Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 263 Plum Blossom Needle

Chapter 263 Plum Blossom Needle
Everyone cast strange glances at Feng Qianyun.

Han Mojue didn't say a word, he was full of confidence in Feng Qianyun, what joke, does his young wife seem to be someone who can talk freely?

Although Feng Qianyun just woke up, Feng Qianyun had a general idea of ​​the situation in front of her, "Brother Yi Che, didn't you say that when you saved me, you just learned the Plum Blossom Needle, so it's not I'm sure, if it wasn't because I was in danger, you wouldn't want to try it on me, but you also saw that I was cured, which proves that you have learned it."

At this time, a man in the crowd looked at Feng Qianyun for a long time, and suddenly asked, "Are you the little girl who was burnt yesterday?"

This man is the clansman who led Han Mojue and the others to Yi Che's place yesterday. He saw Feng Qianyun's serious injury yesterday. There are no outsiders here. Although he doesn't recognize Feng Qianyun's appearance, he can guess it. Nine times out of ten.

"That's right, brother Yi Che healed my burn with herbs and assisted with the Plum Blossom Magic Needle, and I'll be fine." In order to prove that she was really cured, Feng Qianyun turned around to show these people.

Use her realistic example to prove Yi Che's superb medical skills and the efficacy of the legendary Plum Blossom Needle.

Feng Qianyun's lie was too big, Yi Che patted his forehead, his head became bigger now, this little girl named Yunyun pushed him to the edge of a cliff.

Even if he really knows how to use the Plum Blossom Needle, he is not a fairy, so how could she get well so quickly?
The man wiped his eyes and felt that he was dazzled, "Yesterday you could have been burned all over your body, and your life was hanging by a thread. Even the most powerful herbalist in our clan can make you recover in one night. Won't it be too late?"

Everyone looked at Yi Che in surprise when they heard the words. Could it be that their young patriarch already possessed exquisite medicinal herb research results that surpassed all previous generations?
"I don't know about that," Feng Qianyun blinked playfully, "You're going to ask brother Yi Che, I think you should take this sister to the room, brother Yi Che will definitely let her go She appeared alive and kicking in front of everyone!"

Feng Qianyun had an innocent face, her cherry-colored lips were flattened, revealing her white teeth and two small canine teeth.

Obviously she said the words, but she herself is innocent.

The clansmen did not doubt that he was there, so they stopped questioning Yi Che immediately, and hurriedly carried the girl named Mengmeng into the house. Because the Plum Blossom Needle is not known to the outside world, only the clan leader can use it, so after they wrapped Mengmeng in it, they consciously retreated outside.

The old man who spoke just now said, "The patriarch, Mengmeng will trouble you."

They were waiting outside for Yi Che to remove the blood clot in Mengmeng's brain.

Han Mojue stepped forward and hugged Feng Qianyun, "Baby Yunyun, your body is just right, so don't run around, my brother will take you back!"

The sound of "Yunyun baby" made Feng Qianyun's goosebumps fall all over the ground.

"Okay, brother Mo Jue is the best!" Feng Qianyun said and pinched Han Mo Jue's beautiful face, I pinched me pinching me desperately!

"Hehe..." Han Mojue tried his best to squeeze out a very ugly smile, "Baby Yunyun, you are so naughty! If you pinch my handsome face, how can I seduce pretty girls in the future? If you can't seduce a beautiful girl, what will Baby Yunyun give me to compensate me? Are you yourself?"

Han Mojue smiled ugly, and carried Feng Qianyun back into the room.

Yi Che also hurried in. As soon as he entered the room, he asked Feng Qianyun, "Little girl, you have caused me a lot of trouble. It is entirely because of your own body that you can wake up. Now you are putting things on me." Push, how do you tell me to step down?"

Hey, let's confess the truth to the tribe. As for the consequences, he will bear it himself. He knew that this matter would not be hidden for a long time, and he was already ready for this day.

From the very beginning, Yi Che had no intention of deceiving the clansmen, but since his grandfather passed away, he never found such an opportunity to tell everyone about it.

After Yi Che finished speaking, he looked at the little girl Mengmeng on the bed with pity. Why didn't he want to save Mengmeng, but he really had no choice, and she was in danger now.

Yi Che's eyes showed sadness, a life he couldn't grasp, a powerless him... It would be great if the "Plum Blossom Magic Needle" back then was not lost, or his research on medicinal herbs would be more in-depth.

"Han Meiren, help me lift her up,"

Yi Che was still thinking over there, but Feng Qianyun had already taken action, her life was at stake, if this little girl didn't dissolve the blood clot in her brain in time, even if she could be rescued, there would be sequelae. Shi Feng Qianyun didn't have the time to explain to others.

