Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 261 Male creatures are forbidden to approach!

Chapter 261 Male creatures are forbidden to approach! (2)
For a long time, she thought that she would never see Han Mojue again, so she put this feeling in her heart. She never thought that there would be such a day when he would appear in front of her again.

"Xiao Lan, the child you saw is not a human being." Yi Che stopped, and they had already left the room where Feng Qianyun was at this time, "It's a spirit."

Tool spirit? !
"How could it be? Brother, are you saying that it is the spirit of the magic weapon? How is it possible?" Yi Lan's eyes widened, and she felt that this was too hard to believe.

Although magic tools are rare, most people still have the opportunity to come into contact with them.

But the Magical Artifacts with Artifact Spirits are different. As far as the current level of Magical Artifacts are known, the highest-level Magical Artifacts do not have Artifact Spirits.

However, there are related records in some sporadic and incomplete ancient books.

Therefore, some ancient family sect parties that have been passed down have heard about the magic weapon with the spirit of the weapon, but the vast majority of people are still limited to "hearing", witnessing... I'm afraid it is really rare, right?

Others Yi Lan didn't know, but in their family, they had never heard any elder mention seeing a magic weapon with their own eyes.

More importantly, after the level of the magic weapon reaches a certain level, even if there is no magic weapon, it will not be used casually like ordinary items. It will choose the owner it recognizes. There is no way to use it, that's the reason.

A magic weapon with a spirit, then, its owner...that little girl?The amount of information was a bit large, and Yi Lan hadn't digested it for a while.

After Yi Che and Yi Lan left, Han Mojue just took a step when he heard Guigui shouting, "Stop! You have to keep a distance from my woman!"

Guigui shouted vigilantly, it was fine for him to be inconvenient to show up, let the woman mess around, now that the woman has not woken up from a coma, and Brother Lie Que is not here, then he has to take on the job of protecting the woman, and no other activities are allowed. man approaching!

Brother Lie Que, Guigui will help you take good care of women!Resolutely don't let other men get involved in women, and will definitely raise women well, and then send them to you to eat every single hair!
"Why?" Han Mojue looked at Guigui's eyes as if he was looking at an enemy, wondering if it might be too nervous, since it stayed by the little wife's side, it proved that it should have been It has a contract with the little wife, and it is its duty to protect the little wife.

"Male creatures are not allowed to approach!" Guigui jumped off the edge of the bed, opened his arms, and placed his small body in a "big" character, trying to block the approach of the "male creature" he said in all directions.

Male creatures are forbidden to approach?
No way, what is this brat's plan? Could it be that he thought he would do something to his unconscious daughter-in-law?

"Little ghost, what are you doing? Since you have been by my little wife's side for a while, you should know that I will not do anything to her." Han Mojue was speechless to Guigui, "I haven't Suspect you, you brat dare to point fingers at me, it really makes me unhappy!"

"You won't do bad things to women, but it doesn't rule out that you have some ulterior motives. Maybe you want to get involved with my woman, so how can it be done? My woman is already famous, so you don't want to Think about it, it was inconvenient for me to come out to speak before, but today I just made it clear at once, um, that's the thing."

What does it mean that there are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are called kings?

Guigui took advantage of Feng Qianyun's unconsciousness and no one to discipline it, so he acted wildly.

Cough, just take advantage of the woman not waking up, and get rid of all these men at once, and when the woman wakes up, he will just pretend nothing happened, hehe, he is so smart!
Guigui was taken aback again.

Han Mojue threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, what is going on with this brat, could it be that the spirit of this weapon is not yet complete, and his brain is not well developed?

"What nonsense are you talking about? Do you want to monopolize my little daughter-in-law? Don't think about it!"

"Hmph, a person who can seriously injure himself by going up the mountain to get a spring is not qualified to talk to me!"

"That was an accident!"

"There will be no accidents for a real master, such as my brother Lie Que!"

"Fuck off, you little brat, don't mess with me here!"


Xue Yunran, who was on the sidelines, rubbed his brows and shook his head helplessly. This Han Mojue really looks like a child sometimes.

The night passed, and the dawn came. The first ray of sunlight in the morning illuminated this small village in the middle of the mountain, and the singing of birds came from the bamboo forest.

Feng Qianyun's eyelids moved, stimulated by the light, she slowly opened her eyes.

What she saw was an environment completely unfamiliar to her, with wooden beams and black earth tiles, and walls made of yellow mud and stone, with some newspapers and posters pasted on the walls, Feng Qianyun looked to the side and saw Han Mojue and Guigui were beside her sleeping bed.

They fell asleep like this, so they could hug each other and fall asleep together.

God knows these two guys went to fight last night until they fell asleep.

Xue Yunran was sitting on the other table, but he was not asleep, reading the book he borrowed from Yi Che last night.

"Brother Yunran?" As soon as Feng Qianyun uttered her voice, she felt as if her throat had been burned, it was dry and astringent, very uncomfortable.

As soon as Xue Yunran heard Feng Qianyun's voice, she put down the book in surprise and ran to the bed, and was very happy to see that she woke up safely.

"You, snooze, sleep for three days, be careful to become a pig!" Xue Yunran showed a bright smile, and his handsome face was very charming.

"Brother Yunran, don't discharge the electric discharge early in the morning, you won't be afraid to stun me again!" Feng Qianyun laughed.

"Yunyun, do you think I'm Pikachu?" He doesn't have [-] volts, how can he be so scary?
"It's not a cheese cat anyway."

Feng Qianyun looked down at herself, there was no wound on her body, no trace of burns, she remembered that she was indeed burned by Xia Wufeng before.

"Your body has healed itself. We originally wanted to bring you here for treatment, but we didn't expect you to heal yourself." Xue Yunran thought that Feng Qianyun had just woken up, so she explained it to her.

Feng Qianyun stopped Xue Yunran's explanation and nodded. It seems that she has repaired it by herself. No wonder she feels so tired. It seems that Tiangang's vitality has been consumed too much, which made her body a little weak, but the injury is finally healed. .

Awakened by the conversation between the two, Han Mojue dimly opened his sleepy eyes and saw that Feng Qianyun had woken up, so he jumped up excitedly, opened his arms and hugged Feng Qianyun, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Daughter-in-law, you finally woke up, do you know that you are worried about me to death! Woooooo..."

(End of this chapter)

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