Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 266 The sudden change in strength, what kind of state has it reached

Chapter 266 The sudden change in strength, what kind of state has it reached (1)
Feng Qianyun dived slowly, and at the same time felt the increasing buoyancy slowing down her dive speed, the buoyancy changed before the water pressure changed significantly.Usually in normal waters, the buoyancy will not change so quickly, but the density distribution of the spring water here is uneven, and the density of the spring water below is higher than that of the top, so the relative buoyancy is also greater.

This spring comes from underground, and it may be thousands of meters deep, but the place Feng Qianyun is going to is not so far underground, but at a place more than 100 meters away from the water surface, where there is a hole in the stone wall, Feng Qianyun Yun could feel an unusual energy fluctuating in that position, what exactly it was, he could only make a judgment after Feng Qianyun approached.

Feng Qianyun reached the opening on the stone wall at the fastest speed, the opening was so small that an adult's body couldn't squeeze in, but Feng Qianyun's body could barely squeeze in.

This is a very narrow passage, and the surrounding rocks are quite flat, without edges and corners. Stones that have been soaked in water for many years are usually not too sharp.

The narrow passage twists and turns, as if a small passage with twists and turns was dug out of a huge stone.

It was too dark to see anything around, and Feng Qianyun was holding her breath almost to the end, the feeling of suffocation made Feng Qianyun feel very uncomfortable.

Now the direction of travel of the channel is vertically upward. After passing through this section, Feng Qianyun suddenly rushed up from the water and breathed fresh air.

This place seems to be inside the underwater rock, and the surrounding area is still so dark that there is no light at all.

Feng Qianyun turned over from the water, took a few breaths, then got up and walked to the side. Who would have thought that such a vast space would exist after passing through such a narrow and winding channel in the water?

The air here is filled with a special breath, and after this breath is inhaled into the body, Feng Qianyun suddenly feels a sense of comfort.

When she came out of the water just now, she felt that there was something on the surface of the water. It seemed to be a plant, but it exuded some unusual energy. This energy was detected when she was on the surface of the water just now.

Thank you for the great invention of mankind - the flashlight.

Feng Qianyun brought a flashlight with water, and after turning it on, she pointed towards the surface of the water.

There are real plants growing on the water surface, and the lotus leaves are shaking slightly. In the middle of these lotus leaves, a lotus flower is blooming, reflecting a little bit of fluorescence under the light of the flashlight.

The color of the lotus is neither white nor red, but a rare golden color.

A golden lotus!
"Guigui Momo, what is this thing?" Feng Qianyun only knew that this golden lotus was unusual, but she didn't know what it was. At this time, she would ask her two little think tanks, although usually the two This guy has nothing constructive to offer.

"Master, this golden lotus is so beautiful, and it looks very tender. It seems to be the withered bone golden lotus from the Golden Lotus Holy Land!"

"Idiot, what kind of withered bone golden lotus!" Guigui immediately retorted, "According to my judgment, this thing is clearly the Heavenly King Golden Lotus of the Golden Lotus Holy Land!"

"Bone Golden Lotus!"

"Heavenly King Golden Lotus!"

The two little guys argued for a long time, but they were very consistent on one point, they both said that it was related to the Golden Lotus Holy Land.

Feng Qianyun was actually quite unfamiliar with the Golden Lotus Holy Land, but not entirely. At least she had seen the power of the golden lotus scroll, the sacred object of the Golden Lotus Holy Land. It was this thing that made Baili Bing and Jin Zhongye escape.

At least one thing is certain, that is, this thing should be a good thing.

"Don't care if it's the bone golden lotus or the heavenly king golden lotus, does it matter if you just pick it?" Feng Qianyun asked.

No matter what kind of golden lotus it is, let's take it back now.

"There are relationships!"

The two little ghosts said in unison.

"Master, once the golden lotus is not picked off, its medicinal effect will become weaker as time goes on, and it is best when it is still growing." Silently said.

"That's right, woman, so you have to think carefully, once you take it off, you have to be prepared for its potency to decrease!" Guigui said.

Can't just pick it up?
Feng Qianyun was brought here by Han Mojue and Xue Yunran this time, and she didn't bring anything else with her, not even the Moon Slaughter Cauldron she originally carried with her, even if she wanted to refine the golden lotus on the spot It can't be done either.

"Then what do you think? What is the best way to do it?" Feng Qianyun said.

"Woman, eat this golden lotus, it's very nourishing!" She suggested silently.

"Ahem, although I have always looked down on that crybaby, but this time, I reluctantly agree with her, let's eat it while it's still fresh!" Guigui said.

The two guys who were usually at odds agreed, does Feng Qianyun have any other choice?
Well, just eat it, didn't you mean to eat it while it was fresh, Feng Qianyun just swallowed it!

Feng Qianyun swam down again, and swam to the side of the golden lotus in the middle of the water, and instead of picking the golden lotus, she opened her mouth and bit a leaf of the golden lotus, chewed it and swallowed it.

Feng Qianyun gnawed on this beautiful nasturtium in a very brutal posture, while thinking of a word in her heart: a cow chewing peony...

Feng Qianyun ate up a beautiful golden lotus.

Immediately afterwards, an unusual heat surged from her abdomen, spreading from the dantian, as if it was going to burn her whole body.

Is there any mistake, she was burned recently, and now she has to taste the feeling of being burned, which is not fun!

Feng Qianyun hurriedly swam back to the shore and went ashore to rest.

After Feng Qianyun came ashore, she sat cross-legged, feeling that the heat was coming so fiercely that it almost turned Feng Qianyun's whole body into a ball of flames.

Feng Qianyun knew that it was the effect of the golden lotus she just ate, and knew that there would be an unusual reaction after eating this thing, but she never expected that the reaction would come so quickly and violently.

This is just the beginning, won't it be even more powerful in a while?
But think about it, because of the existence of this golden lotus, the nature of the spring water has changed, and the animals and plants that eat the spring water have undergone such a big change. That Feng Qianyun swallowed the whole golden lotus, so it should be How much energy has entered her body?
This feeling of being impacted by a powerful force is very different from Feng Qianyun's previous feeling of relying on Xuanyuan and Mingyuan to improve her internal strength.

Feng Qianyun endured the pain of almost breaking her bones and recombining her blood vessels, and at the same time felt the wonderful changes in her body.

(End of this chapter)

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