Han Mojue's movements are also very agile, Xue Yunran is helping at the side, he has no research on diseases such as intracranial hemorrhage, all he can do now is assist Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun didn't bring her small bag with her, and Feng Qianyun didn't have a silver needle, so she just borrowed it from Yi Che.

For Feng Qianyun, the fastest way to save Mengmeng is the Tiangang vitality in her body, but unfortunately her body is very weak now, and the process of self-healing consumes too much energy and energy, so she can only use acupuncture to treat it. Healed for Mengmeng.

Plum Blossom Magic Needle can indeed do this.

"Yi Che, you should have silver needles for acupuncture. I want to borrow them from you." Feng Qianyun said to Yi Che.

"What do you want the silver needle for?" Yi Che frowned, maybe she wanted to treat Mengmeng.

"Didn't it mean that she had a blood clot in her brain? Let me try it. Anyway, if you don't let me try it now, there is no other good way, right?" Feng Qianyun's words made sense.

Her tone was very affirmative, and the aura between her brows did not give the impression of an ordinary little girl, who felt that she was trustworthy.

Yi Che thought about it for a while, and didn't dare to waste any more time, so he went to his room to fetch the bag of silver needles that had been dusty for a long time. Because he lost the "Plum Blossom Magic Needle", Yi Che had never touched this bag of silver needles. There is no place to use it.

Although the outside looks a little dirty, with inexplicable dust accumulated on it, the silver needle inside is still brand new.

Yi Che also lit an oil lamp, fortunately he still has such an ancient thing here, since electric lights have occupied human residences, this kind of thing can only be found in temples.

Feng Qianyun got the silver needle and pierced Mengmeng's temple with one needle, almost the whole needle was gone.But it scared the two siblings Yi Che and Yi Lan who were watching in the room.

This is fatal!
But Feng Qianyun not only got a deep needle, but also came on the other side as usual.

Yi Che can only choose to trust Feng Qianyun at this time, although he doesn't know if this decision is correct.

The two deeply pierced silver needles began to vibrate slightly, and every needle after Feng Qianyun was the same as the two needles, they were all pierced deeply, and the silver needles would vibrate after piercing, which is unusual The trembling is amazing.

So much so that every time Feng Qianyun gave the needle, others would be thrilled to see it.

When Feng Qianyun finished the last needle, the silver needle on Mengmeng's head trembled more violently, Yi Lan grabbed her brother's hand nervously, worried that something would happen to Mengmeng.

Although Han Mojue and Xue Yunran were not worried that something would happen to Mengmeng in Feng Qianyun's hands, they were surprised by Feng Qianyun's acupuncture skills.

The silver needles ooze out while trembling, until finally, the silver needles that were pierced deeply all leave from Mengmeng's head, and all the silver needles fall down almost at the same time.

At the same time, dark blood flowed from the back of Mengmeng's head, stained her hair, and flowed to her neck.

Feng Qianyun brought a clean towel to wipe some black blood for the little girl Mengmeng, to prevent the blood from flowing into her clothes, and leave the thorough cleaning to the little girl's family.

Yi Che couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes, and at the same time, his confusion rose to the extreme. Those silver needles just now trembled and fell... This looks very much like a plum blossom needle...

Although Yi Che had no chance to get the "Spiritual Plum Blossom Needle" and learn the extensive and profound acupuncture methods in it, but he had heard some of it from his grandfather, so he would think that the set Feng Qianyun used just now was the magic plum blossom needle.

This realization made Yi Che even more curious about Feng Qianyun.

After Feng Qianyun finished, her face looked a little pale, her body was fine, it was just that she was a little tired after waking up to do things that took a lot of energy.

Seeing this, Han Mojue held her in his arms lovingly.

Even he himself didn't notice how sympathetic his actions were.

"She should be out of danger now. For the rest, I think you herbalists should be very clear about what to do." Feng Qianyun said to Yi Che.

This little girl named Mengmeng is much younger than her. Such a cute little child is at the best time in her life, and she can't help it. Feng Qianyun has no reason not to save her.

Yi Lan still didn't believe it, so she went up to check Mengmeng's situation, and was surprised to find that she was really out of danger. Although she hadn't woken up yet, as long as she was treated with medicine, there would be no major problems.

"Thank you for saving Mengmeng. I didn't expect you to know acupuncture and moxibustion." Yi Lan said admiringly. She really didn't expect Feng Qianyun to have such skills, especially her medical skills seem to be not bad at all. .

Not only is it not bad, but it's simply dumbfounding. When she watched it just now, her heart was hanging all the time.

Mr. Han's friend is really special Yi Lan.

As Yi Lan said, she took Feng Qianyun out and handed it over to her family. They all have some research on herbal medicine, and Mengmeng's parents should be able to take care of the rest.

"Yunyun, I want to know if the set of acupuncture you used when saving Mengmeng just now is the Plum Blossom Needle."

Yi Che asked out the doubts in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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