Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 253 In order to save her, I paid for the rest of my life

Chapter 253 In order to save her, I paid for the rest of my life (1)
The difference between the two is obvious.

"I'll ask you again, are you still not going to come back to my side?" Xia Wufeng's voice was a little heavy, which was a threat to Feng Qianyun.

"There's nothing to think about. Mother-in-law and mother-in-law are not your character, nor are they mine." Feng Qianyun replied directly, her attitude was very decisive.

Xia Wufeng's face was expressionless, only his hand hidden in his pocket was loosened, loosened and squeezed tightly again.

Then Xia Wufeng took out a pistol from his body, raised his hand, and pointed it at Feng Qianyun.

The front end of the pistol hit the silencer, and even if it was fired, it would not attract others.

Feng Qianyun also took out her own weapon. Although the disparity in strength is in front of her, Feng Qianyun is not a person who accepts fate.

Xia Wufeng pulled the trigger, and the bullet flew out of the gun, heading straight for Feng Qianyun. Xia Wufeng knew whether he would pose a threat to Feng Qianyun by standing like this, and his shot was to declare that he was truly It's time to attack Feng Qianyun.

Xia Wufeng, everything that goes against his wishes will be destroyed, this is an iron-like principle for him.

Feng Qianyun jumped to the side, sideways dodging the flying bullets.

Xia Wufeng only fired once, then put the gun down.

The two fought, Feng Qianyun went to receive Xia Wufeng's attack, it was very difficult.

In terms of internal strength, Xia Wufeng is above Feng Qianyun, and in terms of moves, he has come out of cruel training, and his strength is comparable to Feng Xueyi's, and his time is even longer, several years in a row They all grew up under such training.

After more than ten moves, Xia Wufeng took the steel rod from Feng Qianyun's hand with his bare hands without using any weapons.

He grabbed the other end of the steel rod in Feng Qianyun's hand and didn't let go, "You should know how weak you are, right?"

Xia Wufeng was using his actions to tell Feng Qianyun that she had no chance of winning in a fight with him.

"Heh," Feng Qianyun didn't just admit defeat, "Don't talk too much."

"You broke the agreement with me, this is the punishment you have to accept." Xia Wufeng's voice was a bit colder, he looked like a sanctioner, executing anyone he found guilty.

Domineering self is his consistent label.

Xia Wufeng has already reached the Ming rank, while Feng Qianyun is still at the Xuan rank, he holds Feng Qianyun's weapon still, and uses the strength of the Ming rank to oppress Feng Qianyun, the difference in internal strength alone makes Feng Qianyun's The body is under a powerful threat.

Faced with such oppression, if Feng Qianyun was an ordinary person, her internal organs would have already been ripped apart.

Fortunately, Feng Qianyun's body still has a power that others do not possess.With the protection of Tiangang's vitality, Feng Qianyun can keep her body from being shattered by Xia Wufeng's powerful internal force.

"It has only been half a year since you were kicked out of Ouyang's house, and you have grown very rapidly." Xia Wufeng said in a statement tone.

He knew that Feng Qianyun had never learned martial arts before, because the Ouyang family did not allow girls to practice martial arts. Such a rule was passed down from a long time ago. Even today, the Ouyang family has not changed it. As a modern ancient martial arts family, the Ouyang family has too many old rules.

Feng Qianyun pursed her lips tightly, without any intention of giving in.

Being forced by Xia Wufeng's internal force, Feng Qianyun should have been at the end of her battle, and her body probably wouldn't last long.

Anyone who saw such a difference in strength would not think that Feng Qianyun had the ability to resist.

Unexpectedly, Feng Qianyun suddenly let go of her hand, let go of the long steel rod in her hand, made a beautiful 360-degree rotation, and at the same time moved her hands and feet with amazing flexibility.

Feng Qianyun's suffering these days is not for nothing, Feng Xueyi's training is not for nothing, and the medicine bath that she prepared herself and Lie Que prepared for her is not for nothing.

This move...

Xia Wufeng was stunned for a moment, which made him dodge a beat slower.

Feng Qianyun's hand brushed across his cheek, leaving a light bloodstain.

Xia Wufeng stretched out his hand to touch his face, the redness on the palm was his own blood, this wound was nothing compared to his previous wounds, but it was the most obvious pain.

The move just now is very strange, Xia Wufeng has never seen it before, and it is surprisingly suitable for her who is still a child now.

Of course, she has never seen it before, because it was created by Feng Qianyun herself. She learned the basics from Feng Xueyi, exercised her muscles and bones, and learned an exquisite trick from Lie Que. When I tried to use the moves in reverse, I found that I got very good results.

Therefore, Feng Qianyun began to try to evolve her own moves in the later training. Starting from the move that Lie Que taught her, she derived a series of moves that belonged to her. The characteristics are varied, dexterous, and suitable for her. .

Feng Xueyi originally planned to train Feng Qianyun for another month or two. Seeing that Feng Qianyun knew how to use her own moves, Feng Xueyi ended the training ahead of time because she no longer needed He came to teach.

Feng Xueyi taught people to have principles in their kung fu, and he would not let the students go if their kung fu was not up to par. Feng Qianyun was the fastest-achieving person he had seen so far, none of them.

Unfortunately, the time for Feng Qianyun to grow up is still too short.

Xia Wufeng didn't show mercy any more, his moves were much more ruthless than at the beginning.

Feng Qianyun knows how to use her own advantages. She is small and has lost her weapon. She seems to be at a disadvantage, but being small means that her body is more flexible, so she hides whenever she can, and finds Opportunity to attack again.

The great revolutionary achievements told Feng Qianyun that guerrilla warfare is an effective and feasible tactic.

Facing Feng Qianyun's rogue but clever style of play, Xia Wufeng had nothing to do with her for a while.

In the basketball arena, Feng Qianyun ran around, both of them were extremely fast and their figures were strange.

The peak of the Xuan level was fighting against the junior level of the Ming level. There were two unusual air currents stirring in the gymnasium. The metal basketball hoop made a trembling sound, and the plastic chairs in the front row of the surrounding stands cracked.

Xia Wufeng stopped and stood still, thinking that Feng Qianyun would have no strength to resist, but she didn't expect that she not only spent so long with him, but also accumulated her own advantages bit by bit.

Xia Wufeng's eyes were dim and hard to distinguish.

Seeing that Xia Wufeng stopped, Feng Qianyun also stopped and watched from a distance.

Xia Wufeng took out a shell, which was very similar to Zhang Xuchen's last time, Feng Qianyun knew what was stored in it.

Flames were originally a thing that humans could not grasp, but Xia Wufeng was born with the ability to make the flames he could see for his use, and he could manipulate and applaud the flames like a toy.

(End of this chapter)

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