Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 271 A Good Opportunity Delivered to Your Door

Chapter 271 A Good Opportunity Delivered to Your Door (2)
"Fine, fine, whatever you want, as long as you can settle the matter properly for me." Gao Yaoxiang didn't bother to tangle with Fei Yongkang on this issue, what he wanted was the result, as for how Fei Yongkang accomplished it None of it matters.

The people brought by Gao Yaoxiang made such a fuss, and the Yi family suffered a lot. The biggest loss was the herbs that these people planted in their own yards. Some of them were planted by their parents and grandparents, and now there are no more on the mountain.

Many of these herbs died after being trampled and tortured, which is a pity.

The villagers are busy restoring their destroyed homes, and they haven't had time to thank Feng Qianyun, their great benefactor who has helped them. Now their benefactor has already paid all the money and plans to leave.

"Yunyun, can't you stay for a few more days?" Yi Lan heard that Feng Qianyun was leaving, and wanted to stay with her for a few more days, thinking that Feng Qianyun's staying meant that Han Mojue would stay. It was not easy to see Han Mojue again, and I wanted to spend some more days with him.

"I still have important things to do." Feng Qianyun wanted to rush back to find her mother. Before that, she was delayed for a few days because of her incomplete health and lack of strength. Now she got the golden lotus, which made her Her strength has been greatly improved, and she has no reason to delay any longer.

"But Yunyun, you helped us beat those people away. What if they come back after you leave?" Yi Lan wanted to find an excuse to keep Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue behind, so she thought about Feng Qianyun's relationship with Han Mojue. Since Qian Yun helped them, she should be a good person to the end.

"Sorry, I don't think I have the time now." Feng Qianyun refused. If her mother is really in Xia Wufeng's hands, although her life will not be in danger in a short time, her mother used to treat Xia Wufeng when she was at Ouyang's house. It's not bad, Xia Wufeng always has his own reasons for killing people, and if there is no reason, he will not touch her mother, even so, it is impossible for her to let her mother be in Xia Wufeng's hands for too long.

Feng Qianyun answered decisively. Seeing Feng Qianyun's firm attitude, Yi Lan turned to Han Mojue and Xue Yunran, "Mr. Han, those people will not give up here so easily. If you leave, they will If we find us again, we may really let them ruin it!"

Han Mojue didn't know about Feng Qianyun's mother, and when she saw the situation in front of her, she also persuaded Feng Qianyun, "Little daughter-in-law, no matter what, it's also a matter of the Yuchi Group. As a member of the Yuchi Group Big shareholder, if you can manage it, you can manage it, otherwise, you can directly talk to Grandpa Yuchi about this matter, and let him come forward to settle the matter."

As soon as Han Mojue said this, Yi Lan immediately accepted the message.

"Those people are your employees?" Yi Lan looked at Feng Qianyun angrily.

It's not impossible if you have to.

Feng Qianyun didn't refute, so Yi Lan thought she was guilty, "You caused us to be like this, you have the responsibility to solve the matter!"

Feng Qianyun was inexplicably charged with such a big crime.

Yi Lan was aggressive, holding Feng Qianyun with one hand, not allowing her to leave just like that.

Seeing Yi Lan like this, Yi Che hastily pulled her over, "Xiao Lan! Didn't you hear clearly, Yunyun is only a shareholder of the group, and Dadonghai Real Estate Company is an independent company. It doesn't matter."

Although Yi Che really hoped that Feng Qianyun would stay, after all, that would be a good thing for their village, but if Feng Qianyun had other important things to do, they should not force her to stay, their homeland It should be protected by themselves, and no one has the obligation to protect them from wind and rain.

"It had nothing to do with her when making the decision, so now that she knows about it, she should take care of it!" Yi Lan's eyes were red, and tears kept flowing from her eye sockets, like It is a pearl with a broken thread.

Seeing Yi Lan crying into tears, Yi Che couldn't blame her anymore. Xiao Lan was also anxious for the sake of the village, so she couldn't be blamed for speaking a little too rashly.

Yi Che apologized to Feng Qianyun on Yi Lan's behalf, "I'm sorry Yun Yun, Xiao Lan was too worried and anxious to speak ill at you, so don't take it to heart."

"Sorry, if you still need my help after I'm sure my mother is safe, I will do my best." Feng Qianyun thinks that Yi Che is not bad, and the Yi family is also a rare family that is obsessed with herbs. Just help.

Feng Qianyun talked about her mother, which aroused the curiosity of Xue Yunran and Han Mojue.

"Yunyun, what's wrong with your mother? Is it safe or not? If it's something you didn't see, don't worry. I received a call from your mother before I sent you here, saying that I can't get through to your mobile phone. I came here, and I told your mother that you participated in a special training camp, and you are not allowed to bring mobile communication devices." Han Mojue said.

