Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 256 In order to save her, I paid for the rest of my life

Chapter 256 In order to save her, I paid for the rest of my life (4)
Han Mojue's physical strength is not bad, and he never let go of Feng Qianyun. He carried her up the mountain. The mountain road was rugged, and the two carefully protected Feng Qianyun.

After crossing the mountain, there is a small village in the middle of the mountain. It looks nothing special. Most of the houses are cement bungalows, and some scattered yellow mud houses are also mixed in.

Xue Yunran didn't understand why Han Mojue wanted to bring Feng Qianyun here, but he knew that Han Mojue's worries about Feng Qianyun were not necessarily less than his, and it was impossible for him to act recklessly, so he suppressed his doubts and followed him. forward.

After entering the village, I feel more and more that this is just an ordinary small mountain village. I saw some villagers passing by, and many of them were carrying bamboo shoot belts on their backs. There are many kinds of moso bamboo and red bamboo on the mountains around here. This is the time when the bamboo shoots are ripe. time.

Han Mojue stood in front of one of the passing villagers carrying a load of moso bamboo shoots, "Take me to the patriarch."

Because Han Mojue mentioned "patriarch", the other party looked at Han Mojue a few more times, "Who are you?"

"I have something to see your patriarch. I know Yi Che." Han Mojue knew that if he couldn't explain why, the other party would not take him to meet the person he wanted to meet.

Hearing what Han Mojue said, and seeing Feng Qianyun in Han Mojue's arms, he confirmed Han Mojue's intention for coming.

"Wait." The man put the burden he was carrying on the ground, "Come with me."

Xue Yunran looked at the conversation between Han Mojue and that person, although he was a little confused, he could see some clues.

It seems that this small village has some secrets.

Han Mojue knew Xue Yunran's doubts, so he told him, "This village was built not long ago. During World War II, they hid here because they didn't want to be involved in the war, and then settled down here. After World War II ended, They didn't leave either. Everyone in this clan is a herbalist and has a lot of research on herbal medicine, and their patriarch is the most powerful."

After the Opium War, many folk masters hid and chose to hide from the world. The villagers in the place where Han Mojue brought Xue Yunran are one of them.

"It turned out to be like this...that's a pity." This should be regarded as a great loss for the medical profession.

Under the leadership of that person, Han Mojue and Xue Yunran came to the door of the patriarch's house.

It was a very ordinary one-story house, or the kind made of yellow mud and stones, with a black earth tile roof.

When they reached the gate, the villager left.

"Yi Che, are you at home?" Han Mojue looked at the dilapidated house, he couldn't be flattered.


Just then there was a loud noise in the house, it sounded like something had exploded and thick smoke was coming out of the room.

"Cough cough cough amount—"

A man ran out of the thick smoke, his face was so dark that he couldn't tell what he looked like.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Yi Che wiped his face with his hands, and only when he looked up did he notice Han Mojue and Xue Yunran. He thought it was some stranger from the village, but one of them seemed familiar... Then try hard to recall if I have seen this man somewhere...

"Ah, I remembered, you are Han Mojue!" Yi Che finally remembered Han Mojue after a long time, "Why did you come here? Could it be that you have figured it out?"

"Yes, but the conditions need to be changed." Han Mojue said.

Change the conditions?
Yi Che noticed Feng Qianyun in Han Mojue's arms, "You mean, you want to save the child in your arms?"

Han Mojue nodded.

"Oh?" Yi Che became interested, he stepped forward and looked at Feng Qianyun carefully, "Is she important to you?"

"Why so much nonsense, save me if you want!" Han Mojue didn't want to talk nonsense with Yi Che.

"Don't be fierce, as I said before, I'm just a herbalist. Identifying herbs, drying herbs, grinding herbs and researching herbs is my job. Saving people is just incidental. Whether the people you bring can be saved or not, I do not know yet!"

"Isn't the purpose of your previous work to save people with your medicine?"

"Who said that, I don't save people, I want to save cats and dogs!"

"Don't talk nonsense, let's look at the person first." Han Mojue didn't have the time to chatter with Yi Che.

"True murderer, I don't know what my sister likes about you!" Yi Che complained. He made a mess of the house, and smiled embarrassedly. Let's go to the next room. That's my sister's room. She went up the mountain to find herbs today, and she's not here.

Now who cares so much about him, saving people is the most important thing.

Xue Yunran thought that the "patriarch" should be an elder, who would have thought that it was such a young man.

Han Mojue carried Feng Qianyun into Yi Che's sister's room, and after putting Feng Qianyun on the bed, Yi Che checked Feng Qianyun's situation.

Yi Che's expression tightened suddenly, and the word "surprised" was clearly written on his face.

I came to a conclusion in my heart, "She doesn't need me to save her."

When Han Mojue heard this, he immediately picked up Yi Che, "What do you mean, are you saying that she can't be saved? What kind of patriarch are you!"

Han Mojue's calm these past two days was gone.

"Listen to me first!" Yi Che was startled by Han Mojue's anger, this was the first time he saw Han Mojue so excited! "When I said she doesn't need my help, it doesn't mean that I can't save her, but that she doesn't need my help. Her body is recovering, and she will recover by herself in a few days."

"What did you say?" Han Mojue was surprised, he was recovering?
"Yes, I was also taken aback. It stands to reason that it is impossible for a person to be alive after being burned like this, but she is not only alive, but her body is still repairing itself. Her pulse is almost normal. Moreover, her recovery is from the inside out, proving that it is the function of her own body, it seems that she must be a very special person, otherwise she would have been a corpse."

Yi Che was also full of curiosity about Feng Qianyun, and felt that her current situation was incredible.

"You mean, she won't die?" Xue Yunran asked eagerly. For the first time in so many days, his face had a look of radiance. The muscles on his face were tense before.

Yi Che nodded, and answered Xue Yunran's topic with certainty, "From the perspective of traditional medicine, this is impossible, and from my cognition, it also seems to be impossible. Maybe, when she wakes up After we come, we can ask her ourselves."

"Then can her skin be restored?" Han Mojue asked again, Feng Qianyun's whole body is now scorched, with no skin left. It is absolutely impossible for a normal person to recover. If it is Feng Qianyun, is it okay?
(End of this chapter)

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