Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 267 The sudden change in strength, what kind of state has it reached

Chapter 267 The sudden change in strength, what kind of state has it reached (2)
Gradually, the body became hotter and hotter, and the strength emerged.

Guigui left Feng Qianyun's body, staying away from her, not wanting to be affected by the power she erupted.

Guigui pinched her chin and looked at Feng Qianyun thoughtfully. It seems that this time, the power of women will undergo another breakthrough change!
The anomaly on Feng Qianyun's side also affected the entire spring.

Han Mojue was waiting on the shore, when suddenly the spring in front of him had unusual waves, and there was no wind, how could there be such a big wave?
Something happened underground to the Lingquan, which was only about four meters in diameter, and the spring water began to flow out.

Han Mojue became even more worried. He tried his best to look under the spring water, wanting to see the situation under the spring water, but the spring water was too deep, and he could see everything except the pitch-black area. less than.

Han Mojue thought, could it be that the little daughter-in-law encountered the monster in the water?

Han Mojue was in a hurry, he could no longer sit quietly by the spring and wait for Feng Qianyun, he thought about it, but was afraid that he would miss Feng Qianyun's affairs, so he walked back and forth by the spring very uneasy with.

About half an hour later, the spring suddenly gushed up, as if a bomb had exploded under the water. The splash was several meters high, and Han Mojue was drenched by the splash.

Immediately after the splash came out from under the water was Feng Qianyun, and...

I saw Feng Qianyun's right hand dragging a giant fish by its whiskers and jumping out of the water.

The fish barely came out of the mouth of the spring. The diameter of the mouth of the spring was four meters, and the fish was almost stuck.

The shape of the fish is very strange, with two huge eyeballs hanging outside, and two rows of sharp teeth like those of a wild beast.

Feng Qianyun jumped to Feng Qianyun's side, and she threw the monster that she picked out on the ground by the spring. The monster had already fainted, and it didn't even have the energy to thump.

Han Mojue finally breathed a sigh of relief seeing Feng Qianyun returned safely. He suspected that if he stayed with Feng Qianyun for a while longer, he might really have a heart attack!
"Little daughter-in-law, why did you bring this fish up?" This fish looks so ugly, and with this shape, you can tell it's not tasty at first glance, it just has a head.

"No reason, I just use him to practice my hands." Feng Qianyun just used this monster in the water to test her new strength. After devouring the golden lotus just now, she suffered a lot, but Strength has also taken an unprecedented leap.

Practice?Han Mojue looked at the monster, it was really scary. In such a bottomless spring, it was lucky that his little wife was safe.

"Little daughter-in-law, tell me quickly, what treasure is in this spring, you must have got it, right? Show it to me!" Han Mojue eagerly asked Feng Qianyun for the treasure to see, he He looked in Feng Qianyun's hand, the pockets on her body were all flat, and it didn't look like she had put something in it.

"Baby is there, but I can't show it to you," Feng Qianyun said regretfully.

"Hey, little daughter-in-law, you don't show loyalty, our good brother, you don't even show it to me! It hurts my heart!" Han Mojue said aggrievedly and wanted to cry for Feng Qianyun to watch.

"It's all swallowed up in my stomach. It's all digested now. How can I show you?" The golden lotus was consumed by her and turned into her own power. The only thing she can show him is her own. strength...

"Ah?" Han Mojue understood that the treasure hidden in the spring water was something edible, "What kind of thing is it? Is it delicious?"

"To be honest, it doesn't smell very good, but the effect is good." Feng Qianyun had a satisfied smile on her face, and her eyes were shining. She was so satisfied with this golden lotus.

"Ho, you little shrewd ghost, you've earned it again this time!" Han Mojue patted Feng Qianyun's head, "Let's go, go down the mountain and change clothes, look at your wet appearance, don't get hurt, just happen to be sick again, I don't want to take care of you anymore, you little guy, you are in trouble!"

Han Mojue complained.

Before Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue came down from the mountain, an unpleasant incident happened in the village.

Yi Che, Yi Lan and the villagers confronted a group of construction teams with shovels, hammers and other tools at the entrance of the village.

Leading the group of construction workers was a man in a suit, tie, and shiny leather shoes. The man was thin, and he wore glasses as thick as the bottom of a beer bottle.

"I told you well, but you didn't listen, you insisted on me being violent!" Gao Yaoxiang shook his head helplessly, he is a civilized person, and he doesn't want to be violent!It was the savage villagers who didn't cooperate at all, which forced him to be a little rough.

