Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 262 Male creatures are forbidden to approach!

Chapter 262 Male creatures are forbidden to approach! (3)
Han Mojue cried with tears and snot in his nose.

"Han Mojue, you must always pay attention that you are a man!" Feng Qianyun reached out to push Han Mojue, and suddenly saw the injury on Han Mojue's shoulder, "Are you injured?"

Han Mojue let go of Feng Qianyun, then moved his shoulders and arms towards him, proving that he was fine, "It's all because of that bastard Yi Che, he doesn't even know how to bandage him, and if he scratches a little, he'll be tied up for me." In this way, there is too little bandaging technology.”

Listening to this, Xue Yunran shook his head helplessly. Han Mojue's wound was not a scratch, it was all to the bone. There were several big holes pierced by the giant snake's teeth. When he just came back, it was bloody and bloody. It's not that he has an extraordinary cultivation, he's still lying on the bed unconscious!

I really don't understand what he's trying to do.

"Hey, hey, you stinky man, you actually approached our woman while I wasn't paying attention!" Guigui also woke up, he jumped up, put his hands on his hips, and yelled at Han Mojue like a shrew looking for a quarrel Roar.

"Hey, you stinky brat, who do you call a stinky man, see if I don't strangle you to death!"

"It's you, it's you! How dare you brat, Mr. Jiaben, I'll bite you to death!"

It turns out that the scene of two people embracing each other and sleeping was an absolute illusion...

"Guigui, come back!" Feng Qianyun gave Guigui an order.

"Woman, you are biased!" Guigui was not convinced.

"Someone ran out while I was asleep. I haven't settled the debt with you yet. What trouble do you want to cause me now?" Feng Qianyun smiled evilly.

Guigui immediately returned obediently to Feng Qianyun's ear and muttered slightly, "Bad woman."

"Little daughter-in-law, you still have the ability!" Han Mojue was proud to see the devil look so aggrieved, "By the way, what is that little devil? What kind of magic weapon is it?"

"Shuilongyin, a magic weapon of water attribute, remember that I asked you for 10 yuan to pay back the money I owed Yuchixiu? I borrowed 10 yuan from Yuchixiu to buy him." Feng Qianyun replied.

Her answer was like a bolt from the blue that hit Han Mojue's skin tenderly.

10 yuan...

10 yuan to buy a magic weapon... or a legendary magic weapon?
"Little daughter-in-law, you mean, you spent 10 yuan to buy this magic weapon?" Do you want to be so annoying?How many people have spent countless sums of money and spent their lives, not to mention getting such a magic weapon, even if they have never seen it before, she is lucky enough to buy one for 10 yuan?

What a joke!
So, so irritating!

"What's so strange, didn't you spend 10 yuan to buy your own innocence?" Feng Qianyun replied with a volatile expression.

Han Mojue's face turned green and then turned white, "Little daughter-in-law, can't you forget that incident? It's better to forget the memories you don't need. You don't feel tired remembering so many things!" Shameless villain, Keep mentioning his sad things.

At this time, there was a noisy sound outside, as if many people were arguing about something.

"By the way, I haven't asked yet, where is this place?" Feng Qianyun realized when she just woke up that the place she was in was definitely not the city she was in before.

"It's the hermitage of a group of herbalists. Their elders hid here during World War II and have been living here since then. The traffic here is not very developed."

The noise outside became louder and louder, and the quarrel intensified.

Not knowing what the people outside were arguing about, Feng Qianyun got up, and walked outside together with Han Mojue and Xue Yunran.

The clansman blocked the door of Yi Che's house, and one of the women held a little girl in her arms, and the little girl seemed to be dying.

They seemed to be arguing about something against Yi Che.

"Yi Che, if you can't take out the (Plum Blossom Needle), we can no longer recognize your identity as the patriarch!"

"Yes, take out (Plum Blossom Acupuncture)! Now only (Plum Blossom Needle) can save Mengmeng. Do you have the heart to see this child die?"

Several young people spoke more violent words.

One of the old people stood up, "Yi Che, we all recognize your ability. Your research on medicinal herbs has indeed inherited the achievements of the outside clan, but you also know that our clan has always only studied medicinal herbs. Only the patriarch Know how to apply needles, (Plum Blossom Needle) is a thing passed down from generation to generation by the patriarchs, and it is also a symbol of the identity of the patriarch. Before, everyone suspected that you had lost the (Plum Blossom Needle), but now Mengmeng fell down the hillside, brain There are blood clots in the brain. If you use herbs to remove the blood clots, it will take too much time and it will be too late. Now the only thing that can save her is the Plum Blossom Needle. If you don't use it at this time, it may be unreasonable. "

The old man's words are very pertinent, and everything is true.

Yi Che looked at the people standing in front of his house, at the injured girl named Mengmeng, why didn't he want to take out the (Plum Blossom Magic Needle), and why didn't he want to save Mengmeng, it's just his There is no (Plum Blossom Magic Needle) book in his hand, or he has never seen this book, he did not get this book from his grandfather... The book was lost when his grandfather was, Grandpa didn't tell him this until his deathbed.

He knew that this matter could not be hidden from the clansmen for too long...

Feng Qianyun frowned slightly when she heard them mention (Plum Blossom Needle), unfortunately, what they said (Plum Blossom Needle), unfortunately, she happened to have read it, memorized it, and taught herself...

"Yi Che, let's ask you one last question, have you lost the (Plum Blossom Needle)?"

The expressions of the clansmen have become unfriendly, not because they disrespect Yi Che, a young patriarch, but because losing (Plum Blossom Needle) is not a trivial matter, (Plum Blossom Needle) this book is very important to their clan. It is a very important thing for people.

Yi Che sighed and his face was serious. Although the facts were cruel, he could only confess to his clansmen.

Yi Lan looked at her brother, full of worry, but she also knew that this was the end of the story, and she couldn't do without talking.

At this moment, a cute and childish voice came in.

"Mr. Yi, thank you for treating me yesterday with the Plum Blossom Acupuncture, I was able to recover so quickly." Feng Qianyun walked over.

Feng Qianyun's words shocked everyone, like a huge wave suddenly crashing on a calm beach...including Yi Che himself.

What nonsense is she talking about?
Why did he treat her with the Plum Blossom Magic Needle yesterday?
Yi Che didn't give Feng Qianyun any treatment at all!And he doesn't even know how to use the Plum Blossom Needle!
(End of this chapter)

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