Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 252 Do You Think Lie Que Is Kind

Chapter 252 Do You Think Lie Que Is Kind (2)
This point can be seen from his rapid rise in the past few years. He came aggressively and ignited a fire in M ​​City with lightning speed. .

Although Xia Wufeng took care of Bailibing himself, it was also because of Feng Qianyun that he couldn't stay in the Black Dragon Gang.

And Zhang Xuchen also died because of Feng Qianyun, although in fact Zhang Xuchen wanted to attack Feng Qianyun behind Xia Wufeng's back.

Feng Qianyun nodded, "I know."

"My vacation is coming to an end, so I can't stay by your side and watch you all the time. If you need anything from me, you can contact An Weiwen, he has a way to notify me." Lie Que cared about Feng Qianyun Yes, but he can't always be by her side.

Feng Qianyun nodded, "Well, good. After leaving this time, when will you come back next time?"

"Hehe, before I leave, are you thinking about my next time?" Lie Que smiled.

Feng Qianyun shyly said, "It's fine if you don't say it."

Feng Qianyun bit her lower lip to express her dissatisfaction, she was just asking.

"I didn't say whether or not...the time is not certain, but as long as I have time, I will come over." Lie Que couldn't give an accurate promise.The environment he was in was not suitable for her, so he would not take her away.

"If you don't have something to do, don't come here specially. It's hard work. Next time you have a vacation, you should really go on vacation. This time, you don't look like a vacation. You are not tossing around with me, or you have something to deal with. How can anyone take a vacation with me?" You are just as tired!" Feng Qianyun couldn't help but complain about the missing "holidays", how did he look like he was on vacation.

"I'm fine." Lie Que didn't care about it, he just didn't feel tired, "Come and see when you're free, to see if you've grown up."

Feng Qianyun heard a warm current inexplicably pouring into her heart, flowing in her heart for a week.

Lie Que took Feng Qianyun's head with his hands, and kissed Feng Qianyun's forehead lightly, every time he said goodbye to Feng Qianyun, he would do this.

Feng Qianyun took the bus to school by herself today. Shengrong Private High School did not have a school bus, so she had to negotiate with the bus company to add a few more buses to school in the morning.

Getting off the bus, Feng Qianyun walked towards the school gate.

At the school gate, a person who shouldn't appear appeared.

Xia Wufeng.

For Xia Wufeng to appear, Feng Qianyun was not surprised. After Zhang Xuchen died, Feng Qianyun had a premonition that she and Xia Wufeng would meet again.

In fact, Feng Qianyun has been avoiding the intersection with Xia Wufeng all the time, but there are still intersections again and again.

Feng Qianyun stopped and stood at a distance of seven or eight meters from Xia Wufeng. The two of them faced each other. It was morning, during the rush hour for school, and people kept passing by the two of them. Looking at Feng Qianyun for a long time.

"Can we talk in another place alone?" Xia Wufeng took a long time to open his mouth. After he finished speaking, his lips were tightly pursed, the lines on his face became more tense, and he looked a little gloomy.

Feng Qianyun nodded, already planning for the worst in her heart.

The two walked to the school. The Shengrong Private High School is very large, and there are many remote places. Moreover, during class hours, most of the students are in the teaching buildings, and there are no people in many places.

The two entered the indoor gymnasium and stopped on the indoor basketball court.

"Why do you want to mess with Lie Que?" Xia Wufeng asked, frowning slightly.

mess with?

It's really funny to use this word, how could Feng Qianyun and Lie Que be bothered?

"This is my freedom to make friends, I don't think I need to answer you." Feng Qianyun's attitude is very alienated, and she is always vigilant towards Xia Wufeng.

Feng Qianyun's attitude made Xia Wufeng's eyes flash with pain for a moment, but it disappeared soon, "We have known each other for many years, do we need to be so alienated?"

Feng Qianyun didn't speak.

In the past, Feng Qianyun treated Xia Wufeng as her brother, but later she saw Xia Wufeng's cruel side.

That time, a maid named Ma Cuina wet Xia Wufeng's pants while pouring tea. It was nothing at the time, but Feng Qianyun couldn't find the maid the next day, so she asked other people and said she was fired .

At first, she didn't think much about it, but that night she found that she had lost the hairpin. The hairpin was a ten-year-old gift from her mother. She liked it very much, so she went to the garden to look for it, only to find that Xia Wufeng was burying a woman's body... …

Although the light was very dim, Feng Qianyun could vaguely see that the buried woman was Ma Trina, and there were still many scars on the body.

It was from that time that Feng Qianyun began to alienate Xia Wufeng and started to avoid him.

And then slowly realize how terrible he is... hiding further and further away.

Feng Qianyun kept this matter in her heart and never told anyone about it.

"Xia Wufeng, I don't want a cruel person to be my friend. You are too cruel, and you are also cruel to the people around you. As a friend with you, I have to worry all the time, worrying that one day I will be stabbed by the people around me. You can't keep making friends like this." Feng Qianyun said.

It can be known from his attitude towards Baili Bing.

Although Baili Bing was wrong, but he did his best to Xia Wufeng, and he was infatuated with him. When he killed her in the end, he didn't even blink his eyes.

"You broke the agreement between us, we pulled the hook." When Xia Wufeng said this, he blamed and complained.

The hook is suspended for 100 years and cannot be changed...

The blond boy and the long-haired girl made a promise under the banyan tree to be good friends for life...

That scene has become a very distant memory.

Regarding this point, Feng Qianyun did not refute, she did not do what she said when she pulled Gougou back then.

Being good friends with him, she couldn't overcome the fear in her heart.

Xia Wufeng laughed at herself, she said he was cruel... Then she was not cruel to him?
"Do you think Lie Que is a kind person? Do you think he is not a cruel person? You don't know who he is, do you?" Xia Wufeng said mockingly, with a snort in his nose.

Without waiting for Feng Qianyun to respond, Xia Wufeng continued, "He is at the darkest end of the world, his hands are covered with dirt, approaching him, do you know how dangerous you are?"

Feng Qianyun was surprised by Xia Wufeng's words, Lie Que... is in the darkest part of the world...

Feng Qianyun's face was very calm.

Xia Wufeng didn't see the surprise he wanted to see from Feng Qianyun's face, the darkness on his face was a little bit more.

(End of this chapter)

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