Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 244 Terrible Jealousy

Chapter 244 Terrible Jealousy (1)
"Is this other person you're talking about called Ouyang Qianyun? Or maybe I'm more familiar with Feng Qianyun." Xia Wufeng looked at Wang Yubai, waiting for her answer.

Hearing Xia Wufeng's words, Wang Yubai was startled, wondering why Xia Wufeng would say that, and there was a cloud of fog in his heart, "Mr. Xia knows Feng Qianyun?"

"Well, I know you," and I have known you for a long time, "I wonder if Miss Wang has any information for me?"

Facing Xia Wufeng's gaze, Wang Yubai felt as if he was being stabbed by needles. His gaze was too sharp, and she seemed to have nothing to hide from his gaze.

"I don't know her very well. She introduced me to Mr. Lu because of my boyfriend." Wang Yubai became more and more nervous, and lowered his head slightly, not daring to look at Xia Wufeng.

When Zhang Xuchen heard Wang Yubai mention her boyfriend, Tang Ze's appearance immediately appeared in his mind, "Does your boyfriend mean Tang Ze?" Zhang Xuchen asked, after all, it has been more than two years, who knows if she has changed? Where is the boyfriend?

Wang Yubai nodded.

"How did he and Feng Qianyun know each other, and what is their relationship?" Xia Wufeng asked slowly.

Wang Yubai really didn't want to mention Feng Qianyun, especially when it was mentioned together with Tang Ze, but facing Xia Wufeng's gaze, she couldn't say that she didn't want to.Probably because of the domineering aura of this man that made her dare not defy him, and Wang Yubai thought that they had just signed a contract, and he gave herself such a good stage, just to provide him with some information she knew. It should cooperate.

"I only know that he is working as a bodyguard by Feng Qianyun's side now, and I don't know much about the rest." Wang Yubai had never doubted what Tang Ze did before, but now that she is talking about it, she feels that she should know more about it. , shouldn't let Tang Ze and Feng Qianyun get along day and night in such a vague way.

Xia Wufeng knew about it, and then he took out something and put it in front of Wang Yubai, "You put this thing on your boyfriend."

"What is this?" Wang Yubai looked at a purse-like thing in front of her. These days, purses are only used as works of art or souvenirs. Why did Mr. Xia suddenly take out a purse and let her Put it on Tang Ze's body.

"Just do as you please, it won't harm your boyfriend." Xia Wufeng's order cannot be refused or disobeyed by anyone.

Wang Yubai hesitated whether to reach for the purse.

Seeing this, Zhang Xuchen lied to Wang Yubai and said, "Sister, just take it. This purse contains a kind of spice, which is good for men. Don't disappoint my boss."

Xia Wufeng is too lazy to explain things to others, Zhang Xuchen is different, he does not use any means to achieve his goals, cheating is one of his usual tactics, especially for a simple-minded woman like Wang Yubai, Zhang Xuchen has tried it repeatedly.

Wang Yubai believed Zhang Xuchen's words, and took the purse. Xia Wufeng was not interested in Wang Yubai, he stood up when he achieved his goal.

"I still have something to do, let's go first, Ms. Wang and my assistant have a good talk." Xia Wufeng said and left the restaurant.

As soon as Xia Wufeng left, Wang Yubai felt relieved.

"Why, are you nervous?" Zhang Xuchen could tell that Wang Yubai was very nervous when Xia Wufeng was around.

Wang Yubai nodded, "Mr. Xia's aura is too strong, I was really nervous to death when he was around."

"Hehe, he is a born king. It's normal to have a strong aura." Zhang Xuchen said with admiration. From his expression, it can be seen that his admiration for Xia Wufeng is not ordinary, "By the way, I just heard you talking about wind Qian Yun seemed a little unhappy."

"Senior, you are really good, you can see it all." Wang Yubai trusted Zhang Xuchen very much.

"Of course, I'm your senior. We've known each other for so long. But I don't understand. Didn't she introduce you to Mr. Lu? Why are you upset when you mention her?"

"I don't like her at all, and Mr. Lu hasn't taught me the real skills until now." Wang Yubai said sullenly.

"Really? But since Mr. Lu promised to accept you as an apprentice, why didn't he teach you anything? It's very strange..." Zhang Xuchen said thoughtfully, he deliberately didn't say the whole thing, keeping it Let Wang Yubai guess for himself.

After Wang Yubai heard Zhang Xuchen's words, a thought suddenly popped up in his mind, could it be... Could it be Feng Qianyun's intention?She deliberately sent herself to Dafeng on the road in H city, and Aze stayed by her side to be her bodyguard. They were in M ​​city and she was in H city. She couldn't see what they did!
Wang Yubai was taken aback by the thought that came to her, she tried hard to convince herself that her A Ze was not such a person, but the scene of arguing with Tang Ze during the day appeared in her mind again, not only did she not calm down the uneasiness in her heart Instead, it is enlarged.

Think about Feng Qianyun again, although she is only 13 years old, she behaves very maturely, if you don't look at her figure, you can be regarded as a mature woman.

Zhang Xuchen took Wang Yubai's uneasiness into his eyes.

"Sister, don't say that the senior didn't remind you. Although you and Tang Ze have a good relationship, it's not a problem that you are not together often. Besides, when you are not here, others will spread rumors about you in front of Tang Ze. Slowly destroy your image in his mind, and after a long time, the fake can be taken seriously."

Zhang Xuchen lured Wang Yubai's dissatisfaction with Feng Qianyun carefully, and his jealousy burst out.

"Senior, what should I do now?" Wang Yubai felt that she had been played by Feng Qianyun, and she was the most vicious person because she still regarded Feng Qianyun as a good person before!

"Sister, there is nothing to worry about, as long as you stay with Tang Ze from now on, then she can't do anything, can't she?"

Zhang Xuchen is a man of the city, he will not say what he wants to do now, all he has to do is guide Wang Yubai to walk on the path he preset.

Zhang Xuchen wanted to use Wang Yubai to get rid of Feng Qianyun, because he knew that Xia Wufeng didn't want to touch Feng Qianyun.

Bai Libing is stupid, Zhang Xuchen has a lot more brains than Bai Libing, he will not be so stupid as to do such a thing himself.

"You mean, let Tang Ze accompany me to City H?" Wang Yubai didn't think it was a good idea. After all, she always believed that men should have their own careers, and she didn't want to ask her boyfriend to follow her. What is she going to do.

"If you think this is embarrassing Tang Ze, you can be considerate of those who actively choose to stay with him. He must have suffered a lot for you these years. After all, a man is willing to leave his hometown for a woman, and he can be guaranteed if he abandons himself. It is not easy to follow you to a foreign university."

(End of this chapter)

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