Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 268 When Barbarism Meets Violence

Chapter 268 When Barbarism Meets Violence (1)
Gao Yaoxiang's attitude annoyed the members of the Yi clan, he is so reckless, how many stinky money is it?Can you trample on other people's homes at will?
"Don't be too arrogant, we won't move if we say we won't move, we like this place, we don't care about your moving house!"

"Get out, get out of our village, you hear me!"

"Seeing that you are well-dressed and well-dressed, you look like a cultured person. I didn't expect that you are actually a robber. You stinky robber, get out!"


The people in the village were angry, and they drove away the uninvited guests like Gao Yaoxiang without any courtesy.But the villagers are herbalists who have studied herbal medicine, and they are not as strong as the strong men brought by Gao Yaoxiang, so they can only be beaten.

Gao Yaoxiang raised his eyes, there was a ruthless look in his eyes, hum, to a shameless barbarian.

Gao Yaoxiang was scolded, of course he was upset, he sneered, "Don't show mercy to me, the higher-ups are responsible for what happened!"

He said to the people he brought, with his words, those construction team members in orange clothes became more unscrupulous.

"Uncle, uncle, don't tear down this place, okay? Don't tear down my daughter's house, okay?" A little girl who could barely walk pulled Gao Yaoxiang's suit pants, begging him not to destroy this place. His little hand clutched his trousers tightly, and his ten little fingers clenched tightly.

Gao Yaoxiang doesn't have the time to care about children now, he kicked the little girl away.

The little girl was still small, so with a flick of his leg, the little girl flew two or three meters away.

Seeing this, Xue Yunran quickly caught the little girl with quick eyes and hands, and fell to the ground himself, with his elbows on the ground, he felt a bone "crack", probably a small bone was broken.

Xue Yunran checked the child in his arms, it was okay, it was just scratched a little.

Xue Yunran glared at Gao Yaoxiang, "Such a young child, why are you hitting so hard!"

It was only then that Gao Yaoxiang noticed that among these villagers there was a person dressed differently, that was Xue Yunran, Xue Yunran's attire and temperament did not look like the residents here.

"Which onion or garlic are you? It's none of your business? Didn't you see the construction going on here? These people are blocking social progress, they are barbaric and unreasonable, shouldn't I teach them a lesson?" Gao Yaoxiang Conscious that he has done nothing wrong, these people are blocking his way of making money, and he is just cleaning up some people who are behind civilization.

"Brutal? Is it barbaric and vulgar now? You hit people with your hands, bring them here and break them down, what's the difference between this behavior and a robber?" Xue Yunran was angry. He was always humble to others and rarely got angry. , his face was tense, he couldn't figure out that the man in front of him seemed to have studied a lot, and he was an elite in society, but he was full of barbaric truths when he opened his mouth.

"Vulgar? I offered them very favorable conditions, otherwise they will never be able to afford a house in the city after spending a few lifetimes in this ravine!" Gao Yaoxiang snorted mockingly, "You should If you are not from this village, I advise you not to intervene, meddling in your own affairs will make you look flirty, why bother?"

"I'm sorry, I can't do it. If you continue to mess around, I will call the police. Even if there is a lawsuit, I will help them hire the best lawyer, or I can disclose the matter to some newspapers and news agencies for everyone to comment on. , your behavior is not civilized!" Xue Yunran's book is not for nothing, he is not someone Gao Yaoxiang can scare with a few words.

Gao Yaoxiang frowned when he heard this, thinking in his heart, this man knew that he had drunk ink at first glance, and the clothes on his body were all famous brands and looked expensive, maybe he was really capable Can make things big.

This is not acceptable, if things get serious, their project may be postponed, and the boss will think that he is incompetent and dismiss him. I lost my original job again, how uneconomical is that?
"Sir, do we have something to talk about? We are all civilized people. Why do you talk about lawsuits? Once a lawsuit starts, it will cost money and energy. Let's have a good discussion. , What conditions do you have, let's talk about it later?" Gao Yaoxiang's attitude took a 180-degree turn.

"Didn't you hear what these villagers said? They don't want to move away. They like it here. This is what kind of house and how much money you can give them. If you want to build a resort, you can go to another place to build it. Here, no. !" Xue Yunran understood the importance of such an environment for herbalists, and it was impossible for them to move it.

There is no room for negotiation on this matter.

Seeing Xue Yunran's firm attitude, Gao Yaoxiang was also annoyed, he told them kindly, and agreed to give in, but they were lucky, and even slapped him!

"Don't worry about him, keep tearing it down for me. If he dares to stop me, I'll beat him up too!" Gao Yaoxiang thought, since this man didn't intend to get out of the way, he had no choice but to do it all the time and do it thoroughly. .

Naturally, Xue Yunran's gentle fighting could not beat these violent construction team members with tools, and because of what he said just now, he became the target of concentrated attacks.

In Xue Yunran's arms was the child who was kicked away by Gao Yaoxiang just now, he wrapped her in his arms to protect her from those people hurting her, but he was injured with a slap.

"My God..." An old man in the village cried, seeing the precious herbs he had so hard to grow in his yard being trampled by these people, and cried with heartache, "My God, you are killing me these days, Who will save us, who will save our home..."

A handful of old tears fell, and he looked at everything in front of him with heartache.

"You old man, it's so ugly to cry!" One of them, dressed in orange, stepped forward and grabbed the old man's hair, swung the shovel in the other hand, and hit the old man on the back .

The old man's face was ashen, and after waiting for a while, the expected pain did not come.

The old man turned his head and saw an unbelievably beautiful little girl holding the shovel in one hand, with a smile as bright as a summer flower on her face, which was very dazzling.

Feng Qianyun squeezed the handle of the shovel tightly, and directly broke the handle of the shovel!
It was pinched and broken, not broken, and the wood was pinched to pieces!

Where did this strange girl come from?Natural power?

"Go away, it's an eyesore! Don't interfere with my eyesight here!" Feng Qianyun glared at the man holding the shovel with an arrogant attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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