Things go back a few days.

Gao Yaoxiang's group made a plan for a resort, and he accompanied his boss to inspect the place, and finally chose this place as the location for their resort construction.

"Boss, you see, although this col is a bit remote, it has a good environment and is surrounded by mountains. Nowadays, people in the city face high-rise buildings and expressways every day. It’s a leisurely day. And the overall location here is good. It’s located near the delta, close to several first-tier big cities, and it’s not too far to drive from the big cities. As for the traffic problem, there’s still an asphalt road all the way down the mountain. The only inconvenient thing is that you have to climb a mountain when you come in. I think that a winding mountain road can be repaired outside. It will not be too long and the funds required will not be too much. Moreover, we can ask for subsidies from the government here for the construction of such a road. Yes. So I think this project has great development prospects." Gao Yaoxiang was eloquent, and he introduced the benefits of this place to his boss.

"Xiao Gao, what you said is not wrong, but the few houses here are an eyesore, which affects the beauty too much."

"There are no other residents except those twenty or so families. As long as they are allowed to move away, the entire place can be used to build a resort."

"Are you sure you can get them all to move?"

"Boss, don't worry, it's simple, as long as you allocate a few apartments to them in the city and settle them down, they will definitely be happy to move away, otherwise in this mountain, the traffic is impassable, and you have to walk two miles to go to school." The people in the village are not fools, and there is such a good opportunity to move out, how could they not grasp it?" Gao Yaoxiang patted his chest and assured his boss that he would be able to complete the task satisfactorily.

"Well, I will leave this matter to you. Our resort will be built here." They came here today to check if the environment is suitable, and the boss is very satisfied with it , also intends to implement the resort they have planned for a long time here.

"Hey, boss, don't worry, I will definitely take care of this matter." Handing over such a big project to him means that he has a lot of money to fish for. Can Gao Yaoxiang be unhappy? ?

But when he came to negotiate with the villagers, a problem arose. He originally thought that this matter could be negotiated easily, but who would have thought that the villagers would be very uncooperative, and no one was willing to move out.

For the members of the Yi clan, the most suitable place for them to live is a place like this with herbs and nature, not a modern city made of steel and concrete, and there is no need for them to move away.

Faced with the tough attitude of the Yi clan, Gao Yaoxiang was impatient. If they disagreed, it would mean that he would lose a chance to make a lot of money. How could that be?He absolutely does not allow such a thing to happen!

So there was the scene in front of us. The construction team went directly to the village, smashing and demolishing everyone's houses. If the excavators and bulldozers were not able to drive in, Gao had asked these machines to clean up the place early in the morning. , so that those who do not cooperate with him have no choice!

They have to move if they move, or they have to move if they don't move!
Since Gao Yaoxiang had already brought people here, he didn't intend to be polite to the uncooperative villagers. He directly ordered the people he brought to smash everywhere, tearing down the fences in front of some people's houses, and trampled on the vegetables grown in the yard. It was rotten, and everything that could be demolished was demolished.

The Yi clan are all herbalists and not good at martial arts. Facing such violent demolition, none of them can do anything.

These so-called construction workers were all dressed in orange and yellow clothes. They looked very formal, but they were very brutal. They beat and kicked the villagers who stood in front of them, and when they met a strong man, they took their hands He used his shovel to fight, and the opponent was bruised and bruised.

Although Yi Lan is a girl, she is also a fierce person. Seeing this, she went up to stop these people from messing around.

"Are you unreasonable? We said we won't move, so how can you demolish our house casually! It's not legal!" Yi Lan was so anxious that she was about to cry. She turned to Gao Yaoxiang and The man he brought roared.

"Law? Of course! If you want to listen to the law, I can call our company's consultant lawyer. As long as you can understand it, I can ask him to explain it to you one by one!" Gao Yaoxiang said contemptuously Taking a look at Yi Lan, they want to talk about the law?

Gao Yaoxiang just looks down on the people in the village. Even if a lawsuit is filed at that time, they have one of the best lawyers in the country. As for them, it would be nice to have a free legal consultation for them!
In this case, do they have a chance?
What's more, do they understand that this project involves an investment of hundreds of millions, who cares what happens to their ten or twenty families?
If they are more cooperative, we will buy them a relocation house in the city. If they keep messing around, they won't be able to get a penny by then!
(End of this chapter)

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