Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 270 A Good Opportunity Delivered to Your Door

Chapter 270 A Good Opportunity Delivered to Your Door (1)
Wang Xiaogang frowned when he heard the words, because of Gao Yaoxiang's words, and also because he was a little unwilling to accept that. Since the project is going to be done, it should be the best.

"But I don't want to make things worse. If there is a conflict with the local residents, once it is reported, it doesn't matter who is right or who is wrong. The media protects the vulnerable. At that time, our company will be ugly. According to what you said, those If people are like lions, we can't just agree to them and do something that will make the company lose money." Wang Xiaogang analyzed.

"Boss, since it is clear that it is not possible, we might as well use some power from the underworld. As long as we can solve the matter silently, it doesn't matter what method we use, and if we encounter this kind of problem, some of our colleagues Which one is not doing things behind the scenes, we can't have the benevolence of women." Gao Yaoxiang was already paralyzed on the bed, and he was still thinking about doing bad things, so he tried to come up with some tricks for Wang Xiaogang.

Listening to Gao Yaoxiang's words, Wang Xiaogang felt that there was some truth to it. In a company like theirs, who would dare to pat his chest and say that he was clean?Whoever didn't do any shameful things behind his back, those who make big things don't care about small things!
"Your idea is feasible, so how about it, when I go back to the company to discuss with a few people, I will send someone to do it." After all, it is the interests that occupy the important position, and Wang Xiaogang intends to adopt Gao Yaoxiang's proposal.

"Boss, I was responsible for this matter from the very beginning. Now that I haven't done it well, I feel unwilling!" Gao Yaoxiang became anxious when he heard that Wang Xiaogang wanted to hand over the matter to others. Let's do it, when the time comes, he can't take revenge himself. It's a small matter. After the project starts, he won't be able to get money. It's a big problem!
Wang Xiaogang thought about it and saw that Gao Yaoxiang was already like this, but he still did not forget to do his best for the company, his spirit is commendable.

"That's fine, but what are you going to do with your current state?"

"Boss, don't worry, I'm all minor injuries. For the normal operation of the company, it doesn't matter to me. Please give me this chance to redeem my sins, and let me make up for my mistakes!" Gao Yaoxiang said impassionedly, filled with righteous indignation.

"Well, then I will continue to leave this matter to you." The injured people insisted on going up, and Wang Xiaogang, as the boss, was of course gratified and had no reason to stop it.

Hearing that Wang Xiaogang agreed, Gao Yaoxiang's eyes showed a smug light, that damned strange girl, he will definitely let her die without a place to bury her!Take her as a sacrifice to their project.

Not long after Wang Xiaogang left, Gao Yaoxiang contacted his former classmate—Fei Yongkang.

"Brother Xiang, I heard that you have become prosperous recently, but you still think of me, little brother. My money is tight recently, do you have any money? If you have some money, you can spend it." The other party picked up the phone and thought about borrowing money.

"Do you want to do a business?" Gao Yaoxiang didn't bother to look for Fei Yongkang because he had nothing to do. He wandered around all day long, sneaking and abducting, messing with men and women, and owed a whole lot of debt to the underground bank.If it weren't for his good skills, he would have been chopped into ten or eight pieces. I heard that he is so good that even some big gangs want to find him, but he is too rascal and too lazy. I can't do anything serious, I only know how to eat, drink, whore and gamble!
"Business? Brother Yo Xiang, did I hear you wrong? You still have a business to do for me?" Who doesn't know that Gao Yaoxiang looks down on people, and after he succeeds in his career, he will be a fool, whoever he is? Ever been ridiculed by him?Although Fei Yongkang did not dare to say that he knew Wang Xiaogang well, he did know him somewhat.

"Our company has encountered a little trouble in working on a project with an investment of over [-] million yuan and needs the help of talents like you. If it succeeds, your reward will be indispensable."

"Investing over 1 million? Then how much can we get if we help solve the trouble?" Fei Yongkang knows nothing else, he can fight, hit people, bet and play with women. He is most interested in it. As for the others, he is [-] I can't stand it for a minute.

Hearing Fei Yongkang's excited voice, Gao Yaoxiang despised him in his heart, but he still wanted to flatter him, "You know I'm not the boss, how much I want to give you is up to the boss and not me. But I will try my best to help you fight for it, according to my boss's intention, 50 is absolutely indispensable to you."

Gao Yaoxiang tossed Fei Yongkang a big temptation. There was no reason why Fei Yongkang would refuse such a huge temptation of 50 yuan.

"Brother Xiang, I've seen your three-inch tongue. Since your boss said to give me at least 50, then talk about it, Brother Xiang. The 100 million must be within your grasp, right?" People are greedy. Yes, with 50 Fei Yongkang wants 100 million.

Oh shit!Gao Yaoxiang cursed in his heart, he was so fucking shameless, he should burn incense and worship Buddha if he could promise him 50 yuan, but he still wants 100 million yuan, isn't he afraid of dying?
But right now, I still want him to settle the matter. After the project starts, if hundreds of millions of investment projects are passed by him, it won't be a big deal to get 200 million!
Thinking of this, Gao Yaoxiang still talked to Fei Yongkang politely, "I can't tell you clearly whether I can get 100 million, but since you have said so, I have to do my best no matter what, there is no 100 million. I can always give you the seven or eight million you want."

"Well, I'll come to your place early tomorrow morning, and you send a car to pick me up." Fei Yongkang didn't miss any chance to blackmail Gao Yaoxiang.

This bastard really knows how to push an inch!Gao Yaoxiang thought to himself, no wonder Fei Yongkang can only mess around now, it turns out that he forgot to grow his brain when he was only capable.

"No, you'll come over tonight. I'm not the boss. Where can I find a driver to pick you up? You can come here by yourself. You can take the bus or take a taxi." If Gao Yaoxiang hadn't needed Fei Yongkang, he would have already Just throwing the phone away, how can I talk to him so nicely.

Fei Yongkang thought for a while after hearing the words, "Let me come here by myself, but you have to reimburse me for the fare I took." Fei Yongkang touched his two pockets, he didn't even have money for dinner, and How do I pay for the car?
Gao Yaoxiang was really going to be so mad at Fei Yongkang that he still had to argue with him for so much money! "Okay, okay, come here now, and call some more skilled brothers!" Gao Yaoxiang was afraid that Fei Yongkang would not be able to hold him down by himself, so it would be good if a few more people suppressed the situation.

"Call someone? If you don't ask me, who am I, Fei Yongkang? I'm in the top [-] of the underworld rankings in M ​​City. What kind of trivial matters can't be solved by me alone?" Fei Yongkang didn't ask Gao Yaoxiang for help. He takes things seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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