Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 269 When Barbarism Meets Violence

Chapter 269 When Barbarism Meets Violence (2)
The man took a step back subconsciously. He saw her crush the handle of the shovel with his own eyes. This freak, he had better stay away!
Feng Qianyun stepped forward slowly, walked in front of Gao Yaoxiang, looked up at him, "Gentle scum! You have read all the books for so many years into chrysanthemums!"

"You, what did you say?" Gao Yaoxiang was scolded by Feng Qianyun, the boss was unhappy, and wished to crush Feng Qianyun into pieces immediately.

"Who allowed you to ask me a question?" Feng Qianyun ruthlessly guessed Gao Yaoxiang's foot, what's wrong with wearing leather shoes, it still trampled your leather shoes, and trampled the hidden feet!

"Aw—aow..." Gao Yaoxiang cried out in pain, trying to pull his painful foot out from under Feng Qianyun's, how could he pull it out if Feng Qianyun didn't let go, the more he moved, the more painful it became.

Mamma Mia, it hurts so much!I don't know if the bones are broken or not.

Feng Qianyun turned her head and glanced at the villagers and her brother Yunran, with obvious displeasure in her eyes.

"Stop all of them." Feng Qianyun said in a commanding tone, whoever dares to try will be the next Gao Yaoxiang!
Everyone stopped their hands and didn't dare to move, Feng Qianyun yelled to stop the dispute with one word.

Over there, Han Mojue has already helped Xue Yunran up, the girl in his arms is alive and kicking, but his own appearance is a bit ugly, there are many footprints on his clothes, dirt and withered grass on the ground, and his face is bruised. Swollen, a handsome guy from Shengrong Private High School almost disfigured, so many girls would cry to death.

"Brother Yunran, what happened?" Feng Qianyun asked Xue Yunran. She had just come down from the mountain with Han Mojue, and when she saw the disturbance from a distance, Xue Yunran was beaten, so she hurried over .

Gao Yaoxiang complained in his heart, you don't even know what happened, so you hit me?God, will his feet be so useless?Since he was born till now, he has never been in such pain. Where did this strange woman come from?
"They want to build a resort here, and Yi Che and the others don't want to move, so they forcefully demolish it." Xue Yunran briefly explained the outline of the matter to Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun looked around, the scenery of this mountain depression is indeed good, but the road to get in is not easy to walk, if the road is built, it will be a summer resort, and now some people in the city just want this for vacation, it is true development prospects.

But for the people of the Yi family, this is the most suitable environment for them to live in, and it cannot be bought with a lot of money, so they will definitely not agree to move away.

Knowing the general outline of the matter, Feng Qianyun hooked her lips, and there was an evil temperament beyond her age brewing on her pink and tender face.

"What's your name?" Feng Qianyun had already stepped on him before asking his name.

"Gao, Gao Yaoxiang..." Because of the pain, cold sweat broke out on Gao Yaoxiang's face, the pain made him want to curl up in a ball, and he couldn't even stand up, but the back of his foot was stepped on, and it hurt even more when he moved. If he could bear it, he would have scolded Feng Qianyun thousands of times in his heart.

"Mr. Xiang... Hehe, I understand your physical structure." The more Feng Qianyun smiled, the more sinister he seemed. "Which company are you from?" Just find the right master.

But this guy is definitely not a good thing, holding a chicken feather as an arrow, he will bear half of the responsibility for today's matter!

"Dadonghai, Dadonghai Real Estate Company..." Gao Yaoxiang struggled to speak.

Hearing this, Han Mojue burst out laughing, and reminded Feng Qianyun, "Little daughter-in-law, Dadonghai Real Estate Company is owned by Yuchi Group!"

Han Mojue knows Feng Qianyun's assets better than Feng Qianyun herself.

The more Han Mojue thought about it, the happier he laughed, and his stomach hurt from laughing.

Feng Qianyun turned her head and looked at Han Mojue's handsome face with a happy smile. There was an obvious twitch on her face...

She knew what Han Mojue was laughing at, did she really want to hit someone?For a long time, she is still one of the behind-the-scenes bosses of this group of people?I gave it a go, it might as well not be it!

Subsidiaries have their own operating system, their own set of rules and plans, and the group generally doesn't know what they do in private.

Feng Qianyun was just a shareholder, and did not hold a position, nor participated in the internal affairs of the group, so what these people in front of me did had nothing to do with Feng Qianyun.But it still made Feng Qianyun feel uncomfortable, as if there was an extra mouse in her house at some point.

Feng Qianyun is the second largest shareholder of the Yuchi Group, and only she and Han Mojue knew about it. Even the rest of the Yuchi Group didn't know about it!What's more, Gao Yaoxiang, an employee of a subsidiary of Yuchi Group.

