Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 242 White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 242 White-eyed Wolf (4)
Wang Yubai stood at the door, watching the two people coming out from a distance, Wang Yubai thought to himself, Tang Ze was only interested in chatting happily with Feng Qianyun, he didn't even notice her standing here...

The discomfort in my heart increased a bit, and even the egg tart I was holding fell off and fell to the ground.

Feng Qianyun's perception ability is still relatively strong, probably because she sensed the unusual gaze from behind, she turned around suddenly, and saw Wang Yubai standing in an inconspicuous place.

"Tang Ze, your girlfriend is here." Feng Qianyun only met Wang Yubai once, but she still recognized her at a glance.

Tang Ze turned his head because of Feng Qianyun's words, and he really saw Wang Yubai, overjoyed, he hurriedly walked towards Wang Yubai.

"Yubai, why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in City H?" Even so, Tang Ze was still very surprised.

Wang Yubai thought cautiously, did he hope that she had better stay in H city and not come here, so as not to disturb him talking and laughing with others!
Seeing that Wang Yubai didn't seem very happy, Tang Ze thought she was tired from the journey, so he hugged her into his arms, "You must be tired from the journey, let's go eat something, and then I'll take you to rest ?"

Feng Qianyun saw that the young couple rarely got together, so she gave Tang Ze a vacation, "Tang Ze, I will give you a vacation today. You can spend good time with your girlfriend. It doesn't matter how long the vacation lasts."

"Well, thank you, Yunyun!" Tang Ze was grateful for Feng Qianyun's understanding.

Wang Yubai was not happy, seeing Tang Ze and Feng Qianyun being very close, and hearing him call Feng Qianyun "Yunyun", he felt a sour taste in his heart.

Feng Qianyun left, but Wang Yubai kept her in his heart, but it was a pity that it was not a good position.

The second day after Wang Yubai arrived in M ​​City, Zhang Xuchen called her, saying that his boss was free and asked her to meet, and said that his boss appreciated her very much, and the possibility of the project being negotiated was very high.

Zhang Xuchen's words made Wang Yubai very excited, and he immediately agreed.

"Senior, tell me the time and place, and I'll copy it down first." Wang Yubai took a pen and paper to write down the time and place of the appointment while listening to the phone, she couldn't be late for such an important appointment.

"Well, okay, then we'll see you then, senior." Wang Yubai happily hung up the phone, which wiped away her previous depressed mood.

Seeing that Wang Yubai's mood suddenly improved after answering a call, Tang Ze wondered what kind of call she received, "Whose call is it?"

"A senior from a university, you have met Zhang Xuchen." Wang Yubai replied.

Tang Ze still had some impressions of this man named Zhang Xuchen, "Yubai, I always thought Zhang Xuchen was weird and didn't look like a kind person. You'd better not get too close to him." This is Tang Ze In my impression of Zhang Xuchen, I always felt that the city of that person was a little deep, and it was not something a girl like Wang Yubai could handle.

"What's weird, the senior is very nice, you must be thinking too much." Wang Yubai didn't care about Tang Ze's words, she thought Zhang Xuchen was very nice.

"No, you are still inexperienced, I'm afraid you will be deceived." Although Tang Ze is the same age as Wang Yubai, he has much more social experience than Wang Yubai. As an orphan, Tang Ze has seen a lot since he was a child. Duo has a lot of human relationships. He has done a lot of work to make money before, even as a killer for money. Of course, his eyesight is far better than Wang Yubai, who grew up in a superior environment since childhood. The flowers and plants in the greenhouse are much better.

"The senior wants to ask me to talk about several projects sponsored by his boss. I have the opportunity to get sponsorship to do medical research on my own. How could he lie to me?" Wang Yubai retorted Tang Ze's words.

"Project?" Tang Ze was even more puzzled. In terms of Wang Yubai's current situation, she is not well-known in the medical field at all. Compared with graduate students and doctoral students, it is even worse. Others approach her for no reason, and it is suspicious to support her in projects. "Feather, I think this matter is very problematic, why did he ask you to do the project?"

Hearing Tang Ze's words, Wang Yubai felt wronged, "You don't believe in my ability?" He is her boyfriend, but he doesn't believe her!Others think she has this ability, how can he question her in turn?

"Yubai, that's not what I mean. You have just graduated from university and have not yet made a name for yourself in the medical field. The other side has no reason to let an expert and professor who already has a good reputation not come to you, a newcomer."

"The senior said that their boss wants to train new people." Wang Yubai felt that Tang Ze was very angry, why did he argue with her on this meaningless issue!
"Okay, even if this is the case, what about Mr. Lu? This time, Mr. Lu will let you go on vacation, and you have to go back to study with him. You don't have time to conduct project research."

"It's a big deal!" Wang Yubai wanted to rely on her own ability to make achievements. She felt that Lu Dafeng never thought highly of her from the beginning to the end, and had no intention of teaching her real skills.

"Don't be silly, this opportunity was won by Yunyun for us, so we can't let it go to waste." Tang Ze persuaded Wang Yubai not to let her make impulsive decisions.

Tang Ze didn't mention Feng Qianyun, but when he mentioned Feng Qianyun, Wang Yubai's suppressed anger burst out, "Yunyun, Yunyun, she is the only one who can do it, and she is the only one who has the ability, so why don't you go find her?" Be your girlfriend!"

After Wang Yubai finished speaking, he grabbed his bag from the side and rushed out the door.

Tang Ze looked at the door that was closed with force, wanted to catch up, and thought that Wang Yubai might not be able to listen to what he was saying now, so he wanted to wait for Wang Yubai to calm down a little before speaking.

While this wasn't the first time the two had had a bad time, it was the most inexplicable one.

Moreover, the two of them have been together for so many years, and the number of times they have been unhappy can be counted on fingers.

After Wang Yubai ran out in a fit of anger, the more she thought about it, the more unhappy she became. She and Tang Ze had been together for so long, and when it was difficult, the two of them supported and encouraged each other to come over, but now...

In his eyes, that Feng Qianyun is so good, so good that she can't even compare her girlfriend?
Wang Yubai suddenly felt that Feng Qianyun was very hateful.

Because Wang Yubai was angry, he hung around outside for a long time, and didn't go back to find Tang Ze. At the same time, he was annoyed that Tang Ze would not come to her.

Then she checked that the time was almost up, and when it was the time she had agreed with Zhang Xuchen, she took a taxi to the agreed hotel.

After entering the restaurant, I saw Zhang Xuchen sitting in an obvious position waving at her.

She hurried over.

(End of this chapter)

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