Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 251 Do You Think Lie Que Is Kind

Chapter 251 Do You Think Lie Que Is Kind (1)
With Feng Qianyun here, nothing should happen, the two of them thought at the same time.

So the two chose to wait for them in the store. After waiting for a long time, they didn't see them again. Even if they believed in Feng Qianyun, they couldn't help worrying. It didn't make sense for the two to leave without saying hello to them. of.

Just when the two were anxious to find someone, Wang Yubai appeared.

"Yubai, where did you and Missy go, I'm so anxious!" Tang Ze was really anxious, and there was still some sweat on his face, not because the weather was too hot, but because he came out in a hurry.

Seeing that there were only Tang Ze and Han Mojue, Wang Yubai felt relieved that Feng Qianyun was not there, so he pretended to be ignorant and asked, "Where is Sister Yunyun? Didn't she come to you first?"

"Wang Yubai, isn't my little wife with you?" Han Mojue asked.

Wang Yubai nodded first and then shook his head, "We were together in the beginning, but I couldn't find her after that."

"What's going on?" Han Mojue asked.

"I saw you picking out clothes just now, so sister Yunyun and I went to the clothing store at the street corner to buy women's clothing. After choosing the clothes, sister Yunyun went into the fitting room, and I waited for her outside. She hadn't come out for a long time, and was about to go in to look for her, but a fire broke out in the store, and the fire spread quickly. I escaped with other people in the store, but I didn't see sister Yunyun. I escaped, so come back and take a look."

After Wang Yubai finished speaking, he saw Han Mojue staring at her with extremely sharp eyes.

A thief would have a guilty conscience, Wang Yubai was a little flustered by Han Mojue.

"Mr. Han, let's go to Missy first, she is so skilled, she should be fine." Tang Ze thought that Han Mojue's silence was worried about Feng Qianyun, so he comforted him.

Tang Ze really thought that Feng Qianyun would be fine. If it was just an ordinary fire, as long as Feng Qianyun found out after the fire broke out, there should be no problem in escaping. She is skilled and knowledgeable in medicine, so she would not be at the scene of a fire. Running around in disarray.

"Well, okay." Han Mojue didn't ask any more questions. He felt that what Wang Yubai said just now was very problematic, but with Tang Ze present, he couldn't ask any more questions. If there were any problems, it would be difficult for Tang Ze. .

Han Mojue walked away with the excuse that he wanted to separate from them.

At this time, Han Mojue's phone rang, and the caller ID was Feng Qianyun.

Before, Han Mojue couldn't get through to Feng Qianyun on the phone. I don't know if Feng Qianyun entered some blocked place, or Feng Qianyun turned off the phone by herself.

"Han Meiren, make a call to report to you. I'm safe and fine. You don't have to worry."

Feng Qianyun's sweet voice came from the phone.

"Who's worried about you anymore? If you don't need someone to squeeze me, I can still pocket a huge sum of money by myself. It's too late to be happy!" Han Mojue refused to admit that he was worried just now.

Feng Qianyun knew that a certain man's mouth was always harder than his heart, so he didn't expose him.

"Little daughter-in-law, why did you walk away without saying yes?" Han Mojue was very skeptical of Wang Yubai's statement, at least Feng Qianyun had no reason to leave without saying a word, and what was even more strange was that , if according to what Wang Yubai said, they separated after the fire, and at the speed of his young wife, there is no reason to arrive later than Wang Yubai.

"Let's talk about this issue next time I meet you. I still have something to do... Lie Que, don't make trouble..."

While talking, a sentence that had nothing to do with the topic they were talking about was suddenly inserted into the phone, and Han Mojue heard that there was another person on the other end of the phone.

And listening to this conversation seems to make people dream about it.

"Little wife, who are you talking to?" Han Mojue asked in confusion.

In the end, Feng Qianyun didn't seem to hear his words.

"Lie Que, wait a moment, I'll finish the call first."

Han Mojue heard it very clearly this time. There was a man named "Lie Que" on the other end of the phone. This is not the first time Han Mojue has heard of this man named "Lie Que". Xiaoye and Ouyang Zhimin mentioned it once, but the amount of information is not much. I only know that he is a very powerful man, and this "powerful" is also the description of Shang Xiaoye and Ouyang Zhimin. Specifically, is it really "powerful" and how "powerful" , Han Mojue didn't know.

According to what Shang Xiaoye and Ouyang Zhimin said, this man seems to be a good friend of the little wife.

"Little daughter-in-law, is there a man next to you? Okay, you don't have time to talk to me, so you are fooling around with a man!" Han Mojue said in a "ghostly" but very relaxed tone.

It's just that Feng Qianyun's answer didn't come from the other end of the phone in time, it turned into a "beep" busy tone, and someone hung up the phone.

Han Mojue listened to the "beep" sound of the phone, and felt sore in his heart. The little daughter-in-law is a guy who values ​​sex and despises friends. If there are other men around him, he will ignore him, who is working hard for her. up...

Han Mojue smiled self-deprecatingly, why did he enjoy himself, the "intimacy" of the little wife with a man has nothing to do with him!

Han Mojue thought that falling in love should be insulated from him.

Feng Qianyun looked at the phone that Lie Que had pressed, and was speechless for a moment.

"Why did you suddenly press my phone?"

Lie Que didn't look embarrassed at all, he smiled gently, and then fondled Feng Qianyun's hair with his hands, "The phone has radiation, and it's not good for your health if you call it for too long."

What Lie Que said was serious.

It's just that Feng Qianyun's phone call lasted only a few minutes, so it seemed a bit strange to say that it was a radiation hazard.

Looking at Lie Que's serious and flawless face, even if Feng Qianyun wanted to ask him a few questions, she couldn't ask him.

She was calling someone else, but he was fine. He just took her phone and hung up, which seemed very reasonable.

"Can I find you without asking me?"

This question asked by Lie Que is indeed quite curious, Lie Que has been able to find Feng Qianyun more than once without any mistakes.

"If you want to say something, you can tell me yourself, and this is your private matter, and it's okay if I don't know."

Feng Qianyun gave Lie Que an indifferent smile, not because she didn't care about Lie Que, but because Feng Qianyun never liked to pry into the privacy of her friends, Han Mojue didn't ask her, and Lie Que didn't want to either. Ask too much.

Lie Que also laughed, yes, this is the little girl he had his eye on, with a delicate mind and a hearty personality.

"What Xia Wufeng wants is the underworld business in the entire M city. His ambition lies there. The two important officials under him have lost their value because of you one after another. You should be more careful." Lie Que reminded Feng Qianyun Everyone can see Xia Wufeng's ambition, he has a big appetite and also has the ability to swallow it.

(End of this chapter)

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