Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 264 Breaking into the Spirit Spring

Chapter 264 Breaking into the Spirit Spring (1)
Feng Qianyun looked at Yi Che, but did not answer his question immediately. She was indeed using the Plum Blossom Needle. The strange thing is, according to the conversation he had with the clansman just now, it seems that this acupuncture method has been passed down from generation to generation. Why is it so strange? Where will the old man be?

"What is the Plum Blossom Needle? Is it fun?" Feng Qianyun's pink face bulged, her long eyelashes fluttered twice, and she tilted her head and asked in confusion.

Han Mojue almost pushed Feng Qianyun away from her arms, why did she put on such a patient expression when she was fine?It's too fake... Damn it... Attractive?
"Ahem, Yi Che, my little daughter-in-law has just woken up, so don't ask her such annoying questions, it consumes energy and damages brain cells."

Just such a question of yes or no, where is it not energy, where is it hurting brain cells?
"Yunyun, don't be too polite to this man named Yi Che. I brought you here this time, but he didn't do much to help you. He just provided you with a little spiritual spring." Han Mojue defended decisively. With Feng Qianyun, he was not polite to Yi Che.


What it is?
Feng Qianyun's small ears, which are extremely sensitive to treasures and wealth, immediately grasped this keyword.

"Han Meiren, what is that spiritual spring you are talking about?" Feng Qianyun showed great interest in the spiritual spring.

Han Mojue yelled badly, Wanniao, she is interested in Lingquan!
"Actually, it's a kind of spring water with special medicinal effects. It said it's good for you, so I went to get some to wipe your body." Han Mojue said vaguely, mainly to skip himself He didn't want his little daughter-in-law to know that he hurt himself when he went to get her a spiritual spring for Feng Qianyun to get the spiritual spring on the mountain at night. That's embarrassing!

"Special medicinal effect?" Feng Qianyun was not fooled so easily, "All spring water will contain certain minerals. These minerals are inseparable from the place where the spring water is located, and of course they are also related to the flow of the spring water. It depends on the place where the water passes, because the fluidity of water can take away the things it flows through.” If the spring water has special medicinal effects, it proves that there are unusual things in the place where the water flows.

Han Mojue shook his head, expressing that he didn't know the specific situation, "I went there to see it, and it was a very small spring, an underground spring with a diameter of only four or five meters. As for what is under the spring, I don't know." I don't know. Yi Che, what do you think?"

Han Mojue asked Yi Che, they have moved to this place for several decades, and they have reproduced for several generations, so they should know more about the spring water than they do?

Yi Che's questions to Han Mojue and Feng Qianyun were still unanswered, so they asked him instead, "The spring water is very deep. We tried it with a bamboo pole, and the bamboo pole over six meters couldn't reach the bottom at all. I tested it with a plumb again, but still didn’t touch the bottom, because of the buoyancy of the water, the plumb lost its meaning after being placed for a certain distance, and the spring water was too deep, so we didn’t dare to go down to check the situation.” Yi Che explained .

There used to be some people in the clan who were courageous and wanted to go down to try it out, but after diving for about ten meters, they couldn't see anything underground, as if there were unknown creatures living in the spring, so they had to go back.

Just the creatures living near the spiritual spring, absorbing and eating the water of the spiritual spring can cause such changes in their size. The ferocity of the creatures that live in the spring water all year round can be imagined.

So although Yi Che and the others are full of curiosity about why Lingquan has such a special effect, after all, they are herbalists who study medicinal herbs. The reason, has not been able to know the reason so far.

After listening, Han Mojue had an ominous premonition, "Little daughter-in-law, don't tell me, you want to try it?"

"Why not?" Feng Qianyun had such a plan as expected, her eager expression made Han Mojue shudder, my god, the little daughter-in-law really... doesn't let him worry at all !

Guigui wasn't calm anymore, before Xiaomian showed up, he shouted in Feng Qianyun's ear, "Woman, you can't do such a dangerous thing casually, Brother Lie Que will be angry if he finds out!"

Guigui thought to himself, hey, his life is really hard. After following such a master, he is always worried, and he is almost becoming her nanny!
This little rascal, brother Lie Que one mouthful at a time, is he a dead man?
Not to mention that Feng Qianyun is upset, Han Mojue is also upset, "Smelly brat, brother Lie Que, that guy named Lie Que, what kind of ecstasy soup did you pour?"

The corners of Feng Qianyun's mouth twitched and answered for Guigui, "You are really right, Lie Que really gave him ecstasy soup."

"Hey, you idiot Han Meiren, you figure it out, now you and my uncle are on the same front, why are you tearing down my platform?" Guigui said depressedly, they just want to keep his family from Did the woman go to the Laoshizi Lingquan to "commit crimes"?

"Oh..." Han Mojue realized belatedly, "That's right, I'm sorry, brat, I wronged you, but please don't mention your brother Lie Que all the time!"

Han Mojue was sour, why did their little daughter-in-law's magic weapon be so familiar with that man named Lie Que?Does that mean that when he was not around, his daughter-in-law was often with that man named Lie Que, so that's why the kid knew him so well?
"Objection is invalid." The freshman and junior wanted to unite and sing against her, and such an idea was decisively strangled to death.

Han Mojue looked at Feng Qianyun's confident face, and swallowed the words she wanted to persuade Feng Qianyun. She looked dazzling with confidence, giving people a sense of security and trust.

Han Mojue had no way to deal with her.

"You can go, but you have to recover your strength first. I can't let you go up in your current state. If you die, the factory will close down. I have worked so hard for so long. Who can I ask for wages? Go?" It was rare for Han Mojue to follow Feng Qianyun for a while.

Now, there is another question that Yi Lan and Yi Che have wanted to ask for a long time, which is about Guigui, and now that Guigui is out again, Yi Che and Yi Lan finally can't hold back their curiosity.

"Yunyun, that earring on your ear is a top-quality magic weapon?" Yi Lan actually thought it was really impossible, it was too sudden, a top-quality magic weapon was born just like that.

"Well, it's a magic weapon. Because of its spirit, it should be a top-quality magic weapon." In order to take care of other people's psychological endurance, Feng Qianyun still decided not to tell them that she was carrying another top-quality magic weapon. things.

(End of this chapter)

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