"Heh——you just know! The Yuchi Group is not something you can mess with, so let me go!" Gao Yaoxiang suddenly regained his confidence for some reason, and he shouted arrogantly at Feng Qianyun, "If in the future You still want to mess around, kneel down and kowtow to me now, maybe I will consider not telling my leader what you did today!"

Gao Yaoxiang was just talking about it, Feng Qianyun made him like this, how could he let Feng Qianyun go with his vengeful character, he has already made up his mind, after returning, he must do everything as if to play her to death!

Feng Qianyun was in a bad mood because of that bastard Han Mojue's happy smile, how dare he tell her?Let her kowtow to him?dream!

Feng Qianyun let go of the foot that was stepping on Gao Yaoxiang, Gao Yaoxiang thought that Feng Qianyun was afraid, but before he had time to be proud, Feng Qianyun kicked him in the stomach.

Feng Qianyun has reservations when dealing with ordinary people, otherwise, with her current internal strength, it is possible to kick someone like Gao Yaoxiang across the road to Huangquan.

"Did you eat too much waste oil? Your brain is full of fat accumulated from low-quality oil? Kowtow? I'm afraid I'll lose my life if you kowtow to me!" Feng Qianyun turned to Gao Yaoxiang who was lying on his back It was a violent stampede, and it was all regarded as revenge for her brother Yunran and the beaten villagers.

"Don't, don't step on it, it's going to come out, it's killing someone..." Gao Yaoxiang hurriedly begged for mercy, what is the situation?Which planet is this weird girl from?Didn't she hear him say that their company is under the name of Yuchi Group?Doesn't she know the consequences of messing with a big group like the Yuchi Group?

Feng Qianyun stood beside Gao Yaoxiang, knelt down and looked at him, "I'll tell you one last time, people here don't move, and they don't care about your relocation fee and the relocation fee you arranged, do you hear me? If you dare If you even think about forced demolition, I will let you deeply understand what the word 'regret' feels like!"

Feng Qianyun looked down at Gao Yaoxiang, like a king, every word of her was full of courage, which was not something an ordinary little girl could possess.

Her gaze was as terrifying as her words, which made Gao Yaoxiang shudder suddenly, as if if he didn't do what she said, he would end up really miserable.

"I know, I know...forgive me, forgive me..." Gao Yaoxiang hurriedly begged for mercy, the situation was so pressing that he had to bow his head first.Otherwise, he might not even be able to save his life, leaving the green hills alive without worrying about no firewood!

"Get out!" Feng Qianyun said, turning around and scanning the people in orange construction team uniforms.

Seeing Gao Yaoxiang's miserable situation, who would dare to provoke Feng Qianyun at this time, of course they would run away with their tools!
Gao Yaoxiang couldn't run anymore. Not to mention his foot injury, he also had many injuries on his body. He probably had to stay in the hospital for a while. Those members of the construction team lifted Gao Yaoxiang up, two people lifted his upper body, two people lifted his lower body, and shook He carried Gao Yaoxiang away unsteadily.

Some people just forget the pain when the scar is healed. For Gao Yaoxiang, the scar is not healed yet, and the pain is still there, so he forgets how he was injured.

He went to the hospital, and the boss of the company who was his leader came to visit him in the hospital that night. More importantly, he had to ask him about the situation, how he was injured, how the situation is now, and whether the project can still work. Can't go on.

As soon as Gao Yaoxiang saw his boss coming, he hurriedly complained to him, "Boss, those unscrupulous people are really disgusting! I have already offered them very favorable conditions, but they still feel that the money is too little." Oh, and the lion opened his mouth. Every family needs a house of [-] square meters, and the city center is also needed. I said I had to come back and discuss it with the boss, but they did it! I was only one person at the time , They are numerous and powerful, I am not their opponent, the only thing I can do is to be beaten."

Gao Yaoxiang didn't say that Yi Che and the others were unwilling to move, but that they thought they were short of money, and that they talked too loudly, and pushed all the responsibility for his injury on them.

Wang Xiaogang, the person in charge of Dadonghai Real Estate Company, frowned. What he was most worried about and what he least wanted to see happened. He was most afraid of encountering such uncooperative residents, and he hated such greedy people the most.

"Xiao Gao, don't worry, your medical company will reimburse you. As for the resort, I think since the villagers' attitude is so uncooperative, let's go to another place. I don't want to encounter too many problems during the project. Too many unnecessary troubles." Wang Xiaogang didn't say that he must have that place, if not, he would change to another place, although for now, it is the place that suits him best.

"Boss, how can I do this? In this way, where should we put the company's face? If the news spreads, people in other places will follow their example. Wouldn't we encounter obstacles everywhere in our work?" For Gao Yaoxiang Well, this is no longer a matter of money. He has been severely injured now. How could this matter be left alone?Gao Yaoxiang thought, behind him there is a company backing him, and behind the company there is the Yuchi Group!What are you afraid of!That strange woman, he must call the police to arrest her, cut off her family's financial resources, and take back everything she has done to him!

(End of this chapter)

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