Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 257 In order to save her, I paid for the rest of my life

Chapter 257 In order to save her, I paid for the rest of my life (5)
Is there such a possibility?Such severe burns also recover?

"I don't know about this. I can't answer. Her current situation is beyond my understanding. Let's witness the following things with our eyes." Yi Che said, "If you are with her If necessary, I will prepare some herbal medicine for her, and you can wrap her whole body like a zongzi."

"Who are you calling Zongzi!" Han Mojue gave Yi Che a hard look because of this metaphor.

"A metaphor, it's just a metaphor." It's really scary, showing such a scary look in his eyes, his little heart! "By the way, you haven't told me who she belongs to you. Before, you refused to be my brother-in-law. This time, for her, you actually agreed to be my brother-in-law. You will stay here forever and never step out of here again." Half a step."

"None of your business! My little daughter-in-law, do you have an opinion?" Han Mojue heard that Feng Qianyun was no longer in danger, her condition returned, and she spoke with enough air.

"I have no objection. I'm afraid that when my sister comes back later, she will have objections." His younger sister Yi Lan really likes Han Mojue, but Luo Hua intends to be ruthless, concubine is affectionate, but Lang has no intention. "Because I didn't help much, what I just said doesn't count. You don't need to stay and be my brother-in-law."

"Wait a little longer, wait until it is confirmed that she will recover. If her skin cannot recover by itself, our agreement is still valid." Han Mojue looked at Feng Qianyun on the bed and said seriously.

"Did I hear you right? Han Mojue, in order to save this girl, you are willing to abandon the rest of your life. I am surprised enough to stay in this place where nothing shit happens. Now her life is not in danger, just to save this girl." Are you going to sacrifice the rest of your life for her appearance?" Yi Che said in surprise.

"Don't talk too much nonsense. Whether it's worth it is my business, not yours. In short, you just have to do it when the time comes." Han Mojue has a scale in his heart, and he can measure it by himself.

If a girl's appearance is completely ruined, what is the difference from killing her?
"Okay, I don't ask, are you hungry? I'll get you something to eat. This little girl will stay here for a while to observe until she recovers." Yi Che shook his head, wanting to say something about Han Mo. He didn't believe that Jue didn't have any special feelings for the girl on the bed.

Hey, he hopes that the girl can fully recover on her own. If an agreement between him and Han Mojue is reached, and Han Mojue has someone else in his heart, it will be hard for anyone to stay in this place with his sister. Not a good thing.

"Well, I'm really hungry. Get all the delicious food. Can you cook? I won't eat if it's not good." Feng Qianyun was confirmed to be safe, and Han Mojue's The appetite is coming, woo woo, the little daughter-in-law is like this, so he can't eat for the past two days, and now he feels so hungry!

The corner of Yi Che's mouth twitched, he really didn't know how to be polite.

At night, Yi Lan, who went to the mountain to gather herbs, came back.

After entering the door, she saw that the room was full of smog, and it was not surprising that her brother must have made it like this again. She put the herb basket by the door, "Brother, guess what I picked today?"

After Yi Lan finished speaking, she found that her brother was not in this room, so she looked for the next room in confusion.

There are only four houses in their house, a dining room, a kitchen, and two bedrooms for the two of them.

When Yi Lan went to the kitchen, she passed by her own room and found a figure in it.

Why is brother like this, didn't he tell him not to enter her room casually?

Yi Lan pushed open the door angrily, "Brother, why..."

The voice stopped, Yi Lan thought she was dazzled when she saw Han Mojue.

When Han Mojue saw Yi Lan, he felt a little embarrassed.

"Han Mojue?" Yi Lan approached, it was really Han Mojue... "You...why are you here?"

Yi Lan's face showed obvious surprise and shyness from her daughter's family.

"My friend is sick, I'll bring her here." Han Mojue's tone was a little blunt, and he would feel awkward talking to Yi Lan.

"Hmm..." Yi Lan didn't know what to say to Han Mojue, after all, she had confessed her love to Han Mojue so embarrassingly, and after being rejected, she insisted on posting it upside down, "What about my brother? I'll go find him. "

"No need, he has already seen it, he is in the kitchen now." Han Mojue replied.

"God! He actually entered the kitchen!" Yi Lan exclaimed after hearing this, and then hurriedly ran towards the kitchen. If it was later, she was afraid that the kitchen would be burned down by her brother!Her brother is disabled at the ninth level of life skills!
After Yi Lan ran out, Xue Yunran saw all this, "She seems to like you very much."

Han Mojue and Yi Che's opponent Xue Yunran heard it just now, so they probably heard something. It seems that Yi Che's sister likes Han Mojue, so she wants Han Mojue to stay here and marry Yi Lan. He offered a condition, but Han Mojue didn't agree, and now Han Mojue came here again because he wanted to save Feng Qianyun, intending to accept the condition that he didn't accept originally.

"Xue Yunran, after my daughter-in-law wakes up, you are not allowed to say a word to her about what you just heard." Han Mojue explained to Xue Yunran very seriously.

"Why?" Xue Yunran asked puzzledly, "If Yunyun's skin can't recover and needs Yi Che's help, it means that you agreed to Yi Che's conditions and stayed here from now on, and with Yi Che's younger sister just now. Get married, so you don't plan to tell Yunyun?"

For a person like Han Mojue, staying in such a simple mountain village and marrying a woman he doesn't like, it should be a very bad thing, right?

"If she wants to know what to do, it's my own decision. She will definitely not agree to it if she finds out. Besides, let her know after the fact, she might kill me!" Han Mojue said half-jokingly and half-seriously .

Xue Yunran was silent, and it took a while before she spoke, "Well, I see."

I still hope that Yunyun can recover on her own, otherwise, Han Mojue will make a great sacrifice.

"Han..." Yi Lan is in a particularly good mood today, and she even enjoys the blessing with Yi Che. Originally, Yi Che messed up the kitchen once again, and Yi Lan scolded him. Today is a rare day, not only did Yi Lan not scold him. , and added vegetables to make an unusually rich dinner.

Yi Che knew that it was Han Mojue's welfare.

"Come, come, let's have dinner. My sister's cooking is very good, you must try it! The room over there hasn't been cleaned yet, so let's have dinner here first!" Yi Che greeted Han Mojue and Xue Yunran sat down to eat.

Han Mojue and Xue Yunran sat down.

(End of this chapter)

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