Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 255 In order to save her, I paid for the rest of my life

Chapter 255 In order to save her, I paid for the rest of my life (3)
"How can there be so many just right... What should I do... Yunyun her... who the hell made Yunyun like this... I am so useless, I can't help Yunyun, now she is lying in there, I I can't do anything..." Shang Xiaoye broke down in tears.

Ouyang Zhimin himself was in a mess, he didn't know how to comfort her, "By the way, I called Han Mojue, he must know where Boss Yunyun went, and the person inside must not be Boss Yunyun!"

Even though Ouyang Zhimin knew that the person inside was not Feng Qianyun, the chances were slim, but he still hoped it wasn't, and then he called Han Mojue.

The phone rang for a long time before Han Mojue answered it. Han Mojue is currently in Qiaoxi Village, and the project is still in full swing. He has evaluated Feng Qianyun again and plans to take over the pharmaceutical factory, so the construction site here needs to Step up.

"Ouyang Zhimin, why are you calling me when you're not in class?"

"Han Mojue, boss Yunyun, is she with you?"

"Little daughter-in-law, she goes to school today, what's the matter?"

Going to school... the little hope I had was gone...

Han Mojue found that the other end of the phone was silent, so he asked, "Ouyang Zhimin, what's the matter, what happened?"

There was another long silence on Ouyang Zhimin's side, "Han Mojue, a scorched man was found in the school gymnasium today, wearing the clothes of Boss Yunyun, with Boss Yunyun's weapon beside him, his figure is also ..."

"What a mess, people are burnt, why are the clothes still there, Ouyang Zhimin, you are not allowed to joke with me like this, do you hear me!" Han Mojue growled.

"We're in Bo'ai Hospital, why don't you come over..." Ouyang Zhimin's voice was deep and deep.

"Today is not April [-]st, don't mess around with me, I have business to do now!" Han Mojue had a bad feeling in his heart, what happened, he was fine yesterday...

"Han Mojue, I fucking hope this isn't true!" Ouyang Zhimin yelled, and then hung up the phone.

In the intensive care unit, the heartbeat instrument was beeping, and the screen showed that Feng Qianyun still had a weak heartbeat.

What I learned from the doctor was that Feng Qianyun had little hope of surviving. It was unbelievable that there were still signs of life after being burnt to such an extent. The doctor asked everyone to be mentally prepared.

Xue Yunran is a major in surgery, and has also dabbled in burns. Looking at Feng Qianyun in the intensive care unit, she knows how dangerous she is...

The four of them silently looked at Feng Qianyun who had changed beyond recognition.

"Han Mojue, you must know who made boss Yunyun like this, right?" Ouyang Zhimin couldn't figure out who made Feng Qianyun like this.

Han Mojue took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, lit them, and smoked one after another, with faint smoke lingering around him.

"Ouyang Zhimin, don't think about doing stupid things. What you need to do now is to find a way to wake her up."

Han Mojue pursed his lips tightly, his mid-length hair covered the light, leaving his face in shadow.

"Xue Yunran, you are a doctor. To be precise, the current situation of my daughter-in-law is somewhat hopeful."

Xue Yunran's face was a little paler than before, his lips moved, and he uttered with difficulty, "Zero."

Zero, that is, according to his experience and knowledge, there is no possibility of surviving.

According to his knowledge, Feng Qianyun shouldn't be alive now, if such an injury were placed on someone else, he would already be a dead person.

Hearing this, Shang Xiaoye's tears flowed even more violently.

Han Mojue let out a puff of smoke, "Can you arrange for her to be discharged from the hospital?"


Xue Yunran heard the words and said, "Do you have a good idea? If there is a better hospital that can arrange a transfer, if there is another doctor, I will ask my father to help contact her to come here. She is not like this now. Suitable for changing places."

"I thought of a place, but there is no way to let the other party come here. I plan to send my daughter-in-law there." Han Mojue said solemnly, maybe there can help my daughter-in-law.

Oh, it seems that there is still some price to pay.

But right now, the younger daughter-in-law is more important.

Xue Yunran knew that Han Mojue would not be joking under such circumstances, he was serious, so he nodded, "I will handle the discharge from the hospital, you arrange Yunyun's affairs as soon as possible, the longer her situation drags on, the worse it will be. It's difficult, and I have another request."

"What request?"

"No matter where you want to take her, please let me go with her. She has helped me and saved me. I can't ignore it at this time. I am a doctor. It would not be a bad thing to have a doctor take care of me on the way." Xue Yunran was very determined To follow along.

Han Mojue nodded without refusing.

Under Xue Yunran's arrangement, Feng Qianyun, a seriously injured patient, was discharged from the hospital with contempt. The hospital sent an ambulance to send Feng Qianyun to the place Han Mojue said.

The journey was a bit far away, the car left Province Z, and after getting off the highway, it became more and more remote.

"Han Mojue, are you sure you remember the place correctly?" Xue Yunran was a little puzzled as he watched the road getting more and more remote.

Han Mojue nodded, "It's not a mistake."

Han Mojue answered with certainty that the place they were going to was indeed remote, a small village in the mountains.

The car was walking on the winding and narrow mountain road, and the driver was a member of Bo'ai Hospital. He really couldn't figure out what to do with transporting such a severely burned person to such a place.

Find a feng shui treasure to bury?

It seems that this possibility is relatively high!

It's all burnt like this, even if you can survive, it's probably hard to live a normal life again.

The driver thought so in his heart, but he was just a driver, and he was only responsible for driving when he was paid, and other things had nothing to do with him.

After driving for about half an hour, the car had to stop. There was a mountain road ahead, and the car couldn't go up.

The ambulance stopped, Han Mojue and Xue Yunran got out of the car, and carried Feng Qianyun down.

"We have to walk over the mountain in front of us to reach our destination. This place is relatively remote. The road ahead has not been repaired, so we can only walk."

This is the case in many places. Because of the remoteness and poor economic conditions, no roads have been built. Passing here is a bit special. People who live in the mountains actually don’t want to build roads.

At this time, Feng Qianyun was wearing a special sterile gown, and her body could not directly contact the air to avoid infection.

Han Mojue hugged Feng Qianyun who was on the bed.

"Be careful, her current body cannot withstand a little damage." Xue Yunran reminded.

Han Mojue nodded, expressing his understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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