Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 272 Please Be Our Patriarch

Chapter 272 Please Be Our Patriarch (1)
"Fei Yongkang, pay attention, this little slut grew up without knowing what to eat, and he has great strength!" Gao Yaoxiang, who doesn't understand the situation, only thinks that Feng Qianyun is so strong that he can kick him. His bones were cracked, and a few casual punches broke his bones. In fact, Feng Qianyun's natural strength is not because of Feng Qianyun's internal strength.

"Brother Xiang, you are making too much of a fuss, right? How strong can she be?" If she is born with a little strength and can be shy in front of ordinary people, compared with a master like him, then she is Xiao Wu Seeing the great witch, no matter how strong she is, she can't be compared with their advanced masters!

Fei Yongkang didn't take Feng Qianyun seriously, he never planned to waste time on this matter, and he would be happy to do a few more good things like earning a net profit of 100 million!

In order to get it done once and for all, Fei Yongkang stepped forward and saw a huge rock on the edge of the cliff beside him. He deliberately walked over and punched the rock with his fist.

The villagers thought that Fei Yongkang was out of his mind, so he used his fist to hit the stone, but who would have thought that the stone would shatter after being hit by Fei Yongkang's fist!

What is his fist made of?Steel?Then you can't smash such a big stone with one fist!

As Fei Yongkang expected, the villagers backed away in horror.

Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue knew very well that it was not a matter of strength or hard fists at all. Fei Yongkang was clearly an advanced master, and he used his middle-level profound strength to crush the stone. cracked.

"How? You know you're afraid?" Fei Yongkang proudly saw the deterrent power he created to the villagers, "Whoever dares to stop our righteous construction team from carrying out modernization here, this stone will be his fate." ! Did you hear that?"

Fei Yongkang was full of vigor, staring at the villagers with a ferocious expression, which made the villagers take two steps back in fright. Originally, they believed in Feng Qianyun and believed that she could help them. But now, they began to doubt whether Feng Qianyun could really help them. After all, the opponent is so powerful, how dangerous it is to be an enemy of such a person...

Is it dangerous?
Feng Qianyun didn't speak, because she and Han Mojue stood out because of the retreat of the others.

Seeing that Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue were still standing there, Fei Yongkang walked up to Feng Qianyun with sloppy steps and looked down at her, "Stinky girl, your eyes are fine. If so, get out of here now, as far as you can go, I heard that you are very strong, right, heh, can you be stronger than me?"

"Hey, brother, I don't know if you are strong or not. I only know that you are so arrogant as a mere middle-class Xuan-ranker. It's no different from courting death." Fei Yongkang pulled, Feng Qianyun was stronger than him. To pull!

Feng Qianyun still has an angelic smile on her face, but it's a pity that she is a devil with an angel's appearance.

Fei Yongkang thought that Feng Qianyun's head was broken, "Hey, are you insane? Since you know that I am an intermediate master of the Xuan rank, you should know how dangerous it is to fight against me. What's the matter?" , Do you want to die? Tired of living?"

"No, life is so beautiful, it's a pity to die, brother, are you right, but brother, you seem to be impatient to live!" Feng Qianyun laughed brighter and brighter, and the brighter the more evil.

"Damn it, you're really cool! I'll let you know what a master of the mysterious rank is!" Fei Yongkang was stimulated by Feng Qianyun's attitude that was even more cool than him, so he showed off his pride. The strength of the Xuan-level middle class has come.

Fei Yongkang oppressed Feng Qianyun with internal force. This kind of internal force is unbearable for ordinary people, but for Feng Qianyun and Han's strange that it works...

Fei Yongkang vented his inner strength proudly, but his pride disintegrated little by little after he saw Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue's unshakable figures like Mount Tai.

how come?
There is no reason?Why didn't they respond at all?Can you still laugh so happily?

"Brother Mo Jue, that brother is so powerful, the internal force is so strong, the grass on the ground is shaking with the burst of internal force!" Feng Qianyun tugged at Han Mojue's arm, sweetly following him Said.

"Little daughter-in-law, if you say that, my brother will be jealous. You have never praised me like this. My brother is so sad!" Han Mojue said with a look of sadness and grievance on his beautiful face.

"Huh? Why should I praise Brother Mo Jue?"

"Because that brother knows it, brother Mo Jue will too!"

"Really? I don't even know, otherwise, brother Mo Jue, you should also act."

"No, I'm not from a circus, so I don't perform such boring performances." The implication is that Fei Yongkang is a juggler in a circus.

Fei Yongkang took a deep breath in his heart. Since he was 16 years old, he has been on the road for nearly 20 years. Now that he is on the road, who doesn't respect him when he hears his name?Today, he was despised by two little people in such a place where no shit, and said he was a juggler. How could he swallow this tone?

"Damn it!" Fei Yongkang roared, even if he can't get a dime today, he will destroy them!
Compared to Fei Yongkang's panic, Feng Qianyun's appearance is extremely leisurely, "Brother, look at your face turning red with anger, tsk tsk, didn't you say that you are the nineteenth on the M city gangster rankings? How about this, I challenge you, let's make a written statement, life and death are life and death, and then how about a contest on the road, anyway, you want to kill me now, why don't you tell you that if you kill me like this, you will be in trouble of."

Feng Qianyun still has the title of "Miss of the Black Dragon Gang" on her head. If someone in the Tao really slaps her, the Black Dragon Gang can't just sit idly by.

Feng Qianyun's proposal to Fei Yongkang is what he wished for!

"Okay, you chose this yourself!" Fei Yongkang thought, this is just right, and he can't blame him for anything.

Han Mojue set up the document extremely efficiently and handed it to the two for signature. Fei Yongkang signed his name on it seeing that there was no problem.

Seeing that Fei Yongkang had signed, Feng Qianyun smiled, "Choose a place."

"Just here, don't talk nonsense." Fei Yongkang doesn't care if the other party is an old man or a child, a man or a woman, as long as he doesn't like it, his subordinates will never show mercy.

So, Han Mojue stepped back and left the venue to Feng Qianyun and Fei Yongkang.To be honest, Han Mojue also wanted to know how strong Feng Qianyun had been after coming out of the Lingquan.

(End of this chapter)

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