Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 247 My little baby, who dares to move

Chapter 247 My little baby, who dares to move (2)
Wang Yubai looked at the three of them talking and laughing, as if she was an outsider, and being excluded felt like hundreds of ants crawling in her body, walking in her veins, Gnaw on the bone.

At this moment, her cell phone vibrated, and she looked at it, it was a text message from Zhang Xuchen.

"Sister, who are you going to have dinner with today? I just saw you at the door of the hotel. What a coincidence, I also come here for dinner today."

How could it be such a coincidence that Zhang Xuchen followed Wang Yubai here.

Wang Yubai saw Zhang Xuchen sent a text message saying that he was also here, so he hurriedly replied.

"Senior, are you here too? Are you eating with a client?"

"No, I came here alone, just for a meal."

"Senior, where are you? I'll come and find you." Wang Yubai felt very uncomfortable, and wanted to talk to Zhang Xuchen.

"I'm in the hall by the window, you should be able to see me when you come here." Wang Yubai was more likely to be hooked than Zhang Xuchen expected.

"Well, the senior is waiting for me, I'll come right away." After Wang Yubai sent this text message, he told Tang Ze that he was going to the bathroom, and left the box.

In the lobby, Wang Yubai looked around the window, and he found Zhang Xuchen.

"Sister, sit down. I didn't expect us to meet again so soon." Zhang Xuchen smiled softly, "By the way, I just saw several people went in with you. Who are those people?"

"There is also Tang Ze, I met the senior, and the other two, I have never seen the male one before, and the female is Feng Qianyun." Wang Yubai was depressed, and they talked and laughed happily in the private room, which made her feel very depressed.

"Sister, you look very unhappy. Is it because of Feng Qianyun? Why don't you talk to the senior, maybe the senior can help you?" Zhang Xuchen was waiting for Yu'er to take the bait by himself.

"Yes, she is a hypocrite. She looks innocent on the outside, but she plays a lot of tricks behind her back to deceive Aze." Wang Yubai twisted the tablecloth with his hands, as if it was not a tablecloth but Feng Qian. Rhyme himself.

"Sister, you can't keep such a hypocritical woman by Tang Ze's side. For the future of you and Tang Ze, you should cut the mess quickly." Zhang Xuchen suggested.

Wang Yubai didn't want to cut the mess quickly with a knife, but she didn't have a knife in her hand, and she also knew that she had no evidence, and Tang Ze wouldn't listen to what she said.

"Senior, Aze is always saying that Feng Qianyun is good. I have no basis for him thinking that I am thinking too much."

"If that's the case... there's no other way." Zhang Xuchen thought for a while, then shook his head to express that he couldn't help either.

"Is there really nothing you can do about that stinky girl?" Wang Yubai was not reconciled, "I don't know what they think, what skills does that stinky girl have, and what kind of medical skills are they talking about!" Wang Yubai thought himself How could Feng Qianyun compare to a master in medical skills? I don't know how they judged it!
"Actually, it's not completely absent, it's just..." Zhang Xuchen stopped talking.

"Senior, tell me what you want!" Wang Yubai asked eagerly.

"It's just breaking the law." Zhang Xuchen said.

break the law?

Wang Yubai's heart tightened after hearing this, but she thought of Feng Qianyun, a stinky girl who compared her everywhere, and she didn't want to just let it go. "Although I broke the law, but for me and Tang Ze, I can't care so much."

Wang Yubai would not admit that she was jealous of Feng Qianyun, she told herself that all she did was because of love, because of her love for Tang Ze.

In the name of love, Wang Yubai felt that she was righteous, and everything she did was taken for granted.

Zhang Xuchen laughed inwardly, because the fish took the bait.

"Sister, as your senior, it doesn't make sense to watch you suffer so much. As I said, I will try my best to help with your affairs. How about this, you bring Feng Qianyun to this place, and the rest of the matter , leave it to me to handle it." Zhang Xuchen will not let Wang Yubai do excessive things all at once, he will guide Wang Yubai step by step to jump into the pit he has preset.

"Is it enough to lure her there?" Wang Yubai was puzzled.

Zhang Xuchen nodded, "Yes, it's enough to lure him over. The rest is up to me. Don't worry, junior, for the happiness of you and Tang Ze, the senior will definitely help you."

Hearing what Zhang Xuchen said, Wang Yubai was very moved, and she nodded excitedly.

Wang Yubai talked with Zhang Xuchen for a while, explained the details of the matter, and then returned to the box.

"Yubai, are you feeling unwell?" Tang Ze asked with concern, because Wang Yubai had been out for a long time, Tang Ze thought Wang Yubai was unwell.

Wang Yubai shook his head, "I'm fine."

Wang Yubai bypassed Tang Ze and came to Feng Qianyun's side, "Sister Yunyun, are you free after eating?"

"What's wrong?" Feng Qianyun looked up at Wang Yubai, not knowing what she wanted to ask.

"I want to ask you to go shopping, and talk about our daughter's home by the way."

"Want to go shopping? That's fine, just let the two big men help us with our things." Feng Qianyun has been free recently, thinking that she can buy some new clothes for her mother, but she doesn't need it herself. I bought her enough for her to wear, and when she is growing, she will soon be out of clothes.

"Let them men do their own thing, they are always in the way! If sister Yunyun can't carry the clothes, I will help you." Wang Yubai wanted to take Feng Qianyun to her and Zhang Xuchen Naturally, you don't want others to follow you to the appointed place.

Tang Ze and Han Mojue looked at each other innocently.

"No, I want to follow, I promise I won't get in the way!" Han Mojue coquettishly hugged Feng Qianyun's arm.

Feng Qianyun turned her head and glared at Han Mojue, not knowing how many times she reminded him, "Han Mojue, you are a man."

"If you don't let me go, I will go on strike. I won't show you documents at night, I won't help you plan, I won't supervise you in the future, and I won't accompany you to discuss business..."

Han Mojue said a lot, boiled it down to one sentence, he wanted to go with him.

Han Mojue was already too beautiful, but if she acted like a baby, I would feel pity for her.

"Okay, you can help me get my things when the time comes." Of course Feng Qianyun agreed, her family Han Meiren was acting like a baby, so there was no reason not to agree.

Hearing this, Wang Yubai hurriedly said, "But we may go to buy some... more private things...Mr. Han is a man, so it's not good to go with him?"

(End of this chapter)

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