Han Mojue's number was given to her mother by Feng Qianyun before.

"Did you talk to my mother on the phone while I was in a coma? Where was my mother at that time?" Feng Qianyun wondered.

"Where is it?" Han Mojue thought for a while, "It should be in the pharmacy in City H. The other end of the phone was full of excitement, as if I was in the store, and I heard Old Man Lu's voice before I hung up the phone." , His voice is absolutely unmistakable."

In other words, Xia Wufeng lied to Feng Qianyun, he never took Feng Qianyun's mother away, but according to his ability, it is easy to take away Feng Qianyun's mother, why deliberately lie?

Maybe it's because Xia Wufeng didn't want to hurt her mother, after all, her mother was very kind to him, Feng Qianyun felt that this possibility was relatively high, so she didn't go into it further.

"What's wrong with Yunyun, is there something wrong?" Han Mojue saw some clues, it seemed that Yunyun was really in some serious trouble.

Not wanting Han Mojue to worry about her, Feng Qianyun put on a big smile, "It's okay, I thought my mother was abducted!"

Han Mojue burst into sweat, what is she talking about?
"Hehe, does that mean that your 'urgent matter' is no longer urgent?" Yi Lan was dragged by Yi Che and couldn't go to Feng Qianyun, but it didn't mean that her ears were also blocked. Just now Feng Qianyun and Han Mo She could still hear Jue's conversation clearly and plainly, "In that case, stay and help us solve this trouble. Originally, you have to bear some responsibility for this."

Yi Lan felt that since Feng Qianyun was a shareholder of Yuchi Group, it should be a matter of course to solve this problem for them.

"Is it okay, Yunyun?" Yi Che seemed to be pleading a bit. There was no way he could cut himself into a seriously injured person by chopping a piece of firewood. He really didn't know how to fight with others. If he could, he would definitely Rushing to the front to protect his people, he looked at Feng Qianyun expectantly.

Looking at Yi Che's expectant eyes, Feng Qianyun nodded, since her mother is fine, she can rest assured to stay here for a few more days.

After receiving Feng Qianyun's consent, Yi Che showed joy, "Thank you, Yunyun."

Feng Qianyun smiled and nodded.

At this moment, some villagers rushed in hastily, "It's not good, it's not good, those people from yesterday are here again!"

The man rushed in stumbled, and they knew that Feng Qianyun was still at Yi Che's house, so they rushed to ask for help.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look." Feng Qianyun thought to herself, she hasn't gone to them yet, but they are lucky, they came to the door by themselves, that scumbag in a suit and human skin hasn't learned the lesson from yesterday enough?
Han Mojue was full of fun, "Little daughter-in-law, we have agreed, don't stop me today, you must let me play enough!"

Before Han Mojue had time to play yesterday, he was scared away by Feng Qianyun.

"Let's go, let's take a look together." Feng Qianyun said.

The appearance of Feng Qianyun made the villagers look happy and confident. Now Feng Qianyun has almost become their patron saint in the hearts of the Yi clan.

Gao Yaoxiang was carried out yesterday, and today he was carried in. His feet were covered with plaster, his body was wrapped in bandages, and there were two big dark circles hanging on his eyes, probably from last night. Feng Qianyun did not sleep well all night or was tortured by pain all night.

He was sitting in a wheelchair and asked several members of the construction team to help carry it.

When Gao Yaoxiang saw Feng Qianyun, the so-called enemy was very jealous when they met, but he was not in a hurry, he brought Fei Yongkang here today, and he would surely avenge this well!
"Fei Yongkang, that little girl is the weird girl I told you about last night, you get rid of her first!" Gao Yaoxiang said to Fei Yongkang beside him.

"Just her?" Seeing Feng Qianyun, Fei Yongkang showed a rather disdainful expression, "In order to deal with such a little girl, you let me, who is ranked nineteenth on the gang list in M ​​City, go out in person?"

M city underworld ranking No.19?

Feng Qianyun suddenly became interested. He heard that if he publicly duels with someone on the leaderboard, as long as he wins, he can get the opponent's ranking and push the opponent down.

Although she had dealt with Bailibing and Wanchai before, they were not formal duels in public, so they couldn't be counted. Therefore, Feng Qianyun has not yet been squeezed into the underworld rankings in M ​​City.

Is this a good opportunity for her to enter the leaderboard?
I thought that Feng Qianyun would be terrified when Fei Yongkang said that she was ranked in the underworld rankings, but who would have thought that instead of being terrified or frightened, she... laughed, and smiled with great interest!
(End of this chapter)

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