Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 248 My little baby, who dares to move

Chapter 248 My little baby, who dares to move (3)
"Are you afraid that I will know the figure of my little daughter-in-law? It must be AA, there is no doubt about it!"

"Brother Mo Jue, tell me, why didn't the table full of dishes stop your mouth?" Feng Qianyun smiled up, with a bright smile, big watery eyes, twinkling, and a kind of evil called evil. All kinds of factors are running around on her face.

Wang Yubai failed to stop Han Mojue, so naturally Tang Ze went too.

Feng Qianyun picked one after another, all for her mother, Wang Yubai was absent-minded, she was thinking all the way, how to get rid of Tang Ze and Han Mojue, and take Feng Qianyun away.

Although Feng Qianyun was picking clothes, she was not blind, she saw Wang Yubai's unusual reaction.

Wang Yubai has a problem.

Feng Qianyun curled her lips, just now Wang Yubai said that she was going to the bathroom, Tang Ze and Han Mojue didn't pay attention, but Feng Qianyun knew that she didn't go to the bathroom, but went to a farther place.

There is a bathroom next to the box where they ate just now, and they can see it as soon as they go out.

If she was really going to the bathroom, there was no reason to go far.

And Wang Yubai's reaction just now and now is a good response to Feng Qianyun's thoughts.

Since Wang Yubai couldn't find a chance, he sent a text message to Zhang Xuchen.

"Senior, Tang Ze is with another man, I can't find a chance to take Feng Qianyun away."

After about five or six minutes, Zhang Xuchen replied to his text message.

"Don't worry, I will arrange it." Zhang Xuchen seemed to have a solution.

After a while, two young shop assistants came over to Tang Ze and Han Mojue.

"Handsome guy, do you want to buy something? We just got the latest shirts and ties, and each one is very beautiful. Come and take a look, there must be a style that suits you."

"No, we won't buy anything today." Tang Ze refused with a cold face.

"A man should know how to dress himself up, even if it's not for himself, he should also be for his girlfriend. Women want their men to be beautiful. Beauty, are you right?" The female shop assistant asked Wang Yubai in the following sentence .

"Well, yes, Aze, go over and have a look and pick it out. You only have a few clothes, and they are all quite old. My parents want to ask you out for dinner in a few days. It's better to dress nicely." Good." Wang Yubai knew that Zhang Xuchen probably sent the two female shop assistants here, so he helped the female shop assistant to speak.

When Wang Yubai said this, Tang Ze certainly wouldn't refuse, "Well, okay, then I'll pick one."

Han Mojue was overjoyed by the clerk who called handsome guy to the left and handsome guy to the right. He was so happy that he flew to the men's clothing side to look at the clothes.

Now, there is no one who disturbed Wang Yubai.

Wang Yubai walked to Feng Qianyun who was picking out clothes.

Feng Qianyun was looking at the two clothes over and over again, probably considering which one was better.

"Sister Yunyun, I remember that there is a flagship store of a branded women's clothing store at the intersection of the street. It's very good, why don't we go there and have a look." Wang Yubai suggested.

"Okay, then we'll wait until Brother Mo Jue and Brother Tang Ze have finished choosing the first episode." Feng Qianyun performed her innocence again.

"Let's not wait, it's better to split up, they buy theirs, we buy ours, let's go." Said, Wang Yubai took Feng Qianyun's little hand and walked out.

Feng Qianyun was pulled by Wang Yubai, she thought to herself, she and Wang Yubai have no grievances in the past and have no enmity in the present, well, what tricks is she going to play with herself?

Wang Yubai brought Feng Qianyun to the brand's women's clothing flagship store, changed his thoughtful state just now, and after entering the store, Wang Yubai took the initiative to help Feng Qianyun choose clothes.

"Sister Yunyun, what do you think of these clothes? Do they look good?" Wang Yubai held the clothes and gestured in front of Feng Qianyun.

"Good clothes are made by trying, Sister Yunyun, why don't you take these clothes to the fitting room and try them on?" Wang Yubai put the clothes she chose in Feng Qianyun's hand , Let her go to the fitting room to try on clothes.

Feng Qianyun took the clothes, knowing that Wang Yubai must have a purpose, she took the clothes into the fitting room, and found that almost all the fitting rooms showed that there were people in them, only one was empty.

Feng Qianyun entered the fitting room and hung the new clothes that Wang Yubai handed her on the hooks, thinking that there is no need to take off the clothes, the situation will definitely happen soon, so it will not take this effort to take off the clothes wore.

Sure enough, Feng Qianyun's guess was right, the situation came as it was said.

Suddenly the ground was empty, and Feng Qianyun began to fall.

The fitting room turned out to be tampered with. This kind of design is not difficult, and it is very common on the magic show stage.

Even if it is a fitting room, it is not the first time I have heard of such a design. Some gangsters have such a design in order to help the brothers in the gang escape.

This flagship store was opened on the first floor. If there was a warehouse or something underground, Feng Qianyun would have fallen to the next floor by now.

The only thing Feng Qianyun wondered was who Wang Yubai conspired with to do this, and what was the reason.

Feng Qianyun's feet landed firmly, and the surroundings were pitch black.

There was a hissing sound, it was a snake!

There were many snakes where Feng Qianyun fell, and another iron net trapped her and the poisonous snakes.

Feng Qianyun thought, the other party must want her to be bitten to death by these poisonous snakes.

In the dark, Wang Yubai came down from another staircase. When she came to the basement, the basement was surprisingly quiet. She thought that she must have come too late, so she missed Feng Qianyun's wailing when she was bitten by a poisonous snake. The screen is gone.

In Wang Yubai's mind, the appearance of Feng Qianyun struggling in pain appeared, and a burst of excitement surged in his heart.

Feng Qianyun, you can't blame me for this, if you want to blame, you can blame yourself for being too despicable, I just want to tear your hypocritical face to pieces!

Wang Yubai went to turn on the light in the room. When the light was turned on, the light made the whole room brighten up. What Wang Yubai didn't see before can now be seen clearly.

However, she didn't see Feng Qianyun's body, only Feng Qianyun standing in the iron net and the wreckage on the ground. These wreckage belonged to the poisonous snakes, not Feng Qianyun.

"You killed all these snakes?" Wang Yubai was surprised. Tang Ze told her that Feng Qianyun was a martial arts genius, but Wang Yubai never really believed it.

"I just used them to test my recent training results." Feng Qianyun really used these snakes as her experimental products, and the results of the experiment are obviously very good. Her body is much more flexible, and she can use every move. That's great, even if she doesn't use internal power, she can still kill these poisonous snakes in sevens and eighties.

(End of this chapter)

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