Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 250 Radiation

Chapter 250 Radiation

"What happened to you just now?" Feng Qianyun saw Lie Que's expression just now for the first time.

Lie Que just smiled faintly, but did not answer Feng Qianyun's question.

"You, you are Lie Que?" Zhang Xuchen was beaten to death by Lie Que, but when he heard Feng Qianyun called Lie Que's name, he was still a little excited. Once excited, the blood in his mouth spit out again up.

No wonder I didn't even have a chance to fight back.

"You moved someone who shouldn't be moved." Lie Que said flatly.

Who dares to move his little baby?

"Hehe," who would have thought that Zhang Xuchen would actually laugh, "Hehe, if it was you, he might not be able to snatch it, right?"

Although Zhang Xuchen didn't say who this "he" was, Feng Qianyun could tell that the person he was talking about was Xia Wufeng.

"Hehe, I can't get him...but he won't belong to anyone..." Zhang Xuchen didn't know if he was injured too badly, and he looked a little crazy.

Zhang Xuchen hates Baili Bing, has always hated it, because he has a mind very similar to Bai Libing, but he is even more pitiful than Baili Bing, at least, Bai Libing can sometimes express his thoughts a little bit, but he cannot……

Hateful people must have pity.

Feng Qianyun didn't discriminate against Zhang Xuchen's feelings, but he used the wrong method.

At this time, the fire that Zhang Xuhan set just now was already burning. This fire was not an ordinary fire, and it burned very fast.

Lie Que left the basement with Feng Qianyun in his arms.

After arriving outside, Wang Yubai also came out.

Not long after, the clothing store above also caught fire, and fire engines came one after another, but the fire was still burning, and the fire would not go out until everything was burned to ashes.

Just now Zhang Xuchen was seriously injured by Lie Que, probably he did not escape the fire he set himself on fire, the fire burned him, and there was no bones left.

Back then Zhang Xuchen wanted to use this fire to kill Feng Qianyun because after burning, he would not even find the bones, so he would not know that the person who died was Feng Qianyun, in order not to let Xia Wufeng know, otherwise his end would be He will be executed by Xia Wufeng just like Baili Bing.

Wang Yubai stood outside looking at the house that had been reduced to ashes, with lingering fear in her heart. Until just now, she didn't know what kind of person she was cooperating with, and what kind of person she was scheming against.

Wang Yubai had never taken what Tang Ze told her seriously before, but the facts proved that Tang Ze's statement that Zhang Xuchen was untrustworthy was true, and that Feng Qianyun was a master was also true.

This kind of cognition is like a mountain weighing her down.

When people make mistakes, they instinctively want to avoid them. Once this kind of mistake is exposed to others, it will make people feel ashamed. Wang Yubai probably feels so ashamed that he doesn't want to admit his mistake now.

If Tang Ze knew that she had done such a thing, would he not love her anymore?Wang Yubai thought in fear.

She looked around, and Feng Qianyun had long since disappeared.

How to do?
Wang Yubai persuaded herself to calm down, and when Feng Qianyun complained to Tang Ze, she refused to admit it, even if she didn't think she could come up with evidence!
Wang Yubai was thinking about what she was going to do next in her heart. In a word, she was not wrong. She did this to defend her love with Tang Ze. There was absolutely nothing wrong, but she was wrong. People, believing in Zhang Xuchen, this only shows that she is a little too naive, and she will not make such a mistake again!

Wang Yubai stood among the crowd of onlookers for a long time, until the house was burned down. The house had nine floors without counting the basement.

It took four to five or 10 minutes from the time the fire started until everything was reduced to ashes.

Just as he was about to leave, Wang Yubai saw Xia Wufeng.

Seeing Xia Wufeng, Wang Yubai thought, Zhang Xuchen is using him, so what about Xia Wufeng?Is it true or false that he supports his project?

Xia Wufeng also saw Wang Yubai, he walked over and asked Wang Yubai, "Who is inside?" He came here because he saw the report of the fire on TV.

He is more familiar with this fire than anyone else.

Wang Yubai instinctively wanted to run away, but being watched by Xia Wufeng's eyes, Wang Yubai could not help but feel a little scared.

"I, I don't know..." The feeling he gave her was terrible.

"Don't make me ask a second time." Xia Wufeng showed a displeased expression.

Wang Yubai was stared at by Xia Wufeng, seeing the displeasure on his face, he hurriedly changed his statement.

"'s the senior. Zhang Xuchen."

"Where is Feng Qianyun, is she in there?" Xia Wufeng asked again.

Wang Yubai shook his head violently, "She and another man injured the senior and then left. She and another man captured the senior. I was with the senior at the time, so I was brought along with them. , I am not very clear about the situation, but I just listened to them saying that Mr. Xia, your existence is a threat to them, and the senior is your right-hand man. They beat the senior half to death, at that time a shell fell out of the senior, and for some reason, it caught fire, and they left."

Except for the first sentence, the rest are all made up by Wang Yubai.

Of course, it is impossible for Wang Yubai to tell the most truthful situation, so since he wants to make it up, he has to put all the crimes on Feng Qianyun, and try his best to discredit Feng Qianyun.

Hearing this, Xia Wufeng frowned, closed his eyes slowly, and opened them again after a while.

Yunyun, do you really hate me that much?
You are forcing me to take your life...

Seeing Xia Wufeng's silence, Wang Yubai was so nervous that he was dying, his hands were covered with cold sweat, and even his back felt a little cold.

"Is there anything special about the other man who is with Feng Qianyun?" Xia Wufeng asked.

"No, nothing special...just...he looks good, and then..." Wang Yubai tried his best to recall Lie Que's appearance in his mind. If it is too careful, if it is normal, Lie Que will definitely have a very deep impression on her. "It's still very powerful, he beat the senior very badly..."

Hearing this, Xia Wufeng was probably sure that the man Wang Yubai said was Lie Que, then he turned around and walked into the crowd. Wang Yubai was relieved to see the golden hair drifting away, and almost fell into the crowd. The person then collapsed to the ground.

Wang Yubai turned back to look for Tang Ze and Han Mojue. The two of them didn't buy any clothes. When they were shopping, they found that Feng Qianyun and Wang Yubai had disappeared, and they couldn't be contacted by phone. How could they be in the mood to buy? clothing.

(End of this chapter)

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