Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 249 My little baby, who dares to move

Chapter 249 My little baby, who dares to move (4)
"You..." Wang Yubai couldn't say how she felt now, but felt that things were not what she expected.

"Wang Yubai, I will settle your debt with you later." The person Feng Qianyun has to pay attention to now is not Wang Yubai, but another person in this room, "Since you are here, why hide, come out Let's meet, I also want to know who invited me here."

"Not bad, no wonder Baili Bing is going to be exposed by you." In the darkness, Zhang Xuchen came out, walked towards Feng Qianyun, and looked at her across the iron net.

"Are you here to avenge Baili Bing?" Feng Qianyun asked, but there is a possibility.

"Her? No, I don't want to avenge her at all. I may have to thank you because she is an eyesore." Zhang Xuchen replied.

"Since it's not for her revenge, then what is it for? I remember that I have never seen you before." Feng Qianyun has always had a good memory, if there is an intersection, she will remember it.

"That's right, you haven't seen me, but I have seen you." Zhang Xuchen met Feng Qianyun at Xia Wufeng's place.

Xia Wufeng kept Feng Qianyun's photo, Zhang Xuchen saw it a few times, and once he was seen by Xia Wufeng while looking at Feng Qianyun's photo, and was punished by Xia Wufeng.

I have never seen him cherish someone so much, not even his mother.

"What is the reason for wanting me to die so much?" Feng Qianyun thought at first that it might be the enemies of the Black Dragon Gang, but seeing the way Zhang Xuchen looked at her, it seemed that there was really some hatred in it.

"Your existence will make the crown prince indecisive. As long as you die, the crown prince will have no weakness." Zhang Xuchen said.

The crown prince... Xia Wufeng.

This reason may seem absurd.

Wang Yubai was stunned for a while listening to the conversation between Feng Qianyun and Zhang Xuchen.

"Senior, what are you talking about with Feng Qianyun, why can't I understand?" Wang Yubai suddenly panicked, the senior like this is so scary!
Didn't he come to help him? Why does he seem to have some kind of trouble with Feng Qianyun?

"Sister, you don't need to understand, you just need to know that after today, the person you hate will die." Zhang Xuchen's smile is not as gentle as Wang Yubai saw before, he has become strange, Wang Yubai Subconsciously took a step back.

How could this be?Her senior shouldn't be like this!
Feng Qianyun looked at Wang Yubai's appearance and sighed in her heart, although she didn't know why she hated her, but she failed Tang Ze's trust in her.

Zhang Xuchen walked up to the iron net, and said to Feng Qianyun inside: "I probably know your skills, I specially prepared this cage for you, it will be very difficult for you to get out."

This net looks like an iron net, but it is not. It is a magic weapon, and it is very difficult to destroy it by ordinary methods.

"There is one more thing, I think you may be familiar with it." Zhang Xuchen took out a shell-like thing, which can collect flames and release the flames inside at a certain time.

"If he gave you this shell, I think I know where your confidence comes from."

"Very good, it proves that you are very clear." Zhang Xuchen said and put the shell on the ground in front of Feng Qianyun, and released the flame.

This is indeed something that Xia Wufeng gave to Zhang Xuchen, because Zhang Xuchen has been working for Xia Wufeng all the time, so Xia Wufeng gave him this thing in case of emergency, but Zhang Xuchen used it to make a lot of fun.

After doing this, Zhang Xuchen turned his head, and Wang Yubai was looking at him in horror, "Are you scared?" Zhang Xuchen laughed mockingly, "Is it too late to know that I'm afraid now? Don't worry, the result is still what you expected That way, and you don't have to act like I've been tricked by me, I just let you do what you want most in your heart. In fact, you are the same person as me, or you are more than me Even more despicable, after all, the person trapped in the cage has been kind to you before."

It was only at this moment that Wang Yubai realized that she had never known Zhang Xuchen before, and that she had been deceived, completely deceived.

"Hehehe..." Zhang Xuchen laughed, "Your expression is really funny, if you want to die, stay here, I remind you, that fire is not ordinary fire, water can't put it out .”

Zhang Xuchen smiled and planned to leave the basement. When the fire started, not to mention that the basement could not be kept, even the shops upstairs would be reduced to ashes, but Zhang Xuchen didn't care.

Just when Zhang Xuchen was about to leave, his eyes suddenly went dark, and then he was thrown out with a force, his back bumped into the gunshot wound, and a fishy-sweet taste came to his throat.

Zhang Xuchen didn't even see his opponent's appearance, so he was sent flying.

Zhang Xuchen spat out two mouthfuls of blood, just as he was about to open his eyes to see who was coming, the other party had already come to him, grabbed his neck and pressed him against the wall, causing the back of his head to slam into the wall , knocked out a depression.

"You, you... who are you?" Zhang Xuchen spoke with difficulty when someone grabbed his neck.

What answered him was the sound of his own body's bones breaking.

Feng Qianyun saw this scene in the cage, and found out that Lie Que was abnormal. Lie Que was bloodthirsty at this time, which made her feel a little strange. Feng Qianyun no longer hesitated, and quickly took out her weapon from her lap , with a slight twist, the stick stretched and became a weapon that was just suitable for her to use, with the power of the peak of the mysterious level, plus a wonderful move.

The magic weapon that trapped Feng Qianyun was like a mirror that fell to the ground, shattered and turned into countless pieces.

Feng Qianyun didn't do this just now because she wanted to know what Zhang Xuchen wanted to do, and because she wanted this magic weapon!What a pity it broke!

Wang Yubai watched Feng Qianyun break the barbed wire cage into pieces with his own eyes, saw the powerful force emanating from her body, and watched her perform moves that dazzled her, she froze on the spot and forgot to move.

This is what Aze told her, a martial arts genius?
Feng Qianyun didn't have time to take care of Wang Yubai at this time, she came to Lie Que's side.

"Lie Que." Feng Qianyun called out to Lie Que, but he didn't answer.

"Lie Que." Feng Qianyun patted Lie Que's shoulder lightly.

Lie Que slowly loosened Zhang Xuchen's grip, and the hostility on his body gradually dissipated.

Lie Que hugged Feng Qianyun and touched her cheek affectionately, "Are you hurt?"

Feng Qianyun shook her head, "If you don't come, this guy will be beaten by me." Feng Qianyun turned her head and looked at the magic weapon that she broke with distress, she was a loser, hey!What a prodigal!
Lie Que finally had a gentle smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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