Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 260 Male creatures are forbidden to approach!

Chapter 260 Male creatures are forbidden to approach! (1)
Just as Yi Lan's hand was about to touch Feng Qianyun's "ear studs", childish growls followed.

"Smelly woman, you are not allowed to touch me!" Guigui yelled and ran out.

Huh... It's a good thing he is of the water attribute, otherwise the fire wouldn't kill his wife, and it would have destroyed him at least!
After Guigui came out, he crawled along Feng Qianyun's body to the other side of the window, sat down on the edge of the bed, his two calves fell naturally, swayed twice, and then stared at Yi Lan full of hostility.

Yi Lan was terrified, Guigui's sudden appearance made her forget to speak, she paused before shouting, "Ah!——"

It wasn't Yi Lan who made a fuss, it was a child who suddenly appeared in the room, and it was very late at night, who knows what kind of goblin it is?
Yi Lan's screams made Xue Yunran, Han Mojue and Yi Che rush into the room immediately. Han Mojue and Xue Yunran were afraid that something happened to Feng Qianyun, and Yi Che was worried about his sister.

The three of them rushed into the room, their footsteps also stopped, and one by one, expressions of confusion and surprise appeared on their faces.

This is a very delicate-looking little ghost, with a small nose and small eyes, indescribably cute, the tender skin is like a freshly peeled boiled egg, a pair of big watery eyes are sparkling, the most amazing thing is, the little There are two tan horns growing on the guy's head!
Guigui looked at the people who were stunned at him, with a very disdainful expression on his face, Little Nose snorted twice, with an expression of "you idiots".

"Who is this little thing?" Han Mojue thought that Yi Che and Yi Lan would know.

Yi Che hurriedly waved his hands, indicating that this matter has nothing to do with him, "I didn't give birth."

If it has nothing to do with you, it has nothing to do with you, so why are you born with such an accent!

Then Han Mojue and Xue Yunran looked at Yi Lan.

Still in shock, Yi Lan pointed at Guigui with one hand, her eyes widened, her voice trembling, "He popped up all of a sudden... I, I don't know where he came from."

Out of nowhere?
Han Mojue stepped forward and looked at Guiguizai carefully, looking up and down, what exactly is this?It doesn't seem to be a human being, how could a human appear suddenly?
But how could he look so human... Wait... It seems that there is such a existence... According to the legend, the spirit of the weapon can transform into a human form!

Don't tell him, the guy he sees now is the legendary weapon spirit!
This fright came too suddenly!

"Hey, Han Meiren, how long are you going to stare at me!" Guigui stayed by Feng Qianyun's side all day long, and Feng Qianyun called Han Mojue to be Han Meiren, and he followed suit.

Hearing such a familiar mature voice from Guigui's mouth, Han Mojue became more and more curious, "What the hell are you, why do you call me 'Han Meiren'? No, no, no, which bastard taught you to call me that !"

Guigui rolled his eyes towards the sky, "My women often call you that!" Guigui said calmly and pointed to Feng Qianyun who was lying behind him.

His wife?

Hey, hey, when did Feng Qianyun become your woman? Even if you have the guts, you don't have the appetite, you little one, you don't even know if you have all your teeth!
"Wait, I only remember that there were only three of you when you came here. Where were you hiding then?" Yi Che thought, maybe he had advanced dementia, right?Not even a kid this big noticed.

Xue Yunran also felt very strange, "I'm sure we didn't have you when we came, how did you appear?"

Han Mojue pondered for a while, and he probably came to a conclusion in his heart. It seems to be true...Although he thinks it's amazing, this child, I'm afraid it's really a legendary weapon spirit...

He didn't expect that he could really see such legendary things as Qi Ling.

"No, I think he's been by our side all the time." Han Mojue judged, still with an incredulous expression on his face, "I think he should have been by Yunyun's side in some form that we haven't discovered before. Bar."

Han Mojue's words made the other three people confused. Han Mojue's ability to think that ghosts may be Qilings does not mean that the other three people can also think of them, especially Xue Yunran, who has never even heard of Qilings. .

After Jinghan Mojue said this, Yi Che guessed the possibility, but, is it really possible?
Yi Che looked at Guigui again...

"Okay, I'll just admit that you have a brain." Guigui reluctantly said, which is considered to have admitted Han Mojue's judgment, "My name is Guigui, although it's the first time you saw me , but I have seen you countless times, and we are quite familiar with each other."

Who the hell is familiar with this brat?
Han Mojue just saw it for the first time today, okay?
What else does it mean to reluctantly admit that he has a brain?He has a lot of brains!

"You have been by her side all the time and you should know what happened. Why did she suffer such a serious injury in the gymnasium?" Han Mojue probably guessed that the matter might have something to do with Xia Wufeng, and also wanted to learn from Guigui. Get confirmed there.

"Well, it was done by that man named Xia Wufeng. That man is really scary. He actually has such a strange ability, pervert! Such a pervert should not exist in this world!" Guigui thought angrily, He kept saying he cared, while hurting the killer again!His grandma's!

Fortunately, that man didn't have the kind of fire that burned Zhang Xuchen to death last time, otherwise the woman's body might not be able to hold on.

But it's okay, he knew that the woman his brother Lie Que chose would not die so easily!

Guigui thought incomparably.

Han Mojue lit another cigarette. He has been smoking continuously for the past two days.

Han Mojue and Yi Che already knew Guigui's identity, but Xue Yunran and Yi Lan didn't know yet.

Yi Lan was still immersed in the shock just now, listening to the conversation between Han Mojue and Guigui, she also froze for a while, not knowing what they were talking about.

"Xiao Lan, you are tired from going up the mountain to collect herbs today. You will sleep in my room tonight. I won't sleep tonight. Han Mojue and Mr. Xue probably don't plan to sleep tonight. You stay here with me." , we won't bother you." Yi Che wisely took his sister away from the room, leaving space for Han Mojue and the others.

"Brother, what's wrong with you, that kid just now..." Before Yi Lan could figure out what was going on, she was dragged out by her brother. Guigui also wanted to see Han Mojue whom she had been looking forward to for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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