Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 243 White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 243 White-eyed Wolf (5)
"Senior, have you been here for a long time?" Wang Yubai asked after sitting down.

"Because I don't have anything to do, I'll come over and sit down first. Do you want something to drink? I'll call for you." Zhang Xuchen asked very considerately.

Wang Yubai shook his head, "Boiled water and I are fine." Wang Yubai was mainly in a bad mood, and he was not even interested in drinking any beverages.

"Well, that's good, my boss still has things to deal with, but he is always punctual and will arrive on time." Zhang Xuchen was afraid that Wang Yubai would be anxious, so he specifically explained.

"Well, I got it. By the way, what kind of person is your boss?" Wang Yubai was a little nervous, so he asked Zhang Xuchen for information about him, so as to be mentally prepared.

"My boss... How should I put it, many people think he is a very serious and strict person, but in fact, he is quite easy to talk to." Zhang Xuchen thought for a while and said, if you want to say what kind of Xia Wufeng is People, many people who have seen how powerful he is will use the word horror to describe him, because he is ruthless and merciless.But if it is within the range he can accept, he still leaves a lot of room for people.

"Really?" Hearing Zhang Xuchen say that his boss is a serious-looking person, Wang Yubai couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

"Don't worry, my boss won't make things difficult for you, and I assure you, the project is pretty sure." Zhang Xuchen said with confidence.

"Why? I'm still a rookie, and I don't have any outstanding achievements." Wang Yubai suddenly thought of what Tang Ze had said to her.

"Don't worry, I have seen your grades in college. I told my boss about your performance in college. He also believed in my vision. We all believe that you can do it. You have to have confidence in yourself." !" Zhang Xuchen encouraged Wang Yubai.

Zhang Xuchen's words touched Wang Yubai's heart, and Wang Yubai was very moved. Even his boyfriend did not say such words of support for her.

How did Wang Yubai know that Zhang Xuchen looked down on her medical skills at all, if it wasn't because she was involved with Feng Qianyun, Zhang Xuchen wouldn't bother to spend so much time dealing with her.

At this time, Xia Wufeng arrived.

"Ah, our boss is here." Zhang Xuchen pointed to the door and said.

Wang Yubai turned his head and looked in the direction of the door.

When she saw Xia Wufeng, she was extremely surprised. This is the boss the senior said?very young!And so handsome!
There was no expression on Xia Wufeng's face, his fine golden hair covered his forehead, and his eyes seemed to have the ability to see everything, making people afraid to look directly at them.

Today's Xia Wufeng was wearing a dark blue suit, with one hand in his suit pants, he saw Zhang Xuchen and Wang Yubai, and walked towards them with his long legs.

Zhang Xuchen hurriedly got up to introduce Xia Wufeng and Wang Yubai.

"Prince, she is the medically talented school girl I told you about."

"Sister, this is my boss."

Wang Yubai felt a little nervous when facing Xia Wufeng at such a close distance, especially the aggressive feeling Xia Wufeng gave her, which made her a little uneasy.

"Hello, don't be cautious, sit down." Xia Wufeng glanced at Wang Yubai and sat down on the seat.

"Hmm..." Wang Yubai also sat down, still a little embarrassed, "Well, Mr. Xia, about the project, I want to know what kind of project it is. I studied Western medicine in college, majoring in neurology and minoring in neurology. Orthopedics, I..."

"I respect the interests of every scholar. You can study whatever you like."

Before Wang Yubai could finish speaking, Xia Wufeng answered. To Xia Wufeng, this was not important.

"Really?" Wang Yubai felt that he was very lucky to be able to get such an opportunity to conduct research on projects he was interested in. Although Wang Yubai himself was not very interested in medicine, it was relatively beneficial to be able to choose among them. In terms of interest, it is already a good thing.

"Sister, you don't have to doubt, what the boss said will definitely not be false." Zhang Xuchen gave Wang Yubai a reassurance, "By the way, junior, I brought the contract here, you can take a look first, if If you think there is no problem, just sign it, of course, you can also go back and find a lawyer to show you."

Zhang Xuchen had prepared the contract a long time ago, and he took out duplicate documents from his briefcase and handed them over to Wang Yubai.

Wang Yubai took the document without glancing at it, "No need, I can sign it now." Said Wang Yubai signed his name on the contract.

Anyway, Wang Yubai's entry into the world is still young, just because Zhang Xuchen is a senior in her university, and because Zhang Xuchen said a few nice words, she obediently signed the contract without carefully studying some of the clauses in it. Terms and Conditions.

Zhang Xuchen was born in law, drafting contracts is what he is best at, and he is also good at making contracts that look mutually beneficial on the surface, but make the other party suffer a lot in the hidden terms.

Of course, such tricks and feet can be discovered if the lawyer takes a good look at them, but it is impossible for a layman like Wang Yubai to look at them hastily.

Zhang Xuchen put away one of the contracts, with a treacherous smile on the corner of his mouth, with this contract, Wang Yubai couldn't be obedient even if he wanted to.

This contract was Zhang Xuchen's own idea, not Xia Wufeng's order, but Xia Wufeng didn't stop it, even if he acquiesced to Zhang Xuchen's behavior.

As long as there are generally no mistakes, Xia Wufeng won't care what methods his subordinates use to achieve their goals.

"By the way, girl, I heard that you are studying medicine with Mr. Lu. How is your study going? You know that Mr. Lu is well-known in the Chinese medicine field. His apprenticeship is very important to your future development. It will be of great help." After collecting the documents, Zhang Xuchen asked Wang Yubai again.

When mentioning this matter, Wang Yubai felt a little guilty, because she hadn't learned anything so far, and she seriously suspected that Lu Dafeng didn't intend to teach her anything at all, "I just became a teacher, and I haven't learned anything yet." Learn something from his old man."

Xia Wufeng heard Wang Yubai's words, "But I heard that Mr. Lu has very high standards for accepting disciples, and he never accepts disciples easily, and Ms. Wang must have something special to be able to become Mr. Lu's apprentice."

"No... I also told the senior, it was introduced by others..." As soon as this place was mentioned, Wang Yubai's unwillingness was aroused again. She hated such a question, and she didn't like the fact at all. Well, she hated Feng Qianyun, so she didn't want to mention this matter even more, as if she had received a lot of favor from Feng Qianyun.

(End of this chapter)

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