Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 254 In order to save her, I paid for the rest of my life

Chapter 254 In order to save her, I paid for the rest of my life (2)
The Suzaku Xia Family of Flame, the chosen inheritors, will have an heir in each generation, who is born with the ability to control flames, and in order to make this ability stronger, the Xia family will look for more powerful flames.

Due to the different burning materials, there are big differences in flames. For example, phosphorous fire, commonly known as ghost fire, has a very low temperature, and even paper cannot be ignited. People can touch it without any problem, and there is no harm.

There are also differences in the types of fire in modern industry, such as gas, methane, hydrogen, acetylene, etc. The flames produced by the combustion of gas, methane, and acetylene are also different. The people of the Xia family have been looking for more lethal types of flames.

The fire that burned down the clothing store last time was a special kind of fire, which was collected from the ancient Yandi. It is impossible for ordinary people to collect this kind of fire, but Xia Wufeng can. It can be used as a unique weapon of the Xia family.

This time, the shell that Xia Wufeng took out was obviously also a shell containing a certain kind of fire.

That means, Xia Wufeng will use his special ability.

Feng Qianyun smiled lightly, since she knew that Xia Wufeng would come to her, there was no reason not to take this into consideration, Feng Qianyun had calculated that she had the ability to detect the surrounding environment, as long as she used it well, it could help her avoid being attacked by Xia Wufeng. Manipulated flame attack.

Xia Wufeng didn't rush to release the flame hidden in the shell, he said to Feng Qianyun: "I don't know how your mother in H city is doing now."

Mother? !
"What did you do to my mother?" Feng Qianyun didn't expect Xia Wufeng to find her mother!

"The once noble and elegant wife of the Ouyang family is now helping out with odd jobs in a little-known pharmacy. It's beyond my surprise." Xia Wufeng said expressionlessly.

He told Feng Qianyun in his own words that he knew where her mother was, so it was very likely that he had done something to her mother.

Feng Qianyun stopped at the same place, she seemed to think Xia Wufeng was kind, she thought this was a battle between her and Xia Wufeng, it turned out that the other party had never thought of competing with her fairly.

He really knew Feng Qianyun's weakness, and threatened Feng Qianyun with Feng Qianyun's mother.

Feng Qianyun took a deep breath, "What do you want?"

"Stand there and don't move, bear everything you should bear, violate the agreement with me, this is your punishment." Xia Wufeng was as cold as a Shura.

Ruthless enough, ruthless enough, insidious enough, despicable enough.

Feng Qianyun was silent for a while, then closed her eyes without moving.

The flame flew out from the flame beaker in Xia Wufeng's hand, and flew towards Feng Qianyun under Xia Wufeng's control. The flame flew around Feng Qianyun's body for a while, making her whole body wrapped in the flame.

Finally, under Xia Wufeng's control, the flames enveloped Feng Qianyun's entire body without leaving a single gap.

The flames burned Feng Qianyun's body, depriving Feng Qianyun of her consciousness.

In the third class in the morning, the students in the first year of high school were in physical education class, and the students from the boys' basketball class came to the gymnasium. As soon as they entered the door, they saw a black shadow lying on the basketball court.

"Hey, it seems to be someone..."

Looking at it from a distance, it was probably a figure with good clothes, but because the body covered by the clothes was dark, they were not sure.

The boys looked at each other in dismay, and after looking at each other for a few moments, they walked slowly towards the center of the basketball court.

Then, they see clearly.

"Ah, it's really a person, or a burnt person, hurry up, call the police!"

The boys were frightened. The hands of the boys who wanted to call the police were shaking while holding the phone. After pressing two buttons, the phone fell to the ground.

Seeing Feng Qianyun who had been burned badly, everyone was terrified, there was no trace of being burned around, even her clothes were still in good condition, only Feng Qianyun was burnt beyond recognition.

People called the police and called the emergency number, thinking, if they are burned like this, will they still be alive?
Shang Xiaoye and Ouyang Zhimin were originally here to watch, but when they saw Feng Qianyun, their hearts were involuntarily squeezed. This figure is absolutely unmistakable for Feng Qianyun!
The two saw the blood-stained steel rod that could be changed in length and fell beside Feng Qianyun, and they were sure that the severely burned person was Feng Qianyun!

The two of them couldn't care less about going to class, so they chased to the hospital.

Feng Qianyun was sent to Bo'ai Hospital, Ouyang Zhimin was still calm, so he hurriedly called Xue Yunran, this is his home, contacting him, it's better than he and Shang Xiaoye, two laymen who are like headless chickens Well done wandering around!
When Xue Yunran received the call, he was so surprised that he couldn't recover, and it gradually turned into fear on his face, fearing that Feng Qianyun's life would be in danger. According to Ouyang Zhimin's description, Feng Qianyun's body surface had been burned extensively, not to mention burns The damage to the body itself refers to the impact of burns on body functions. Once the burn area is too large, the resistance of the human epidermis will be lost, and the human body will be affected by various infections.

Once the burned area exceeds 90.00% of the body surface, and the burn depth exceeds two, people almost lose the possibility of survival.

Xue Yunran frowned, her face turned pale, and she hurriedly called the best burn doctor she knew.

After thinking about it, he felt that it was not enough, so he asked his father to contact experts in relevant fields abroad for help, hoping that the other party would come as soon as possible.

Xue Yunran was still in school when he received the call. He was still dealing with matters in the student union, so he drove back to the hospital directly after receiving the call.

On the way here, Xue Yunran was restless all the time, and he stepped on the accelerator as the brake several times, and almost had an accident.

After arriving at the hospital, Feng Qianyun was still in the rescue, while Ouyang Zhimin and Shang Xiaoye were waiting outside.

Xue Yunran looked at the red light in the operating room, and felt more and more nervous. He is also a doctor, and he has gone in there to perform operations many times. He has seen this red light countless times since he was in and out of the hospital since he was a child. This was the first time he felt the red light glaring.

"Xiaoye, don't worry too much, Yunyun will be fine." Although Ouyang Zhimin was nervous and worried to death, as a man, he should comfort the girls around him at this time.

Shang Xiaoye's eyes were red, and there were still tears on her face, "How could it be fine! It's all black!" Shang Xiaoye cried and roared.

"Then... the current medical skills are so advanced, it's okay, it's definitely okay..." Ouyang Zhimin thought of Feng Qianyun's appearance just now, and felt a burst of fear, only feeling that his body suddenly dropped several degrees, "Maybe It's not Boss Yunyun, but it just happens to be wearing Boss Yunyun's clothes, Boss Yunyun's weapon is right next to him, and he just happens to be about the same size as Boss Yunyun..."

(End of this chapter)

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