad.

"Uh, it's nothing, Mr. Lu called me, I'm busy first, and we'll talk tonight." Wang Yubai suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, and found an excuse to hang up the phone.

"Well, okay, let's talk tonight, goodbye." Tang Ze hung up the phone, still feeling sweet in his heart. Although the two have been in love for many years, they can be together openly and aboveboard recently. No more worrying all day.

Compared to the happy smile on Tang Ze's face when he hung up the phone, Wang Yubai was not so happy. After rectifying his mood, Wang Yubai decided to forget all the unhappiness and go to see Tang Ze with a good attitude. To give him a big surprise, Wang Yubai specially bought Tang Ze's favorite egg tart for this reason.

Wang Yubai stood at the gate of Shengrong Private High School with a warm egg tart, as if everything had returned to the days when she and Tang Ze were still in high school.

I don't know why, but I have the throbbing like before.

After waiting for a while, when it was time to leave school, Wang Yubai stood at an inconspicuous position at the school gate and looked up.

Finally, Wang Yubai saw Tang Ze's figure. Compared with him back then, he was a little less youthful, more mature and stable, but still so sunny and free and easy.

Wang Yubai was about to step forward when she suddenly saw Feng Qianyun beside Tang Ze. She saw that Tang Ze and Feng Qianyun seemed to be chatting about something. The two chatted happily. Tang Ze had a sweet smile on his face. , She hasn't seen such a smile for a long time.

Wang Yubai only felt that the claws were scratching his heart, and Wang Fengqianyun felt that she was particularly dazzling.

Ever since she was a child, Wang Yubai has always been asked to be the best in everything, to be the top one among the people around her, but now she suddenly feels that she is being compared by Feng Qianyun.

With Lu Dafeng, it's okay for her to be inferior to Feng Qianyun by how much. In Tang Ze's eyes, Feng Qianyun is even better than her. This recognition makes Wang Yubai feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

Feng Qianyun and Tang Ze came out of the school, chatting while walking.

"It's okay to ask me to be the bridesmaid when you get married, but you must find me a handsome man as the best man." Feng Qianyun just teased when Tang Ze and Wang Yubai will get married, after all, they are not too young.

As a result, Tang Ze said he wanted her to be a bridesmaid.

Tang Ze thought about the scene when he was married to Wang Yubai, and his face showed a rare light of happiness.

"Han Meiren, Long Shao, brother Yunran, isn't it up to you to choose?" Tang Ze teased Feng Qianyun in turn.

"Okay, Tang Ze, is it itchy?" When Feng Qianyun said this, she thought to herself, Long Yutian, don't scare her!As for Han Meiren and brother Yunran, who would be the best man and bridesmaid with his brother?
Speaking of which, Feng Qianyun pretended to punch Tang Ze, but she didn't use any real force, otherwise she would have beaten Tang Ze away.

(End of this chapter)

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