Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 259 Breaking the Cocoon

Chapter 259 Breaking the Cocoon (2)
In fact, Han Mojue would not have been bitten by a snake in the first place.

According to what Yi Che said, the creatures at the side of the spring were larger and more ferocious. It was the effect of the spring water, a certain special composition that catalyzed the evolution of the surrounding creatures.

Such animals are not just one or two, but many.

Han Mojue was in a hurry to ask for spring water, and was so worried about Feng Qianyun that he got hurt.

Just now Yi Lan helped to wipe Feng Qianyun's body, and Yi Che confirmed that Feng Qianyun is in good condition now.

Now, the room is very quiet, so quiet that you can hear the wind in the mountains and forests outside.

There are some lights here, but they are all ordinary light bulbs that emit yellow light. The wattage of the light bulb in Yi Lan's room is obviously not very high.

In the silence, there was a slight sound similar to the cracking of an eggshell, which was very subtle and not violent at all.

One after another.

Small cracks appeared on the black, burnt skin on Feng Qianyun's arm, and then the cracks gradually expanded, and a small piece of burnt skin fell off and fell on the bed sheet.

This is just the beginning. Slowly, the same situation appeared in many places on Feng Qianyun's body, more and more small cracks, and at the same time, more scorched skin fell out, which could be broken through the gaps. Seeing Feng Qianyun's new skin exposed, it was as delicate and fair as a newborn baby.

Xue Yunran woke up hazily, opened his eyes, and saw such a picture, the black outer layer of Feng Qianyun's scorched body was cracked in many places.

Xue Yunran hurriedly stood up, and shouted to the outside: "Han Mojue, come in!"

The sound insulation of the house here is not very good. If you shout in one room, you can hear it in the next room.

When Han Mojue heard Xue Yunran calling him, he hurried over, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw the abnormality happening to Feng Qianyun on the bed.

"Yi Che, die for me!" Han Mojue also yelled, but he was not as civilized as Xue Yunran.

A summoning talisman, Yi Che came in from stumbling, in such a hurry, is this calling the soul?

When Yi Che saw Feng Qianyun's situation, he quickly stepped forward, walked to the bed, and checked carefully.

He frowned slightly, "Looking at it this way, she repaired the damage to her body by herself."

Yi Che straightened up and said to the two men behind him who were anxiously waiting for his answer.

Fix it yourself?
Looking at Feng Qianyun's current situation, Yi Che seems to have really repaired it by herself, and it has been repaired thoroughly. At least there is no need for Han Mojue to sell her meat to find Yi Che to repair her skin.

Han Mojue, Xue Yunran and Yi Lan all stared blankly at Feng Qianyun on the bed, what a miraculous thing this is!

Everyone's body has an immune system, which can repair some injuries by itself, but it is very limited. A broken bone can heal itself, a cut skin can heal itself, and a cold can heal itself, but I have never heard of someone who was burned all over his body. It can recover by itself.

This change is too radical and astonishing.

"Her body is very special, and she may have already been brewing this process. The spiritual spring you brought just now is like a catalyst, making this process happen in advance." Yi Che said again.

About an hour later, all the scorched skin on Feng Qianyun's body fell off and fell around her body. During this hour, the brothers and sisters of the Yi family, Han Mojue and Xue Yunran did not leave and witnessed this process with their own eyes. .

The scorched skin fell off, but Feng Qianyun hadn't woken up yet.

"Why hasn't she woke up yet?" Han Mojue asked Yi Che, "Didn't you say that she repaired everything by herself?"

"Probably because this process has consumed too much of her own energy. Give her a little time, and she should be able to wake up." Yi Che is sure that there is nothing serious about Feng Qianyun's body now, and it is only time before she wakes up. problem.

Yi Lan also said, "Mr. Han, you don't have to worry too much. If my brother says it's okay, then it should be okay. We just need to wait. Now you three big men go out first, I Come and help her clean up."

Yi Lan asked everyone to go out, and she came to clean up Feng Qianyun's scorched skin shell that fell off.

While helping Feng Qianyun deal with the scorched skin that fell off, Yi Lan marveled at Feng Qianyun's appearance. She couldn't see Feng Qianyun's face before, but now she can see it clearly.

She is such a beauty. She has such an amazing feeling at a young age. When she gets older and her body develops well, how charming will she be?Yi Lan thought enviously.

After wiping, Yi Lan found something like a stud on Feng Qianyun's right ear, which felt a little special. She looked closely for a while, thinking, she was burned like this, why did her ear The earrings on the ear are still in good condition, it seems that there is no damage at all. Thinking of this, Yi Lan reached out to pick up Feng Qianyun's "earrings", wanting to see what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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